Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3177 It’s really him

Yuan Kewen replied: "Fan Yiguang likes peace and quiet, so he set up the embassy on the mountain. There is no road on the mountain, so we can just fly up."

The rules of Yunfan Island are that flying is prohibited after entering the island.

However, this rule is obviously not applicable to Yuan Kewen.

Chen Yang immediately followed Yuan Kewen and flew towards the top of the mountain.

When he reached the top of the mountain, Chen Yang saw that there was a platform a hundred meters long and wide on the top of the mountain, with a white palace on it.

The palace is not exquisitely built, nor is it brilliant, but it is made entirely of white jade, which gives people a very dazzling feeling.

What is even more eye-catching is a huge sphere suspended in the sky above Dingyi, about fifty meters in diameter.

There was a little bit of light blooming on the sphere and it was spinning.

"What does this sphere mean?"

Chen Yang looked at the sphere and asked Yuan Kewen.

Yuan Kewen said: "In the Chaos Star Alliance, there are cultivators who specialize in studying astrology. It is said that this star is the result of their research and represents the movement of the opposite star. There seems to be some pattern in it that will predict something. I will also figure it out. do not understand."

"Astrology, divination, reasoning?"

Chen Yang murmured.

At this time, a young man walked out of the palace, bowed to Yuan Kewen and Chen Yang, and said respectfully: "Two distinguished guests, please come this way."

Yuan Kewen sent a message to Chen Yang: "Except Fan Yiguang, who is from the Luanxing Alliance, everyone else here is hired and does not have the status of a member of the Luanxing Alliance."

Under the leadership of the young man, Chen Yang and the two walked through a main hall and arrived at a courtyard.

In the middle of the yard, there was an old man standing.

The old man looked up at the rotating stars in the sky, concentrating on it, and there was a mixture of thinking and doubt in his eyes.

Hearing the footsteps, the old man came back to his senses, turned his head and looked over, with a smile on his rosy face, and greeted: "Master Yuan, long time no see."

Yuan Kewen didn't dare to be negligent, he cupped his hands politely and said, "Mr. Fan, don't be surprised if I come uninvited."

Fan Yiguan smiled, looked at Chen Yang, and said, "This must be Mr. Chen, right?"

This call from Mr. Chen gave Chen Yang enough face.

"I've met Senior Fan."

Chen Yang cupped his hands and said neither humble nor arrogantly.

Fan Yigang nodded and said, "Come, sit inside."

The three of them immediately entered the hall.

After the guests and hosts were seated, Fan Yiguang looked at Chen Yang and praised: "Mr. Chen is so talented that he actually understands two artistic conceptions. This is the only one in the entire history of Thousand Stars Sea."

"Senior Fan is so complimentary."

Chen Yang said politely, and then said: "However, I heard that thousands of years ago, there were cultivators who understood the dual realm of the Qianxing Sea. Why did the senior say that I am the only one?"

"That person is not from the Thousand Stars Sea. He just passed by the Thousand Stars Sea. He left a legend behind and then left. Naturally, he cannot be counted."

Fan Yiguang shook his head, but he didn't know that Chen Yang was not from Qianxinghai either.

Chen Yang rolled his eyes and already had a guess about the person Fan Yiguang was talking about. He asked: "What is the name of the person who passed by the Sea of ​​Thousand Stars?"

Fan Yiguang said: "I only heard that his surname was Zuo. As for other information, I didn't leave any other information."

Sure enough it was him, Zuo Yinhan.

Chen Yang nodded secretly, but felt strange that since Zuo Yinhan knew the existence of Thousand Stars Sea, why he didn't launch the Tiansheng Empire's army and conquer this place to become the territory of Tiansheng Empire.

Fan Yiguang continued: "Mr. Chen not only comprehended the Dual Realm, but he was also able to defeat the early practitioners of Dongxu at the middle stage of Condensation. This kind of miracle is unique in the entire history of Thousand Stars Sea."

Chen Yang retracted his thoughts and smiled at Fan Yiguang: "Senior Fan, I bet you invited me here today not just to praise me, right?"

Fan Yiguang smiled and said: "I won't mince words. I invite Mr. Chen here today. I want to represent the Luanxing Alliance and invite Mr. Chen to join the Luanxing Alliance."

As soon as this statement came out, both Chen Yang and Yuan Kewen were greatly surprised.

However, Yuan Kewen thought about it briefly and felt that everything was reasonable.

After all, Chen Yang's talent is too high. If he joins the Chaos Star Alliance and trains him well, he will definitely become one of the top experts in the future.

Maybe he can become the backbone of the Chaos Star Alliance in the future.

If such a genius is discovered by Fan Yiguang, he will naturally not let it go.

First bringing Chen Yang into the Luanxing Alliance and then recommending him to the top management was definitely a great achievement for Fan Yiguang.

Yuan Kewen glanced at Chen Yang, wishing that Chen Yang would quickly agree to Fan Yiguang's invitation.

In this case, if Chen Yang joins the Chaotic Star Alliance, or even becomes a senior member of the Chaotic Star Alliance in the future, that will be a real big backer for the Yuan family.

Although the Yuan family and Chen Yang didn't have much of a friendship.

But Yuan Kewen believes that when the time comes, the Yuan family will definitely benefit.

After Chen Yang was surprised, he fell into thinking.

However, he didn't think for long before he gave the answer.

He bowed his hand to Fan Yiguan and said: "Messenger Fan, I'm really sorry, I may have to live up to your good intentions. I don't plan to join the Chaos Star Alliance."


Yuan Kewen exclaimed, wondering if he had heard wrongly.

Faced with the invitation from the Chaos Star Alliance, some people would actually refuse.

You must know that the Chaos Star Alliance is the most powerful force in the entire Thousand Stars Sea. Although it does not directly control Thousand Stars Island, it is the highest level monitor and benefit holder.

Being a member of this organization is what countless people on Qianxing Island dream of.

However, he never expected that Chen Yang refused Fan Yigang's invitation without hesitation.

Yuan Kewen thought to himself that if it were him, he would definitely agree, but unfortunately he is not qualified.

Fan Yiguang was still able to keep his composure and did not utter a exclamation.

However, he was stunned for a few seconds before he came back to his senses.

He was not angry and asked with a smile: "Mr. Chen, why did you refuse? Isn't it possible that the Star Alliance can't catch your eye?"

"of course not."

Chen Yang shook his head and explained: "I am a person who is used to freedom. If I join the Chaotic Star Alliance and ask me to be the envoy on an island, I'm afraid I won't be able to sit still."

Fan Yiguang said: "With Mr. Chen's talent, if I join the Luanxing Alliance, after I sign up, I will definitely go to Luanxing Island instead of stationing on other islands. As for you saying that you are used to freedom, you can rest assured, Luanxing The league doesn’t have many restrictions.”

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Even if there are no restrictions, you can't come and leave whenever you want."

"That's right."

Fan Yiguang nodded, thought for a while, and said: "Otherwise, Mr. Chen and I will go to Luanxing Island. I believe that with your talent, you will definitely attract the attention of the alliance. At that time, you can directly negotiate with us for any conditions you want. Let’s talk to the league’s top brass.”

Hearing this, Yuan Kewen took a breath of cold air.

Although he is in the early stage of Dongxu, he has not even met the top management of Chaos Star Alliance, but Chen Yang can already negotiate terms with others.

He suddenly realized that he seemed to have underestimated Chen Yang's potential.

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