Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3114 Because you are a demon

Hearing Chen Yang's question, Yang Xuewei looked surprised and said to Chen Yang, "Isn't what you saw a dead end?"

Chen Yang shook his head: "No, what I saw was not a dead end, the passage shot was a palace."


Yang Xuewei was startled and said, "What's going on? Why do we see different things?"

"I don't know the reason either. Let's fly there first."

With a solemn look on his face, Chen Yang flew to the entrance of the passage, stopped and looked towards the palace ahead.

This palace is obviously different from the previous two palaces.

The previous two palaces were very simple. Although they were huge, they did not have any grandeur. They looked like ordinary small houses.

And this palace, compared with just now, is simply a royal palace.

However, the style of the demons is different. Everything inside is shrouded in a dark atmosphere. Even the dragons carved on the pillars are all black, with hazy eyes, as if they are monsters.

At the top of the palace is a huge chair.

This chair is a thousand meters wide, completely black, and the back of the chair is engraved with patterns, like a thousand-meter-high mural, it is very majestic.

The entire hall was filled with extraordinary momentum. Standing at the entrance of the passage, Chen Yang felt an invisible pressure.

However, Yang Xuewei and Zhang Jilin could not see anything.

When they saw Chen Yang staring at the stone wall, they were all a little confused.

Yang Xuewei stepped forward and reached out to touch the stone wall. The touch was real and it didn't look like an illusion.

In Chen Yang's field of vision, Yang Xuewei walked over and touched the void in front of her.


Chen Yang murmured, withdrew his gaze and said, "Why can I see it but you can't? Could it be that some of us have fallen into an illusion."

Yang Xuewei said: "Besides this, there seems to be no other explanation."

Chen Yang immediately used his consciousness, but did not find anything strange. He felt that he was not hallucinating, and said to Yang Xuewei: "I should not be hallucinating, and the palace I saw was very real, and I could feel the majestic momentum and invisible pressure. .”

Zhang Jilin said: "How about I give it a try and see if I can walk into the palace you mentioned."

With that said, Zhang Jilin completely let go of his consciousness and walked towards the stone wall.

However, he was finally blocked by the stone wall.


Chen Yang couldn't help but frown and murmured: "Could it be that the palace I saw was an illusion?"

After thinking for a while, Chen Yang said: "I'll try to see if I can walk in. If I'm blocked, I should be hallucinating."

"Be careful." Yang Xuewei reminded.

Chen Yang nodded and walked towards the palace ahead.

It went smoothly, and he stepped into the palace with one foot without any obstacles.

However, in the eyes of Yang Xuewei and Zhang Jilin, Chen Yang was half-body trapped in the stone wall, which was very strange.

"You can go in!"

Chen Yang's eyes lit up and he walked into the palace.

He looked back and saw Yang Xuewei and Zhang Jilin with worried expressions on their faces. Their eyes were unfocused and they obviously couldn't see him.

"Xuewei, Junior Brother Zhang!"

Chen Yang called out twice, but Yang Xuewei didn't respond at all.

"It looks like they can only see the stone wall."

Chen Yang felt more and more strange and decided to return to the passage first.

But unexpectedly, when he wanted to walk over, he was blocked by an invisible barrier.

He reached out and touched it, and energy ripples appeared in the void, rippling away from the vertical direction.


Chen Yang's heart sank, and he stretched out his hand to press forward, but the invisible barrier was very hard and could not be shaken at all.

He saw Yang Xuewei and Zhang Jilin, opposite the invisible barrier, anxiously shouting his name, but he couldn't hear the sound.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Jilin took out his weapon and bombarded him, but it had no effect.

He used all his strength, and his magical power bombarded the invisible barrier until it trembled violently, but it still could not be broken.

Then, Yang Xuewei also took action.

Nine tails appeared behind her, with white fluff fluttering. The nine tails spread out in a fan shape behind her. True energy and demonic energy gathered on them, and each tail released an attack.

Then, the nine tails' attacks merged into one, cyan energy and dark red demonic energy intertwined, heading straight for Chen Yang.

Through the invisible barrier, Chen Yang could not sense the energy fluctuations of Yang Xuewei's attack, but judging from the shape, this attack was obviously very powerful.

Chen Yang was worried that the barrier would be breached and he would be hit, so he quickly moved aside.

However, Yang Xuewei's attack was still blocked by the invisible barrier.

On the other side, Yang Xuewei and Zhang Jilin became even more worried when they saw that the stone wall in front of them could not be moved at all.

If it were an ordinary stone wall, it would never be able to withstand such an attack.

This situation now shows that there is something fishy.

The two of them were extremely anxious, while Chen Yang looked at the invisible barrier in front of him, and in the sea of ​​consciousness, asked Lao Li: "Old Li, what's going on?"

Lao Li emerged from the Taoist Scriptures, with a thoughtful look on his face, and said: "It seems that the scene you see is different because of the formation. As for how this formation is judged, I need to see Only by looking at the array pattern can we be sure. However, my memory loss is severe, so I may not necessarily know the cause."

"The formation determines that I can pass through the barrier and enter the hall. Why can't Xuewei and the others? Is there any difference between me and them?"

Chen Yang said in confusion.

Lao Li said: "There are so many differences between you and them. You have star energy, but they don't have it; you have the chaos-devouring bloodline, but they don't; you have three artistic conceptions, but they only have one..."


Chen Yang interrupted Lao Li's words and said thoughtfully: "The question now is, how can I get out of here. Forget it, I'd better look at the map first."

Chen Yang immediately unfolded the virtual map of the condensed spiritual consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness. After observing it, according to the description on the map, it was indeed a palace and a passage interconnected, and there was no formation.

Why is it that only I can enter the palace when I get here?

"Fortunately, there is a passage on the opposite side that allows us to leave and go around to Xuewei's position. I hope they won't run around before I get there."

After Chen Yang looked at the map, he glanced at Yang Xuewei and Zhang Jilin, then jumped into the air and flew towards the other end of the hall.

There was a passage over there, and he planned to take a detour to find Yang Xuewei and the others.

"Strange, why am I the only one who can enter the palace?"

Chen Yang murmured to himself while flying.

Just as he flew over the thousand-meter-wide imperial chair, a voice suddenly came from the back and side of the thousand-meter-high chair: "Why can you enter the palace? Haha, it's very simple, because you are a demon!"

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