Urban magic doctor

Chapter 29 Perfect Score Madman

"545 points."

Finally, Yang Xuewei read out the score and looked up at Nan Junwei with a look of admiration on her face.

"As expected of the monitor, it's so awesome that I got such a high score."

"The highest score among previous seniors was 543. Although the monitor only scored two points higher, these two points are not easy at all. This fully proves the monitor's talent in the computer field."

"Brother Nan, my idol!"

The whole class cheered and burst into warm applause involuntarily to celebrate Nan Junwei.

At this moment, the students all admired Nan Junwei. Although his character was not very good, he did have some talent.

At this time, everyone's focus was on Nan Junwei, but Lin Rou suddenly turned her head to look at Chen Yang, and said in shock: "Isn't he the one who broke the score record?"

Nan Junwei stood up proudly, raised his head, looked at Chen Yang with his nostrils, and said with a smile: "Chen Yang, you lose, get out of this school, disappear from my sight, and disappear from Lin Rou Disappear around you.”

Yang Xuewei didn't know about the bet between Nan Junwei and Chen Yang. When she heard Nan Junwei's words, she was stunned. The admiration she originally looked at Nan Junwei turned into disgust.

Facing Nan Junwei's high score, Chen Yang didn't take it seriously at all. He smiled leisurely and said, "My score hasn't been announced yet, why are you in such a hurry?"

Hearing this, the whole class was in an uproar. They all despised Chen Yang. Teacher Yang said that Nan Junwei broke the record. Could your score be higher than others?

Nan Junwei pointed at Chen Yang and said arrogantly: "Chen Yang, don't be so stubborn. You will be even more embarrassed when Teacher Yang announces your zero score."

"Zero score. I actually got a zero score in one subject, but as for the total score, I'll wait until Teacher Yang comes to reveal it."

Chen Yang's voice was calm and suspiciously calm.

"I'll just let you stay in the classroom for a little longer. Get out of here as soon as the scores are announced." Nan Junwei snorted coldly and sat down.

Lin Rou looked at the unstressed Chen Yang, frowned slightly, and said worriedly: "Chen Yang, what should I do? Your scores are definitely not as high as Nan Junwei's. Do you really want to drop out of school?"

"Don't worry, Rourou." Chen Yang smiled and winked at Lin Rou again.

Yang Xuewei continued to announce the scores, but the whole class didn't care anymore. Everyone was waiting for the score of Chen Yang, whose student number was at the bottom, to see what the score was.

Why is it tens?

He only took about ten minutes for each exam, could he still get higher scores?

"Nie Yichen, 451 points."

When the score was announced, Yang Xuewei showed a smile. She was very satisfied with Nie Yichen's score. After all, this score had nothing to do with Nie Yichen's usual performance.

Because of this score, Yang Xuewei no longer had any little prejudice against Nie Yichen.

"Hey, my little follower's grades are pretty good. He actually scored over 400 points."

Chen Yang was surprised and looked around, wanting to congratulate Nie Yichen, but found that Nie Yichen did not come today.

At this moment, Yang Xuewei had already announced the scores of the classmates in front of Chen Yang, leaving only the last Chen Yang's score to be announced.

While the whole class was waiting, Yang Xuewei suddenly stopped and said, "As I said just now, there are two unexpected things in this exam. The first is that Nan Junwei scored 545 in seven subjects, breaking the record Previous score records.”

Hearing this, Nan Junwei straightened his chest, looked arrogant, glanced at Chen Yang, and said loudly: "Teacher Yang, I know what the second accident is. It must be Chen Yang who also broke the record. You got zero points on the test, right?"


Hearing Nan Junwei's words, the whole class burst into laughter. Someone urged: "Teacher Yang, hurry up and announce Chen Yang's score. I can't wait."

"This kid is late and leaves early. He still wants to score more than the monitor. Just dream."

"A guy who gives up on himself is a loser!"

Looking at the students who spoke harshly to Chen Yang, Yang Xuewei frowned and shouted coldly: "Quiet."

Although Yang Xuewei is beautiful and charming, it does not affect the majesty of her class teacher. Seeing her angry, the class suddenly fell silent.

She continued: "Another surprise is that a classmate only took six exams, but his total score was astonishing."

Hearing this, the whole class was stunned. Does Teacher Yang mean that Chen Yang got high marks in the exam?

But after all, Chen Yang only took six exams. No matter how high his score was, could he be higher than Nan Junwei, who broke the score record?

He would definitely lose this bet.

"Next, I announce the score of the last student."

Yang Xuewei glanced at the score sheet in her hand, raised her head, with a solemn look on her face, and said: "Chen Yang, full score in six subjects, 600 points!"

What, 600 points! ?

After hearing the score of 600, the eyes of the whole class were focused on Chen Yang, and they were completely confused.

Quiet, extremely quiet, you can hear a needle drop.

He only attended class for two days, and the total time it took him to take the six subjects was not as long as the time it took for others to take one subject. However, he got full marks.

Although he failed in one subject, his total score of 600 points was still outstanding among the others, unmatched by anyone.

Too strong, too invincible, this is a perfect madman!

Nan Junwei broke the score record this time, but in front of Chen Yang, it was overshadowed and not worth mentioning.

"It's really embarrassing. I failed to get 700 points, which disappoints everyone." Chen Yang looked at the shocked eyes of the whole class, shook his head and sighed, pretending to be cool without leaving any trace.

Lin Rou felt relieved and stuck out her tongue at Chen Yang: "Chen Yang, you are a liar, you have hidden yourself too deeply."

"I'm not lying to you. It's you who wants to give me tutoring." Chen Yang chuckled and lowered his voice and said, "Why don't I give you tutoring tonight? We'll reward and punish you."

"You...you're annoying." Lin Rou pursed her pink lips, blushed, and turned away to ignore Chen Yang.

Suddenly, Nan Junwei stood up, pointed at Chen Yang, and said with a ferocious expression: "Impossible, how could you get 600 points, you scumbag? You must have cheated, this score is fake."

Seeing Nan Junwei being so rude, Yang Xuewei said with a cold face: "Classmate Nan Junwei, the teachers from the college have checked Chen Yang's test paper. According to his problem-solving ideas, he definitely did not cheat. This 600 score is He got the real deal.”

Hearing this, Nan Junwei didn't even have the last excuse. His face was livid, his eyes were evasive, and he didn't even dare to look at Chen Yang.

He was in heaven just now, and now he suddenly fell into hell.

And the person who sent him to hell was an opponent that he didn't take seriously at all.

"Why, do you dare to bet but not admit it?" Chen Yang smiled lightly and teased.

Nan Junwei's body trembled and his face turned red. It was okay to ask him to hand over the position of squad leader, but it was too difficult to call Chen Yang "Grandpa".

Facing the pitiful looks of the whole class, he didn't have the shame to stay. He kicked the chair away and ran out of the classroom.

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