Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2786 Weird Statue

"Gu Zhenghao, what are you talking about? Why are you interrupting when someone is comforting a little girl?"

Before Chen Yang could speak, the female companion beside the handsome young man had already scolded him.

The girl who spoke was about 20 years old. She was quite pretty and well-dressed. She looked like a lady at first glance.

"Xin'er, it's my fault."

Gu Zhenghao was pursuing the other party. When he heard the scolding, he was not angry at all and quickly apologized with a smile.

"I remind you again, call me Su Xin, don't call me Xin'er."

Su Xin curled her lips and said with an unhappy look.


Gu Zhenghao laughed dryly and did not answer, obviously not intending to change his words.

Chen Yang ignored the man and woman, patted Ci Xiang on the head and said, "Wait for me here, I will definitely give you news."

"Thank you, big brother."

Cixiang bowed to Chen Yang, his face full of gratitude.

"Let's go, He Kui."

Chen Yang greeted He Kui, and the two of them continued walking to Baiyun Temple.

After looking at the two people's backs, Gu Zhenghao whispered to Su Xin: "Xin'er, that person is simply lying. He deliberately made the little girl wait here to take advantage of the little girl."

"Do you think everyone is as boring as you?"

Su Xin rolled her eyes at Gu Zhenghao and muttered: "But that man just now was really weird. He gave the little girl hope, but he couldn't find the little girl's mother. How will he reply to others later?"

Su Xin walked up to Cixiang and said, "Little girl, it's boring for you to wait here. Why don't we go to Baiyun Temple together and see how that person helped you find your mother."

Cixiang was young and couldn't help missing his mother, so he nodded and agreed.

Su Xin held Ci Xiang's hand, winked at Gu Zhenghao, and the two continued to climb the mountain.

When Chen Yang reached the mountainside, he saw a wide platform with more than a dozen halls built. The words "Baiyun Temple" were written on the archway directly in front.

Above the Baiyun Temple, there are thick and dense white clouds, tens of meters apart, as if they will fall down at any time and collapse the Baiyun Temple.

The Baiyun Temple is prosperous and there are many believers coming and going, but almost all of them are ordinary people with extremely low cultivation levels.

Because for truly powerful people, they will not believe in gods and Buddhas, but will only believe in the power in their own hands.

He Kui stood under the archway, turned around and said to Chen Yang, "Let's go, Taoist Qingfeng is in the Yanghao Hall at the back."

"Yang Haodian, Yang Haoran's righteousness?"

Chen Yang couldn't help but find it funny. Although not everyone in the Black Fire Sect was evil, most of them were heinous. It was impossible for them to maintain their righteousness.

The name Yanghao Palace was quite ironic.

"Hey, wait."

Chen Yang was about to walk forward when a voice sounded behind him.

He looked back and saw the man and woman he had just met on the mountain road chasing after him. The woman among them was holding the little girl Cixiang he had just met.

Chen Yang asked: "What do you want?"

Su Xin smiled and said, "Nothing else, we just want to see how you can help Cixiang find her mother."

"You don't have to worry about this."

Chen Yang glanced at Su Xin and Gu Zhenghao, turned around and walked forward, saying in a deep voice: "It's not safe here. You should go down the mountain immediately. As for Cixiang's mother, I will try my best to find her."

"Hey, you..."

Su Xin chased after two steps, but was pulled by Gu Zhenghao next to her, saying: "Stop chasing, haven't you seen it yet? This guy is a liar. What's more, it's not safe. This Baiyun Temple has been around for hundreds of years. It's always been safe and sound, so how can it be attacked by monsters? This person is alarmist and I don't know what he is doing."

"That brother just now, did he lie to me? Did he not help me find my mother?"

Cixiang looked at Gu Zhenghao and asked with a frown.

Gu Zhenghao said: "That man is a liar, don't listen to him..."

"Gu Zhenghao!"

Su Xin glared at Gu Zhenghao, interrupted him, then smiled and said to Cixiang: "He really went to help you find your mother, but he may not get the news. But I think he should I will try my best.”

"I can't find my mother, what should I do?"

Cixiang said with a sad face.

Su Xin pointed to the main hall in front and said, "Let's pray first. With the blessing of the gods, you will find your mother soon."

Cixiang hesitated and whispered: "I have begged the gods several times, but they didn't seem to hear my voice and didn't help me."

Hearing this, Su Xin looked embarrassed and didn't know how to answer this innocent child.

Gu Zhenghao rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Cixiang, as the saying goes, sincerity leads to spirituality. Let's pray for you together this time. The gods will definitely be able to sense it."

"I hope..."

Ci Xiang muttered something, and the three of them entered the hall together, burning incense and worshiping the gods.

"Hey! This statue is a bit weird."

It was Su Xin's first time to come to Baiyun Temple. She took a look at the ferocious statue with six arms and two heads. Apart from wearing a Taoist robe, it didn't look like a Taoist god.

Hearing Su Xin's words, Gu Zhenghao next to him explained: "This god is called Taoist Cinian. It is said that he was a great monk tens of thousands of years ago. His strength was so powerful that he was respected as a god. As for his image, it is said that he The appearance is terrifying, but the heart is charitable, so the statue of the god is built like this to warn us that people should look at their true hearts rather than their appearance."

This explanation made sense, and since there were many Chongwuxing sects and worshiped different gods, Su Xin didn't take it to heart.

What's more, Baiyun Temple has a large number of believers and is well-known. Although Su Xin has never been here, she knows that nothing weird has happened here.

So, she bought incense and burned it to pray for blessings.

The strange thing is that after she knelt down, she felt that the statue was looking at her, as if there was a kind of magic power, which made her head feel a little dizzy.

Although she was not a great master, she was still in the enlightened state. She immediately activated her consciousness and the dizziness disappeared.

"What's going on? Is it my imagination?"

Su Xin muttered, feeling more and more something was wrong.

At the same time, Chen Yang, led by He Kui, had arrived in front of Yanghao Hall.

Yanghao Hall is not open to the public. The door is closed at the moment. Two Taoist priests in Taoist robes stand guard next to it. They warn believers who want to enter Yanghao Hall that this is a forbidden place.

Seeing He Kui walking over, the two Taoist priests nodded and left immediately.

It seemed that they were very familiar with He Kui.


He Kui turned around and smiled at Chen Yang, knocked on the door of Yanghao Hall, and shouted inside: "Taoist Qingfeng, I am He Kui. I have something important to report to you."

The voice just fell.

With a creak, the two doors of Yanghao Hall opened. It was dark inside, and no light seemed to be able to shine in.

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