Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3542 Meeting

"Don't talk nonsense."

Yang Chui glared at Yang Xin'er and looked at Chen Yang who was deep in thought. Seeing that Chen Yang didn't respond, he frowned and didn't hold out much hope.

After all, many doctors have looked at the broken sword on his back, but they have not been able to solve the problem.

Chen Yang is young, if there is a way, it would be a miracle.

"Senior Yang."

At this moment, Chen Yang's consciousness returned to reality and he said to Yang Chui: "I know what's going on with you."


Yang Xin'er said in surprise, seeing hope that her grandfather would be rescued.

Yang Chui had a look of surprise on his face, but he remained calm and looked at Chen Yang, waiting for Chen Yang to continue.

Chen Yang continued: "The sword inserted into your back does not belong to the human race, nor does it belong to the demon race, but to the underworld."

"What, the underworld!?"

Hearing this, Yang Chui and Yang Xin'er were both shocked.

Yang Xin'er looked suspicious: "We've never heard of the Nether Clan. You're not making this up, right?"

Yang Chui muttered: "Yes, Chen Yang, the entire Mingxiao planet has never heard of the existence of the Ming clan. Where did this sword come from?"

Chen Yang said: "I don't know where the sword comes from. But I am sure that this sword belongs to the Nether Clan. It is blessed with the secret soul-melting and burning technique, so after it pierces your back, it cannot be pulled out."

"Soul-melting burning refining technique!"

Yang Chui murmured something, and seeing Chen Yang's serious face, he asked, "What is the secret method of melting the soul and burning the refining technique?"

Chen Yang explained it once, and after listening to it, Yang Chui's eyes showed fear. Even he, the peak of immortality, was affected by this trick. If it were someone else, wouldn't it be even worse?

He asked in a deep voice: "Chen Yang, do you have a way to remove the soul melting and refining technique?"

Chen Yang said: "There is a way, but there is a very big problem."

"What problem?"

Yang Xin'er asked impatiently next to him.

Although she doubted Chen Yang, she still hoped that there was a way to cure her grandfather.

Chen Yang said: "If you want to draw the sword, you must have the blood of the Underworld."

Upon hearing this, Yang Chui was stunned for a moment and said with a wry smile: "Although Mingxiao Star has the word Ming, I have never seen the Ming Clan. If I want the blood of the Ming Clan, where can I find it?"

Chen Yang said: "Since the Nether Clan's 'Soul Fusion and Refining Technique' has appeared, there must be traces of the Nether Clan, but we don't have the slightest clue now. The problem is that if it takes a long time, your soul will be fused, and your soul will gradually Being swallowed up, by then, even if you find the blood of the Underworld, it will be too late."

Yang Xin'er rolled her eyes, glared at Chen Yang, and said angrily: "I think you are lying. There is no Hades clan in Mingxiao planet at all. You are just perfunctory to my grandfather by telling an impossible solution."

"Newbie, don't be rude."

Yang Chui scolded.

Yang Xin'er was frightened by what Chen Yang said. She was worried about Yang Chui's injury. Tears appeared in her eyes and she said to Chen Yang, "You are a liar, right?"


Chen Yang shook his head.

Yang Xin'er looked panicked, stood up, and said: "Then I will go out now, go to the ground, and search the entire Mingxiao planet to find the Ming clan."


Yang Chui grabbed Yang Xin'er and said in a deep voice, "It's been so long and you're still causing trouble!"

Chen Yang said: "Senior Yang, she is also worried about your safety."


Yang Chui sighed, rubbed Yang Xin'er's head, and said, "Xin'er, there are some things that you can't force, so just let nature take its course."

Yang Xin'er pursed her lips and almost cried.

Chen Yang thought about Guo Kailin's black beads, the safe zone and other things, and felt that it was not completely impossible to find the Nether Clan.

He said to Yang Chui: "Senior Yang, you may be able to find clues to the Nether Clan, but I can't be sure."

"Oh, how do you say this?"

Yang Chui's eyes lit up and he asked.

Chen Yang said: "In a few days, I plan to go to the safe zone to rescue Senior Brother Guo Kailin. He should know some secrets, perhaps related to the Nether Clan."

Hearing this, Yang Chui frowned and said: "It's not easy for you to sneak into the safe zone. This matter needs to be considered in the long term. Otherwise, it will not only be in vain, but it will also put yourself in crisis."

Chen Yang said: "This is the only exploration direction I can think of at the moment."

"Let's talk about it then."

Yang Chui stopped the topic. He didn't want Chen Yang to take risks for his own sake.

Next, Chen Yang stayed in Yang Mansion.

It's safe and sound here, so you don't have to worry about being disturbed.

However, Yang Xin'er was worried about the safety of his grandfather Yang Chui, and came to Chen Yang from time to time to ask questions about the soul-melting burning refining technique.

Yang Xin'er was kind-hearted, and Chen Yang didn't feel impatient. He explained everything to her in detail every time.

After going back and forth, the two of them became familiar with each other.

Through Yang Xiner's words, Chen Yang learned more about the situation in the underground city.

Only then did he realize that Yang Chui's identity was actually the commander-in-chief of the underground city coalition forces, which was a high status.

On this day, Chen Yang was practicing in his cave. Yang Xin'er ran over and said, "Uncle Chen, would you like to go out with me and have a look? The high priest of District 99, Lu Yuanding, is here. It seems that he is going to have a meeting to discuss the attack on security." District matters. Not only that, the Xiao family, the Xu family, and other strong men from the underground city will all be present later, so we can take the opportunity to ask them if they know the news about the Nether Clan."

"Xu family!"

Chen Yang's eyes flashed, he thought for a moment, and thought it would be better not to show his face.

After all, he had a feud with the Xu family. If the Xu family misunderstood and thought Yang Chui was instructing him to cause trouble behind his back, wouldn't it cause trouble for Yang Chui and affect the internal harmony of the underground city alliance.

"Let's go, Uncle Chen!"

While Chen Yang was thinking about it, Yang Xin'er couldn't help but stepped forward to hold his arm and walked out.


Chen Yang shouted, but Yang Xiner ignored him at all.

"Okay, okay, I'll go with you."

Chen Yang could only surrender, and Yang Xin'er let him go.

He said to Yang Xiner: "My status is not suitable for participating in this meeting, so when the meeting arrives, we can just wait outside and don't enter the conference hall. Otherwise, others will blame Senior Yang Chui. "

"I know, it's so verbose."

Yang Xin'er curled her lips, walked quickly forward, and waved: "Follow me quickly."

Chen Yang followed Yang Xin'er until he walked out of the cave. Only then did he realize that the original meeting place was not in the Yang Mansion.

After asking, Yang Xiner said: "The meeting will be held at the coalition headquarters, and grandpa has already left in advance."

After a while, the two arrived at the coalition headquarters.

This is a newly opened cave on the edge of the 99th area of ​​the underground city. It is very huge and has endless stone barracks.

On a raised suspended stone platform on the left side, a large camp with a length of 100 meters and a width of 100 meters was built. It was very majestic and domineering. It was the commander's mansion of the underground city coalition and also the conference hall.

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