Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3344 Coming out of seclusion

Chen Yang thought for a while and said: "Although Zuo Ming and Zuo Yuxing are strong, I feel that they do not give me the courage to be strong in the Three Phase Realm. Moreover, if they are Zuo Yinhan's spiritual clones, they should be able to pass through my There are clues to determine that I have a relationship with you."

"Don't worry, most of the things I teach you are things Zuo Yinhan didn't learn back then. As for the things he learned, I will tell you specifically."

Lao Li thought for a while and said to Chen Yang: "Now, among all the moves you have practiced, he should only know "Broken Void Palm". As long as you don't use "Broken Void Palm", he should not be able to contact me. Of course, you still have to be careful. If he finds out that you are my disciple, you will be dead by then."

Chen Yang looked solemn and said: "This matter is really difficult to handle. Maybe there is someone beside me who is Zuo Yinhan's spiritual clone."

Lao Li said: "You can't distinguish Zuo Yinhan's spiritual clone, but this is a bit troublesome. You can only make your own judgment and be careful everywhere."

"Where's this divine martial arts plan? Destroy it directly?"

Chen Yang looked at the animal skins on the table and said to Lao Li.

Lao Li said: "No, this Divine Soul Martial Invention contains Zuo Yinhan's weak spiritual will. If you destroy it, he will be able to sense it."

Chen Yang rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "In this case, I will throw this animal skin directly into the pit. When Zuo Yinhan finds it, he will be very happy."

"Hahahaha, you are really damaging." Old Li laughed.

Just as he said, Chen Yang immediately threw the animal skin into the pit. Then Chen Yang had no way of knowing where the animal skin would go with the dung bucket.

Returning to the magical power training room, Chen Yang asked Lao Li: "By the way, Lao Li, I now have the Sea Heart Fruit and the Heart of Fireworks. How can I use them to maximize my artistic conception?"

Lao Li said: "The mirror image artistic conception is at the fourth level, and the blast artistic conception is at the fifth level. It seems that they both need to be improved. But I think that since you have the heart of fireworks, you should first upgrade a certain artistic conception to a secret."

"You must know that the power of the mysteries cannot be determined by the artistic conception. If you can possess the mysteries, your strength will be greatly improved."

"That is to say, you should first improve the fire dragon artistic conception."

Chen Yang said: "However, to understand the secret, one must be in the Cave Void Realm. Doesn't that mean that I have to keep the Fireworks Heart until I can use it in the Cave Void Realm?"

Lao Li said: "The secret is already the original power of heaven and earth. Only the Cave Void Realm can comprehend the original power of heaven and earth. You must advance."

"In that case, let's use the Sea Heart Fruit first to upgrade the Fire Dragon's artistic conception to the ninth level."

After making a decision, Chen Yang immediately took out the sea heart fruit.

During this period, he got a lot of good things, but because he was too busy, he didn't even have time to practice, and he didn't even have time to eat the sea heart fruit.

He swallowed the sea heart fruit in one gulp, then released the heart of fireworks and floated it in front of him, and then began to enhance the fire dragon's artistic conception.

Because the heart of fireworks contains the original power of fire, understanding the heart of fireworks and adding the sea heart fruit can help Chen Yang improve the fire dragon's artistic conception faster.


The fire dragon burst out of his body, growing larger and longer, reaching more than two hundred meters, swimming in the air, and reflecting the entire magical power training room in a purple color.

The details, body shape, and power of the fire dragon are also improving at an extremely fast speed.

Before you know it, another month has passed.

Chen Yang's injuries finally recovered.

With the help of Sea Heart Fruit, his Fire Dragon Artistic Concept has also been successfully upgraded to the ninth level.

Coupled with the third form of the "Starfall Sword Technique" that he had previously practiced: Devouring the Starry Sky, Chen Yang weighed it and felt that with his current combat power, he should be able to kill Dongxu in the early stage.

In the middle stage of Cave Void, you can still fight without releasing Sky Arrow.

It's a pity that in the past few months, through practicing magical powers and improving artistic conception, the star power has not increased much, and the power of the sky arrow has not improved much accordingly.

On this day, Chen Yang came out of the magical power training room and decided to find sisters Yin Yuxin and Yin Yurui.

He had previously promised Yin Yurui to help her return to the Yin family's old home and seek revenge against Xu Chan. Now that he is out of confinement, he should naturally fulfill his promise.

After leaving customs, Chen Yang received many letters from Ye Yiqing, Guan Xiyue, Liu Pheasant and others from all over the world.

Seeing that everyone was in good condition and that their strength had improved, Chen Yang was quite happy.

However, he is also very worried about everyone's safety.

But since everyone has chosen this method, he has no intention of interfering and can only rely on themselves.

Of course, if someone hurts his relatives, friends, or brothers, he will make others pay the price even if he tries his best.

After reading the letter, Chen Yang said hello to Qian Susu and went out.

"Senior Brother Chen!"

"Good morning, Senior Brother Chen!"

"Senior Brother Chen!"

Chen Yang walked out. Along the way, no matter the disciples, deacons, elders, or what level he was in, everyone who saw him respectfully called him Senior Brother Chen.

The entire story of the Hidden Dragon Conference and the Flame Ghost outbreak had spread throughout Longwu Academy through the disciples who were watching the battle at the time.

After understanding Chen Yang's great strength, everyone now regards him as the chief senior brother, and everyone respects him from the bottom of their hearts.

The disciples who had made friends with him in the past also received a lot of benefits.

For example, when Zhang Jilin went to Longyuan Palace to receive a mission, the elder deacon definitely gave him the most rewarding yet easiest mission.

After a while, Chen Yang arrived at the residence of the Yin sisters.

Because the two are sisters, they do not live separately, but in the same courtyard.

After knocking on the door, it was Yin Yuxin who came to open the door.

Yin Yuxin looked indifferent, wearing a long black dress, with an elegant and cool temperament, like a black swan with its neck raised.

However, when she saw Chen Yang, her expression immediately softened, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, saying: "Senior Brother Chen, has your injury recovered?"

"It's ready."

Chen Yang nodded and asked, "Is Yurui here?"

Seeing that Chen Yang was looking for his sister as soon as he arrived, Yin Yuxin's eyes flashed with a dark look, and then he opened the door and said, "Yurui is here, please come in."

"Excuse me."

Chen Yang walked into the courtyard and said to Yin Yuxin: "Junior Sister Yuxin, I promised Yurui before to help her kill Xu Chan to avenge her. Now that I have recovered from my injury, I plan to go to the Yin family's former residence with her."

"You want to help us take revenge?!"

Hearing Chen Yang's words, Yin Yuxin looked surprised.

If Chen Yang said this before, she would only think that Chen Yang was talking nonsense.

But after experiencing Feng Linhuoshan, she already knew that Xu Chan in the early stage of Dongxu was nothing more than mediocrity to Chen Yang.

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