Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2901 Lure the Enemy

"In last year's year-end assessment, only Senior Brother Ye participated in the top five disciples this time. Perhaps the only one who can defeat Chen Yang is Senior Brother Ye."

"Senior Brother Ye ranked fifth last year. It is said that he has grown a lot this year. Even if the senior brothers and sisters who ranked in the top four last year are here, he still has the strength to compete for the top three."

"This is weird. If he is so strong, why did the battle with Duan Xiaofei take so long?"

"Don't you see that Senior Brother Ye has reservations? Among the masters in the academy, no one is willing to use their strongest killing move until the critical moment."

"That's true. Even in public, many senior brothers will keep their tricks to the bottom and don't want to show it to others."

"In that case, who is stronger, Senior Brother Ye or Chen Yang?"

"It should be Senior Brother Ye."

"Chen Yang also has reservations and seems to have a slight chance of winning."

Throughout Shuanglong Square, there were endless discussions, all discussing the final battle and who would win.

Even Ye Gui was slightly excited.

The next battle was, for him, the only challenging battle in this year-end assessment.

He very much hoped that Chen Yang could develop a stronger fighting force.

In his opinion, the five-star continuum and the sixth-level fire dragon's artistic conception just now were very strong, but there was still a way for him to resolve them.

But he also understood that Chen Yang still had a trump card.

He really wanted to see who was stronger between himself and Chen Yang.

What everyone didn't know was that Chen Yang was calm and calm at the moment, without any disturbance at all.

This year-end assessment was not challenging at all for him.

Even Ye Gui, when he attacks with all his strength, is by no means his enemy.

The first place is already within his grasp.

"The final battle of the year-end assessment: Chen Yang versus Ye Gui."

Quan Rui announced loudly.

He is also looking forward to the outcome of this battle.

If Chen Yang wins the final victory, then Chen Yang is the person who has won the first place in the year-end assessment by sensing the later stage in the past ten years.

The last disciple to achieve such a result has now gone to Longxing Peak, it is He Guancang.

Quan Rui even felt that Chen Yang was more talented than He Guancang.

After all, He Guancang went through a hard battle in the year-end assessment, but Chen Yang has been very relaxed so far.

Quan Rui has a feeling that Chen Yang still has many trump cards that he has not yet used.

In the next battle, he might be able to do it with ease.

"Junior Brother Chen, please!"

Ye Gui was very friendly and smiled at Chen Yang before flying into the battlefield above.

Chen Yang followed him, entered the battlefield, and said to Ye Gui: "Brother Ye, you were also injured in the battle with Duan Xiaofei just now. Do you need to take a rest?"

Ye Gui smiled and said: "It's just some superficial injuries, it won't affect you. I'll ask Junior Brother Chen to go all out later. I want to see how strong you are."

"All right."

Chen Yang nodded, but he would never go all out.

Because if he goes all out, it only takes one blow to kill Ye Gui.

"Ye Gui vs. Chen Yang, let's begin!"

At this time, the deacon elder in charge of the referee announced that the battle had begun.

As soon as the elder finished speaking, Ye Gui immediately released his own artistic conception, the artistic conception of six layers of boulders.

This kind of artistic conception can enhance attack power and defense power. It is a rare artistic conception, but the increase effect is very high.

Of course, it is not easy to understand and improve this artistic conception.

Ye Gui's choice of this artistic conception also shows his confidence in his own understanding and his tenacity.

After using the giant stone artistic conception, Ye Gui held the twelve-marked heavenly weapon sword. He did not rush to attack, but quickly distanced himself from Chen Yang.

His behavior was very strange, and no one knew what he was going to do.

However, Chen Yang understood at a glance that Ye Gui wanted to distance himself. After using the five-star continuum, he could not block it and he could have more room to dodge.

I have to say, this is also a solution.

But the shortcomings are also obvious. As a result, the range of Ye Gui's attack on Chen Yang will also increase, which will also be detrimental to himself.

Moreover, he was too close to the edge of the battlefield. After Chen Yang approached, it was easy to block him, making it difficult for him to escape from the attack range.

However, Ye Gui is a man with rich combat experience and should not choose this tactic that has so many flaws for him.

Chen Yang believed that Ye Gui's behavior must have other motives.

The most likely possibility is that Ye Gui wants to attract Chen Yang to fight him in that area.

Is there anything in that area that can help Ye Gui win?

"An angry man!"

After Ye Gui distanced himself, he suddenly struck at Chen Yang with his sword.

The attack power of this supernatural power, with the blessing of his six-level boulder conception, was a bit stronger than the attacks of Xu Zhiping and Wu Qian.

When he fought with Duan Xiaofei just now, such strength was not displayed.

Apparently, now he is getting serious.

As soon as this move came out, everyone's eyes lit up.

"As expected of Senior Brother Ye, he is indeed much better than me."

Wu Qian looked happy and praised.

Facing the sword energy, Chen Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at Ye Guigao.

However, he did not panic at all. He swung his sword and directed a five-star continuous sword energy towards the Qi Chongxiao Han sword energy.

With the support of the Sixth Layer Fire Dragon Concept, the attack power of the Five Stars Lianzhu is comparable to that of the Qi Soaring Han Sword Qi. Although it is still a little stronger, it is not much.

The two magical powers met, and with a roar, they both exploded.

However, there were two connected star sword energy left in the Five-Star Lianzhu. Although its power was greatly reduced, it still continued to attack Ye Gui.

Ye Gui waved his sword and cut through the two star sword energy.

He looked at Chen Yang from afar, waiting for Chen Yang to attack, but what made him depressed was that after he and Chen Yang distanced themselves, Chen Yangfei did not move where he was and seemed to have no intention of attacking.

He drew his sword one after another, each attack becoming stronger than the last, but Chen Yang blocked them all.

After four times, Ye Gui had reached his limit and he could no longer increase his attack power.

On the other hand, Chen Yang was still able to do it with ease.

"How deep is his background!"

Ye Gui couldn't help but frown, feeling more and more that Chen Yang was unfathomable.

"This is the only way to defeat him, but if he doesn't come over, I can't do anything to him."

Ye Gui's thoughts changed and he said: "Junior brother Chen, you are stronger than me. If you come close and block me with your attack, I will definitely lose. But you attack from a distance and play with me like this, which is a bit humiliating." "


Chen Yang was startled, thinking that Ye Gui couldn't even provoke him, so his words were really weak.

"Okay, then I'll satisfy you."

Chen Yang smiled and flew towards Ye Gui in a whoosh.

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