Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2890 No merit

When Chen Yang was practicing in the cave, the team in the Forgotten Forest where he had taken away the points stones had already exploded.

Because "Quan Rui" promised these strongholds and exchanged the points stones for them, no one has yet delivered them to them.

Now let alone the ten extra Class A Point Stones as an extra reward, everyone would be thankful to be able to get the original fifty Point Stones back.

But seeing that the time for the team assessment was coming to an end, there was still no movement.

Everyone couldn't help but feel nervous, but to say that Quan Rui was lying was wrong. After all, Quan Rui was the host of this team assessment, so there was no need to cause trouble.

As time went by, people from various strongholds who went out to compete for the points stones returned to their respective strongholds one after another.

As for the No. 13 stronghold, Xiang Bo led people back to the stronghold and brought back twenty integration stones.

Such a harvest is already very good for them.

However, after returning to the stronghold, Qiu Renzhi and others had not returned, which made Xiang Bo and others feel strange.

Moreover, they had not met Qiu Renzhi and others in the Forgotten Forest these past few days.

"The time is almost up. If they don't come back in time and put the integration stones back to the stronghold, then the integration stones will not count."

Xiang Bo looked worriedly at the Tyrannosaurus ship appearing in the sky.

At Stronghold No. 29, which is separated by a mountain from Stronghold No. 13, everyone gathered together, presided over by Chu Yu, to count the gains from this team battle.

The stronghold was attacked once and thirteen points stones were taken away.

However, the people led by Chu Yu came back after grabbing 30 points outside, so the total number of point stones for the entire twenty-nine team was one hundred and seventeen.

Such results are not outstanding, they can only be said to be average.

"Where is Chen Yang?"

Chu Yu glanced at the crowd and found no sign of Chen Yang, so he asked the crowd hypocritically.

In his opinion, Chen Yang must have been killed by Qiu Renzhi and would never come back.

Yu Lin stepped forward and said, "Chen Yang left four days ago and has not returned yet."

"What kind of tricks is this kid doing?"

Chu Yu cursed and said, "Don't worry about him. If he doesn't return to the stronghold within the specified time, there is no need to give him the points stone."

Yu Lin nodded and said: "This is natural."

Hearing what the two said, Yi Jifeng and Dong Yi felt strange. With Chen Yang's strength, few other teams in the Forgotten Forest should be able to restrict him.

But why haven't you returned yet?

At this moment, a figure flew down at Stronghold No. 29, it was Chen Yang.

Seeing him appear, everyone had different expressions.

Those disciples who knew that Qiu Renzhi wanted to kill him found it incredible.

"Why did you come back?"

Chu Yu calmed down and said to Chen Yang in a cold voice.

Chen Yang glanced at Chu Yu, sat down on a stone next to him, and said, "You don't need to worry about when I will come back."


Chu Yu's eyes widened and he was about to get angry.

However, Yu Lin stopped him and said, "Senior Brother Chu, things are a bit weird. There is no need to get angry with him. Qiu Renzhi will kill him sooner or later."


Chu Yu snorted coldly, glared at Chen Yang fiercely, and said to the others: "The point stones carried by each person determines the individual points in the team battle. Now let's start allocating the point stones. Let each person get one piece first."

The point stones were distributed, and everyone except Chen Yang got one.

Seeing this, Dong Yi felt dissatisfied and said in a deep voice: "Senior Brother Chu, what do you mean? Why doesn't Chen Yang do it?"

Chu Yu glanced at Chen Yang, smiled disdainfully, and said to Dong Yi: "During the entire team battle, he didn't guard the stronghold, nor did he help us snatch the points stones. He didn't work or contribute, so why should he leave with the points stones?" ?”

This answer left Dong Yi speechless.

As far as the entire team is concerned, on the surface, Chen Yang does have little contribution.

She glanced at Chen Yang and saw that Chen Yang's expression was calm. She was confused and said secretly: "Team battles are very important and will determine the order of subsequent battles. If the individual's total points are high and the ranking is high, they can compete in individual battles." , reducing many battles can save physical energy, which is a great advantage."

"If Senior Brother Chen is ranked lower and has fought dozens or hundreds of individual battles, no matter how strong he is, he will still be consumed a lot, which will be very detrimental to the final battle situation. But he is so calm. Could it be that he deliberately wants to participate in more A personal battle to hone yourself?"

While Dong Yi was thinking secretly, Chu Yu continued: "There are a total of one hundred and seventeen point stones, ninety-nine of which are divided, and eighteen are left. As the captain of my team, I will take away four of them. Yu Lin guards the stronghold and gets three pieces..."

Chu Yu gave the other eleven point stones to people with whom he had a good relationship.

Of course, Yi Jifeng was strong and Dong Yi had a background, so they each got a point stone.

One piece is better than nothing.

However, based on this calculation, Chu Yu, who has the highest personal score in the entire 29th team, only has a few points, and is definitely not in the forefront.

"The team assessment is over and the formation is activated. The points stones that have not been brought back to the stronghold at this time will not be included in the statistics. Now the disciples of each team, please take the points stones and return to the Dragon Martial Ship in the sky. Final results , statistics will be announced after returning to Longqian Peak."

On the Tyrannosaurus ship, a powerful voice rang out, spreading so loudly that it could be heard throughout the Forgotten Forest.

I saw groups of people flying into the air all over the Forgotten Forest, all heading towards the Tyrannosaurus ship.

After all the teams boarded the Tyrant Dragon Boat, Quan Rui gave the order and the Tyrant Dragon Boat quickly flew towards Longwu Academy.

The disciples gathered on the deck without entering the cabin. Each team exchanged their harvests with each other.

Of course, the teams that had competed for point stones before were now extremely jealous of their enemies.

Especially the team that had their point stones taken away felt even more regretful and depressed.

"Hey, whose bodies are these?"

Just then, someone on the deck shouted.

Everyone followed the sound and saw more than twenty corpses placed in a corner in front of the deck.

These corpses are not complete, most of them are missing arms and legs, and their chests and abdomen are broken.

Some don't even have heads and can't tell who they are.

This scene shocked everyone and immediately caused an uproar.

"Whose bodies are these?"

"Could it be that some team encountered a powerful group of monsters?"

"So many people died, what happened?"

Everyone looked solemn, and the people of Team 13 rushed to the front of the deck. Looking at the dozen corpses, their faces turned pale. They finally understood why Qiu Renzhi and others, by the end of the team battle, Haven't returned yet.

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