Urban magic doctor

Chapter 289 Not clear

Under the attention of everyone, Chen Yang and Liu Fei walked out of the bar.

Liu Fei felt extremely happy today. This was the first time he discovered that he could be so majestic.

If word of what happened today spreads, no one will dare to provoke him in the future.

He believed that most people in Zhongdu would be wary of him, and it would be much easier to do whatever he wanted to do in the future.

Thinking of this, Liu Fei's face was filled with an excited smile.

However, although he was excited, he knew that it was Chen Yang who was awesome, not him.

He looked at Chen Yang, who was calm and smoking a cigarette, and suddenly felt that his brother-in-law was so handsome, so mysterious, and so awesome.

Admiration arose spontaneously. He followed Chen Yang's footsteps and shouted: "Brother-in-law, from now on, I will only recognize you. You are my idol and my boss."

"Save it, I haven't been a big brother for many years."

Chen Yang smiled and continued walking towards the parking lot.

Liu Fei hurriedly said: "Brother-in-law, dear brother-in-law, no, I am your brother-in-law. Don't you plan to teach me some skills so that I can be as awesome as you?"

"What, brother-in-law?"

At this moment, a voice of exclamation came from behind.

Chen Yang looked back and saw that it was Qiao Xiurui who had followed him out of the bar and happened to hear Liu Fei calling him brother-in-law.

Qiao Xiurui is Qiao Daihan's younger brother. Of course he was very surprised when he saw that his sister's fiancé was actually called brother-in-law.

Could it be that besides his sister, Chen Yang has other women?

Qiao Xiurui couldn't help but frown, feeling that this matter was a bit tricky.

Of course Chen Yang knew what Qiao Xiurui was thinking. Since he and Qiao Daihan were engaged, Chen Yang didn't want to make Qiao Daihan unhappy. What's more, he was really single and didn't want to suffer such unknown injustice.

It is necessary to explain this matter to Qiao Xiurui.

"Liu Fei, get to the car first."

Chen Yang said hello to Liu Fei and turned around and walked towards Qiao Xiurui.

"Brother Yang."

Qiao Xiurui looked at Chen Yang and laughed dryly, feeling a little embarrassed.

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Xiu Rui, when you heard Liu Fei call me brother-in-law, did you suspect that I was raising a woman outside your sister's back?"

Qiao Xiurui's heart skipped a beat and he quickly said: "How could it be possible? Brother Yang is sitting up straight and would never do such a thing. I think the reason why the friend named Liu Fei just called you brother-in-law is , maybe it’s your nickname.”

Nicknamed brother-in-law? This is really strange.

Chen Yang knew as soon as he heard that Qiao Xiurui was perfunctory, he explained: "Actually, the thing is like this, Liu Fei's sister's family forced her to get married, so her sister asked me to pretend to be her boyfriend, and then Liu Fei called me brother-in-law. "

"Brother Yang, you don't need to explain, I believe you."

Qiao Xiurui said seriously, but his face clearly showed an expression of disbelief.

Chen Yang frowned, knowing this situation, he was afraid that no matter what he said, Qiao Xiurui wouldn't believe it.

He shook his head and said, "Forget it, I'm too lazy to explain it to you. Anyway, don't tell Xiao Hanhan about this. I don't want to explain it to her again."

Qiao Xiurui said: "I understand, Brother Yang, I will definitely keep the matter of you raising a woman outside a secret."

"Bullshit, why do you mean I raise a woman!"

Chen Yang glared.

Qiao Xiurui's mouth twitched and he quickly changed his words: "Don't worry, Brother Yang, nothing happened tonight, and we haven't met before."

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you."

Chen Yang felt depressed.


At this time, Liu Fei drove Zhu Jiashang's Ferrari and stopped next to Chen Yang and said: "Brother-in-law, get in the car."

Hearing the words "brother-in-law", Chen Yang and Qiao Xiurui's eyes jumped and they felt very uncomfortable.

"Remember, don't talk nonsense."

Chen Yang reminded Qiao Xiurui again before getting into the Ferrari and leaving with Liu Fei.

"How can a person like Brother Yang have only one woman? I hope my sister can be at the forefront among the many women in Brother Yang."

Qiao Xiurui looked at the Ferrari's taillights and murmured to himself.

Chen Yang's commotion in Shangfeng Bar not only did not affect the business, but instead ignited the passion of the customers, and the bar became noisy again.

No one noticed that after Chen Yang, Qiao Xiurui and others left, a figure quietly slipped out of the bar.

This person is none other than the bartender Fu Yong.

Soon after Fu Yong was knocked unconscious by Chen Yang, he woke up. He didn't dare to show his head again and hid under the bar, fearing that Chen Yang would catch him and beat him again.

And then when he saw how awesome Chen Yang was, he didn't dare to show his face, so he quietly hid in the storage room and didn't sneak out until now.

He didn't dare to be exposed, so he turned into an alley with piles of debris next to the bar, took out his phone, and called his bartender partner Hong'er, wanting to ask Hong'er to meet tonight.

Of course, he had two purposes. One was to feel aggrieved.

Another purpose is to tell Hong'er to run away quickly.

He knew that after this incident, Shangfeng Bar would definitely not let them go.

After calling for a while, but no one answered, Fu Yong had no choice but to give up and walk towards the depths of the alley, intending to pass through this alley and go home first.

Suddenly, he saw a woman's figure in front of him.

The woman was wearing a black short skirt and a tube top, looking very charming under the dim light in the alley.

Moreover, this woman is very beautiful, as if she has a special kind of allure, with a charm that emanates from her bones.

If I had to describe it, this woman is like a vixen.

Fu Yong's eyes were blurred. He felt as if he was possessed by a demon, and he only wanted to possess this woman.

But he still retained a trace of reason and did not pounce directly.

He walked over, stared at the woman, swallowed his saliva, and said with a shy face: "Beauty, what are you doing here so late?"

"Waiting for you."

The woman stretched out her right hand and hooked Fu Yong's chin.

At this moment, Fu Yong was extremely excited. He felt that he was so lucky to meet such a beautiful woman and throw himself into his arms.

The woman's face became fierce, with a look of disgust in her eyes. She turned around and scratched Fu Yong's belly with her claws, and then kicked Fu Yong to the corner of the wall.


Fu Yong let out a scream and looked down at his broken belly, his eyes filled with horror.

The woman glanced at Fu Yong, her eyes full of indifference, then turned and walked out of the alley.

With the help of the light, Fu Yong woke up and realized that the woman had no left arm.

And he seemed to hear the woman say something: "Chen Yang, if he takes action this time, you will be dead."

She wants to kill Chen Yang? !

A strange color flashed in Fu Yong's eyes, but with the loss of blood, he soon lost consciousness.

At the last moment of his life, he saw a corpse covered in blood not far away, which was his partner Hong'er.

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