Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3496 Attack the Zero with the Whole

The power of Glacier Sword Light, with the blessing of Ice Phoenix Mystery, its attack power has reached the middle stage of immortality, making everyone present in the immortal realm feel terrified in their hearts.

What's even more frightening is that Yue Bailing's star energy is still being condensed and released, and the power of the sword light has not yet reached its peak.

No one can imagine how powerful the sword light will be when it reaches its extreme.

Chen Yang is indeed an unparalleled top genius, but Yue Bailing is no less than him, and his realm is three levels higher than him.

What's more, Yue Bailing's master is the most powerful Saint Emperor in Chongwu Star.

At this moment, everyone felt that Chen Yang's defeat by Yue Bailing seemed reasonable and not unexpected.

But just when the energy of the sword light surged, Yue Bailing's eyes flashed with surprise. Her endless star energy was suddenly interrupted, and the sword light became unstable.

Immediately afterwards, her vision returned to clarity, and the glacier sword light stabilized and was released.

"what happened?"

Everyone looked puzzled. Although they didn't know what happened just now, it can be concluded that the interruption of Yue Bai Ling's star power caused her sword light to fail to exert its ultimate combat power.

But even so, the power of this glacier sword light at this moment has definitely reached the level of the middle stage of immortality.

The glacier sword light struck Chen Yang, and the ice phoenix flew above it. Wherever it passed, the extreme cold power made people feel as if their heart was frozen.

"Your spirit is so strong, your divine attack actually affected me."

Yue Bailing stared at Chen Yang with a pair of cold eyes and sneered: "However, if you want to use this method to deal with me, you will be disappointed. Although my magical power is not the ultimate, it is comparable to immortality." The power in the middle stage is enough to kill you in the early stage of Dongxu!"

"She actually also cultivated the divine spirit. The level of the mysticism technique was too low, and it only had a short-term impact on her."

There was a solemn look in Chen Yang's eyes. It had to be said that Yue Bailing's comprehensive strength exceeded his expectations and he was strong in all aspects.

However, he did not panic.

"Swallow the stars!"

Chen Yang swung his sword out, and Xing Neng's power reached its peak.

The ninth-level fire dragon artistic conception, the sixth-level gale-force artistic conception, the five-marked mysterious weapon, the purple dark flame...

At this moment, all his power was unleashed, and he held nothing back except the wrath of the sky.

When the whirlpool sword light formed, the powerful force was not as terrifying as Yue Bailing's "Two Rivers Facing each other", but the attack power was definitely comparable to the early stage of Immortality.

For a moment, everyone was shocked when looking at the whirlpool sword light.

Even more surprised than seeing Yue Bailing's combat power.

Because, everyone discovered that Chen Yang's realm was actually in the middle stage of Dongxu.

"How is it possible? He just advanced to the early stage of Dongxu a few days ago. Why is he now in the middle stage of Dongxu?"

"How did he achieve such a rapid advancement?"

"Actually, it doesn't seem to be a miracle at all compared to the fact that he could not be killed by two advanced levels within a few days, and even the combined attacks of millions of people could not kill him."

"He himself is a miracle!"

Everyone was surprised, but everyone believed that this miraculous man would never be able to create another miracle.

Because Yue Bailing is stronger than him.

Now, he was about to be killed by the "Two Rivers Facing each other" move.


The ice phoenix let out a long roar, as if seeing the fire dragon, it became more excited, its strength increased, and the power of the "Two Rivers Facing each other" sword light became stronger.

On the other side, the fire dragon of the ninth level was ultimately inferior to the ice phoenix of the secret level. The power of the flames was obviously weakened, and its power was suppressed.

Ice and fire are in conflict with each other. At this moment, it seems that they are superior and inferior.

"Chen Yang, you think someone is helping you, so you just... Huh!?"

Yue Bailing said disdainfully, but before she finished speaking, she made a sound of surprise.

Because she saw that behind the sword light facing each other across the two rivers, there was a "swallowing starry sky" sword light.

"How could this be?"

Yue Bailing knew that Chen Yang had a mirror image, but the mirror image should reflect the mirror image immediately, with the entity and the virtual image appearing at the same time.

But why, this mirror image will be delayed for an instant.


At the same time, Chen Yang spurted a mouthful of blood, but he forcibly slowed down the mirror image, causing the body to suffer backlash.

However, everyone outside the battle situation has not yet figured out what is going on.

Immediately afterwards.


"Two rivers facing each other" sword light hit Chen Yang's Devouring Starry Sky. It was like a broken bamboo. It effortlessly crushed the Devouring Starry Sky sword light and bombarded towards Chen Yang.

Whirlpool sword light, fire dragon, purple underworld flame...

Everything exploded and looked so real.

But at this moment, everyone understood that this was a mirror created by Chen Yang using the artistic conception of mirror.

Otherwise, it would not be so fragile.

Before anyone could react.


There was another loud noise, but it was the physical sword light reflected through the mirror image, hitting the tail end of the "Two Rivers Facing each other" sword light.

If it can't be blocked from the front, can it be blocked from the back?

Such questions appeared in everyone's mind.

Facts gave them the answer.

I saw the tail end of the sword light condensed with ice crystals. Under the pull of the whirlpool sword light, not only did it slow down, but the ice crystals and star energy at the end actually shattered and were swept into the whirlpool sword light.

Because it is not a frontal impact, it just pulls the scattered sword light and ice crystals, swallowing the starry sky effortlessly, crushing the ice crystals and star energy into powder.


Explosions continued to sound, and the ends of the sword lights facing each other across the two rivers shattered one after another, and then were destroyed.

Even with the blessing of the Ice Phoenix Mystery, the power of this sword light is weakening rapidly, falling from the level of the middle stage of immortality to the early stage of immortality.

In ordinary battles, they all intercept and dodge from the front. This method of attacking from the rear has never been seen before, and it is secretly surprising.

But what makes everyone feel weird is why the tail of the sword ray between two rivers is broken, but the energy is still condensed and does not explode?

"The secret of the Ice Phoenix not only increases the attack power, but also releases the ice-cold power that condenses and freezes the true light, so it does not explode. This is an advantage, but it also becomes a weakness when attacked by Chen Yang."

"In this way, when the traction force of the whirlpool sword light tears the frost from the tail end, it will pull part of the star energy frozen by the frost into the whirlpool, using the whole to attack zero, using the weak to attack the strong, turning decay into magic."

Lu Tianhe looked at Chen Yang's back and admired.

After hearing this, everyone finally understood what the current fighting was about.

But just when everyone thought Chen Yang was going to block the sword light.

Suddenly, there was a roar, and the vortex sword light exploded. The powerful energy impacted in all directions, and the crowd dodged.

But with only half of the "Two Rivers Facing each other" sword light left, due to the freezing of the Ice Phoenix secret, the energy miraculously did not collapse and continued to attack Chen Yang.

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