Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3860 Imprisonment

Upon hearing Lian Si's words, Ruan Xie and Ruan Zhijie immediately understood the meaning.

General Zhao Wu likes beautiful women, so wouldn't he just ask them to send Shi Qingxuan up there.

Although Shi Qingxuan is a stunning beauty, full of attraction, but compared to the important matter of settling down in the imperial capital, a beauty is nothing.

Ruan Xie did not hesitate and nodded immediately: "Lord Lian Si, this is absolutely no problem. We offer Shi Qingxuan as long as General Zhao Wu likes it."

Ruan Zhijie felt distressed immediately. He didn't like Shi Qingxuan, but after spending so much effort, he finally got Shi Qingxuan, and now he wanted to give it to someone else. This was simply killing him.

However, the situation is stronger than the people. If you want to survive in the imperial capital, this is the only way.

But Ruan Zhijie thought that when he entered the Zhao Mansion, he would not send the beauty immediately. When the time came, he would enjoy it first and then send Shi Qingxuan out.

Thinking like this, he felt better and said to Lian Si: "Don't worry, Lord Lian Si. As long as I can win the favor of General Zhao Wu, I will give her to you even if it is my wife."

"Hahaha, the boy has a future."

Lian Si patted Ruan Zhijie on the shoulder and continued: "General Zhao Wu likes first-hand goods. From now on, don't touch Shi Qingxuan."

Ruan Zhijie's mouth twitched, and his last hope was gone. He could only nod his head and said, "Yes, Lord Lian Si."

Lian Si smiled and said: "Don't worry, General Zhao Wu has many daughters. In the future, as long as you please General Zhao Wu, she will marry one of her daughters to you, and you will be prosperous."

"Please take care of me, Sir Lian Si." Ruan Zhijie said with a smile.

Lian Si immediately led everyone into the Zhao Mansion.

After all, he was a cultivator in the Cave Void Realm, and he had an old relationship with Zhao Wu. He also had some respect in the Zhao Mansion. The housekeeper immediately arranged accommodation for him and the people he brought.

Nowadays, the imperial capital is overcrowded, and most people live in only a few square meters per person. Only a few places, such as Zhao Mansion, Guoshi Mansion, and Dengtian Palace, still maintain their original condition.

Of course, this is because there are strong people, so no one dares to provoke them in these mansions.

In other places, even if there were Dongxu Realm cultivators stationed there, they could not handle the large number of people and had to carve out some places for the refugees who entered the imperial capital to live.

However, although they are said to be refugees, in fact, those who can escape to the imperial capital are either the governors of the counties and counties with the Ten Thousand Miles of Divine Sound Array, who are well-informed and know that they cannot defeat the demon clan, and rush to the imperial capital for refuge first; or they are strong men from various places. , broke through and reached the imperial capital.

Therefore, most of those who survive today are strong, and only a small number are lucky.

Strong men gathered in the imperial capital. Although it was guarded by a large formation, the monsters could not break through it and it was very safe.

But when there are too many powerful people, conflicts are inevitable.

Especially after Emperor Yu, Emperor Chen and others died, and Zuo Yinhan did not show up for a long time, the empire lost its deterrence, and the strong men became even more domineering.

The current situation in the imperial capital can be described as complicated.

Of course, as long as there is a strong person in the Immortal Realm sitting in charge, it will still be strong.

Zhao Mansion.

Lian Si found Ruan Zhijie, and behind him was an old woman whose cultivation was at the peak of the Condensation Realm, just as strong as Ruan Xie.

He introduced Ruan Zhijie: "This is Aunt Feng, a close associate of General Zhao. Now you hand over Shi Qingxuan to Aunt Feng, and Aunt Feng will take care of Shi Qingxuan."


Ruan Zhijie did not dare to have any objections and quickly released Shi Qingxuan from Najie.

Although Shi Qingxuan was hit by Ruan Xie, he only fell into a coma and did not suffer any serious injuries.

As soon as she landed on the ground, she woke up, stood up, looked at everyone in the room, and shouted angrily: "Ruan Zhijie, you scum, coward, you are in vain."

"What a shame in shouting and screaming."

Feng Gu's wrinkled face revealed a look of displeasure. She stepped forward and tapped Shi Qingxuan several times. Shi Qingxuan's blood was blocked and he could not move.

She glared at Feng Gu fiercely, rolled her eyes, and said in deep thought: "This is not Simon City, where is this?"

"Imperial Capital." Fenggu said.

"Imperial Capital!"

Shi Qingxuan exclaimed, gritted his teeth and said: "Lian Si, Ruan Zhijie, Ruan Xie, you bastards, you actually made it to the imperial capital alive, you are really blind."

"Shi Qingxuan, I saved you." Ruan Zhijie shouted.

"Huh! I would rather die than live like you." Shi Qingxuan shouted angrily.

Ruan Zhijie narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "If I had known better, I would have let you stay in Simon City and die together with Chen Yang. In that case, you can live in both places."

"Chen Yang……"

Shi Qingxuan frowned, looking thoughtful.

Although she heard Ruan Xie mention Chen Yang and Wang Fulie when she was in Simon City, she thought that Chen Yang was not the Chen Yang she knew.

But now when she heard Ruan Zhijie's words, she realized that she seemed to have misunderstood.

That is Chen Yang.

Shi Qingxuan came back to his senses and said anxiously: "You mean, Chen Yang from Longwu Academy!?"

Ruan Zhijie sneered: "He is an idiot. He wanted to save Simon City by himself, and he has already died in the battle."


Shi Qingxuan exclaimed, his head buzzed, and he was in a trance, as if the sky was falling.

Her last thoughts and thoughts collapsed at this moment.

She felt that she really had no love in life, so it would be better if she died.

However, her body is now imprisoned by Feng Gu and cannot circulate her true energy.

Otherwise, she would choose to blow herself up now.

"Okay, Shi Qingxuan, you are going to be General Zhao's concubine in the future. Pay attention to your words and deeds and don't embarrass General Zhao."

Feng Gu scolded Shi Qingxuan, put him on her back, walked out, and muttered: "Now I will clean you up and tidy up your appearance. In three days, General Zhao will hold a wedding ceremony to bring you Accept her as the concubine of the 239th room. When the time comes, you will get a beautiful one, and don’t embarrass General Zhao.”

Hearing these words, Shi Qingxuan became even more angry and shouted: "Ruan Zhijie, what did you do? Did you sell me to others? You shameless people!"


Feng Gu knocked Shi Qingxuan unconscious with a palm, frowned and said: "I told you not to yell, why didn't you listen? It seems that you are an unruly woman, and you can't let me do that before the wedding. You are free. Otherwise, if you commit suicide, what will I give to the general?"

"Feng Gu, walk slowly."

Lian Si, Ruan Xie, and Ruan Zhijie respectfully sent Feng Gu out before returning to the room.

Lian Si smiled and said to Ruan Xie and Ruan Zhijie: "Okay, here are the gifts. You can stay in Zhao Mansion from now on. With the protection of General Zhao, you can live well in today's complicated imperial capital." .”

Ruan Xie and his son hurriedly said: "Thank you Lord Lian Si. Please take care of me in the future and say a few kind words in front of General Zhao."

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