Urban magic doctor

Chapter 315 The war is coming (fifteen updates)

Three days passed quickly. On this day, Dongfang Cheng arrived in Dayi. After receiving Chen Yang, the group headed to Dayi.

The people from Longting have arrived in Dayi in advance and are waiting there.

After getting on the ship, Chen Yang discovered that Dongfang Cheng not only invited himself, but also had other helpers.

In addition to the three dragon kings in Longting, there are six others.

After Dongfang Cheng introduced them, Chen Yang knew the origins of the other six people, and they were all very complicated.

Three of the men wearing gray robes are brothers. They come from the Qingshan sect in Heizhu Province. Their seniority is "Xu". Their names are Wu Xuchao, Zhou Xuzhang, and Liao Xufan. They are collectively known as the Qingshan Three Xus.

After Aoyama Sanhao got on the boat, he sat at the stern. The three of them talked softly. When someone approached them, they smiled slightly. It couldn't be said to be enthusiastic, nor could it be said to be indifferent.

In addition to Qingshan Sanxu, there is another person who also comes from Black Bamboo Province. He is an old man from the Zizhu Sect named Wang Xiao. He is very arrogant and looks like he dislikes everyone. He speaks from time to time without saying anything nice.

The other two people, one of whom came from a martial arts family, was named Fu Tong. They were very friendly to everyone, had a smile on their faces, and made a very good impression on others.

As for the last person, she is a beauty named Qiu Menglei. She is very beautiful, wearing a black sportswear, and full of energy.

She looked shocked by everything she saw, but there was excitement in her eyes.

As for her origin, even Dongfang Cheng is not very clear. He only knows that she is powerful and has a very powerful background.

At Chen Yang's urging, Dongfang Cheng introduced his name but did not explain his background. He did not want others to know his identity.

Otherwise, when the time comes to land on the island to fight, and the enemy knows that God with Black Flag will take action, Chen Yang will definitely be besieged by countless masters.

He is confident in his own strength, but he is not stupid enough to withstand the enemy's most powerful firepower.

"Beauty, where have we met?"

Chen Yang took the initiative to sit next to Qiu Menglei, looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, and used a very old-fashioned opening statement.

Qiu Menglei glanced at him and said coldly: "Your way of striking up a conversation is too old-fashioned."

"No way, I've always used this trick before and it never failed." Chen Yang chuckled and said, "Look, now you can't talk to me."

Qiu Menglei was stunned for a moment, looked at Chen Yang, carefully looked at the man in front of her, and said: "Glib talk, Dongfang Cheng asked you to participate in the operation, are you responsible for the cross talk?"

Chen Yang deliberately looked surprised, then lowered his voice and said, "How do you know? Don't tell others about this. It's confidential."

Hearing this, Qiu Menglei laughed out loud, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and the two shallow dimples on her face were very cute.

She looked at Chen Yang and smiled: "You are quite interesting."

"You can spot this, smart."

Chen Yang gave a thumbs up, then asked shamelessly: "Do you have a boyfriend?"


Qiu Menglei shook her head, with an innocent expression on her face, and whispered: "By the way, this is my first time to go out alone. Do you have any experience? Share it with me."

First time venturing out?

It seems that this beauty must be a young lady from a reclusive family, and she is very strictly controlled by her family.

Chen Yang smiled and said: "From experience, I have a method that will definitely work."

"What?" Qiu Menglei asked curiously.

Chen Yang said: "Just stay with me and I will keep you safe."

"whispering sound."

Qiu Menglei curled her lips, waved her pink fist and said, "Don't underestimate me, your strength may not be stronger than mine."

Chen Yang said seriously: "Okay, then I will follow you and you protect me."

"no problem."

Qiu Menglei agreed immediately, with a proud expression on her face.

Seeing Chen Yang chatting with Qiu Menglei with a relaxed look on his face, without any nervousness about the upcoming battle, the three dragon kings in Longting all had black lines on their heads.

Nan Jun was speechless and said: "Is this really the God of Black Flag? Why don't I feel like it?"

Dongfang Chengdao: "You have seen his strength, what else is there to doubt?"

"In the current war, Ruchi calm down and kill people."

Xi Mo said vaguely, with a look of admiration in his eyes.

With Qiu Menglei accompanying him on the road, Chen Yang was not so bored. The two chatted for a while and unknowingly approached Buman Island.

Looking from a distance, I saw warriors from the Nicai Kingdom stationed along the coast of the island. Each of them had sharp eyes and a strong body. They were by no means ordinary warriors who had just started.

In the temporarily built harbor on the coast of the island, next to two cargo ships, a large loader was continuously moving containers upwards.

Although they couldn't see what was in the container, Chen Yang and others knew that it must be a meteorite mine.

Everyone gathered together, Dongfang Cheng said: "It seems they have mined the meteorite mine."

Fu Tong said calmly: "How do we land? Attack by force?"

Dongfang Chengdao "Our ships will make peace first, then we will land on the island and repel the opponent's first wave of warriors. Then we will go straight to the opponent's base camp to deal with the monks from the Nicai Kingdom."

"Is there a map of the distribution of combat power on the island?"

It was Fu Tong who spoke again. Others Qingshan Sanxu and Zizhu Wangxiao didn't like to speak, but Qiu Menglei didn't understand this.

Chen Yang is a professional, but with Dongfang Cheng, the boss of Longting, he believes that whatever he can think of, the other party will definitely think of it. Dongfang Cheng will definitely share all the effective information with everyone, so Chen Yang doesn't need to say more. ask.

Dongfang Chengdao: "The other party has conducted anti-satellite detection. We have no grasp of the distribution of combat power on the island. In addition, the other party's base camp is in the center of Buman Island, close to the meteorite mine. That is the camp left by Longting."

Fu Tong frowned and said, "What if they are not there? Don't we still have to look for them? This is very passive."

Dongfang Cheng laughed, with a fighting spirit in his eyes, and said: "If things were that simple, I wouldn't ask everyone for help. Everyone, get ready, we are about to face the monks, and this battle may be interesting. "

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