Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3078 Resurrection from the Dead

Gu Tong's attack was so powerful that everyone thought that Chen Yang would die under the light of his sword.

"Oops, Chen Yang is going to lose!"

"Although he is a genius, it is too difficult to fight across three realms. I'm afraid the Holy Emperor back then couldn't do it!"

"What will we do if he dies?"

Seeing the sword light getting closer and closer to Chen Yang, the faces of the Gao family became more and more ugly, and the fire of hope that was finally ignited seemed to be dashed again.

But what was even more strange was that Chen Yangfei was flying in the air, facing the incoming sword light, without any reaction, neither dodging nor resisting.

Could it be that he gave up?

Just when everyone was in shock, they saw Gu Tong's sword light hitting Chen Yang.


Blood burst out and Chen Yang was torn into pieces.

"Just die like that?!"

Everyone was shocked, they didn't expect Chen Yang to die so easily.

Even Gu Tong was stunned for a moment, and then sneered: "Humph! What kind of dual artistic conception, I thought it was so powerful, but it's nothing more than that."

However, Gu Tong then discovered that the cannon was still attacking his people.

"It's strange, Chen Yang is dead, how come his contracted monster is still executing his orders?"

Gu Tong looked puzzled, and without thinking about it, he wanted to attack the cannon.

Suddenly, someone pointed behind him and exclaimed: "Chen...Chen Yang..."

Gu Tong was confused and looked back, only to see Chen Yangfei fifty meters behind him, looking at him with a playful expression.


Gu Tong was shocked. He had just smashed Chen Yang to pieces with his sword and even saw the blood. Why was Chen Yang still alive and intact?

Not only Gu Tong, but everyone present was stunned.

It's not that there is no such thing as resurrection from the dead, but that can only be achieved by cultivators in the realm of immortality, who must seize the body and be reborn.

But Chen Yang was in the early stage of condensation, and his body was already in pieces, but suddenly he became whole again. What was going on? Could it be that he had really seen a ghost?

Others were surprised, but Chen Yang was secretly happy: "With the help of the powerful spirit and mirror image fragments, I understood the four-fold mirror image concept. I thought it was not easy to use, but I didn't expect the effect in actual combat to be so good. "

I have to say that Mirror Imagery is too powerful both in attack and defense.

Because the artistic conception of the mirror image can not only reflect the mirror image, but also reflect the body, achieving the effect of instant movement.

The moment the sword light struck, Chen Yang used the mirror image conception, leaving the mirror image in place while he himself went to another location.

The artistic conception of mirror image is very mysterious. The reflected mirror image is not a virtual shadow, but retains the form and structure of the entity and energy body.

Therefore, the mirror image left just now is not Chen Yang, but it retains the effect of his physical body. After the killing, there is blood flying, and the shape is lifelike. It is difficult to judge whether it is the mirror image or the original body.

It can be said that the mirror artistic conception is somewhat like Lin Rou's spatial distortion artistic conception.

Space distortion is energy traveling through space, while mirroring artistic conception is refraction over a distance.

Moreover, the advantage of the mirror image artistic conception is that it can form a mirror image after refraction, and during the refraction process, the virtual body and the solid body can be freely transformed, which is not possible with space distortion.

However, space distortion can continuously travel through and freely control the direction of appearance, which is more convenient than mirroring artistic conception.

Moreover, Chen Yang's mirror image conception is only at the fourth level. If he meets a spiritually powerful cultivator, he can tell the truth from the false and interrupt the refraction of the mirror image at the moment he uses the mirror image conception, which is very dangerous.

"You...how are you still alive?!"

Gu Tong came back to his senses and said to Chen Yang with a surprised look on his face.

Chen Yang pointed to the ground and said, "Take a look."

Gu Tong looked puzzled and glanced at the ground. Only then did he realize that the broken body of Chen Yang that had just fallen was gone, and there was no blood.

He was shocked: "What's going on? I obviously hit you?!"

"The devil knows what happened."

Chen Yang shrugged, with an expression that I didn’t understand either.

Gu Tong looked thoughtful, his eyes brightened, and he said with a look of sudden enlightenment: "I know, you know how to attack with spiritual consciousness. I must have been hit by your spiritual attack just now and had hallucinations."

"Is there something wrong with you? Could it be that they were also attacked by divine consciousness?" Chen Yang pointed at the others and said jokingly.

Gu Tong frowned, showed a crazy expression, and murmured: "Then what's going on? Why did you die and then live again?"

"Then I'll kill you again!"

Gu Tong suddenly raised his head and swung his sword suddenly. The weapon pattern on the blade was activated, and he slashed towards Chen Yang with his sword.

He released the artistic conception of steel and used the same magical power "Dao Dao Tian" just like before.


Chen Yang was beaten to pieces again, with blood splattering.

This time, everyone was staring at the broken corpses and blood. Everyone wanted to see how Chen Yang reorganized his body.

Only blood and broken corpses were seen, falling towards the ground below under the pull of gravity.

However, when it fell into the air, the blood and broken corpses suddenly disappeared, as if they had never existed.

But this time, everyone could see clearly that at the moment when the sword light was about to hit Chen Yang, another Chen Yang appeared in another direction.

The two Chen Yangs looked exactly the same, both had real energy fluctuations coming out, and even their expressions were carved out of the same mold, just like looking into a mirror.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Chen Yang, who was still alive. Everyone's eyes widened and they felt incredible.



"How did he do that?"

For a moment, the people from the Gao family and Gu Tong were all confused.

Cannon paid no attention to the fighting situation on Chen Yang's side, and like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, he took action one after another, killing four more enemies and relieving the siege of the Gao family.

"Hurry up and fight back!"

Gao Xiang was the calmest and quickly reminded.

Hearing the sound, the people of the Gao family, led by Cannon, launched a fierce counterattack.

The Gao family, which was originally at a disadvantage, now had the same number of people as the opponent, and with cannons leading the attack, the situation suddenly changed, and they became overwhelming the opponent.

However, the people of the Gao family are only skimming the formation. What is really powerful is the cannon.

Gu Tong's companions were all frightened, lost their will to fight, and flew towards the passage in the distance, intending to escape.

"What's going on? Did you really see a ghost?"

Gu Tong froze on the spot, his brows furrowed, and he looked at Chen Yang with a look of fear.

"We can't beat you, retreat quickly!"

Suddenly, Xu Jing, who was at the peak of his concentration, knocked back Gao Xiang with one move and shouted.

Hearing the sound, Gu Tong came to his senses.

He bit his tongue, and the pain made him tremble. His head suddenly became clear, and he regained his fighting spirit.

"Hold on, I will definitely kill him!"

Gu Tong roared, but Ling Ran was not afraid and swung his sword to attack Chen Yang again.

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