Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2728 Sleeping

Seeing that the other party wanted to give up his seat, Chen Yang suddenly understood what the guys behind him were gloating about.

I dare to say that Senior Brother Qiu wanted to woo the girl next to him. Everyone knew this, so although there was a beautiful woman sitting here, everyone gave up their seats.

Now that he is sitting down, everyone knows that he is going to be targeted by Senior Brother Qiu, waiting to see him embarrassed.

"I see."

Chen Yang understood and looked at Senior Brother Qiu next to him, feeling a little unhappy.

If the other person talks nicely, he doesn't mind giving up his position and not disturbing other people's pursuit of beautiful women.

However, I have already sat down first. It would be too arrogant for you to ask me to leave directly.

Chen Yang smiled playfully and said to Senior Brother Qiu: "I'm sorry, I took this seat first. If you want to sit, you can find a seat by yourself."


Qiu Renzhi sneered and said to Chen Yang: "Who doesn't know that this position belongs to me? Otherwise, do you think it will be empty? Now, get out of the way immediately, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

"You said it's yours, does it mean it's yours?"

Chen Yang remained unmoved and said with a smile: "Is your name written on this chair, or does it mean that this chair looks the same as you?"

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

Qiu Renzhi's eyes flashed coldly, and he was about to attack Chen Yang.

The beautiful woman sitting next to Chen Yang quickly said: "Stop!"

Qiu Renzhi lowered his raised fist, looked at the beauty with a handsome smile on his face, and said, "Feiyan, don't worry, I will definitely drive away this person who is harassing you."

Ji Feiyan frowned and said to Qiu Renzhi: "Senior Brother Qiu, how many times have I told you that I just want to concentrate on my practice and study. Please don't disturb me, okay?"

Upon hearing this, Qiu Renzhi's mouth twitched, and he suddenly felt extremely embarrassed.

However, he was not angry at Ji Feiyan. He still maintained his grace and said with a smile: "Feiyan, no matter how you reject me, I will persist. I believe that one day, I will impress you."

This affectionate confession immediately made Ji Feiyan's cheeks flush and he felt very embarrassed.

The other female disciples in the classroom looked at Ji Feiyan with envy, wishing they could become as beautiful as Ji Feiyan and have a handsome guy like Qiu Renzhi like her.

"Wow... ugh..."

At this moment, the sound of vomiting sounded at an inappropriate time.

When everyone took a look, they saw that Chen Yang was retching.

Chen Yang waved his hand to Qiu Renzhi, who looked angry, and said, "I'm sorry, Senior Brother Qiu, what you just said is so disgusting and not sincere at all. It feels like you are fooling people!"

Qiu Renzhi was furious and finally couldn't hold it back anymore and punched Chen Yang.

"Qiu Renzhi, are you here to listen again?"

At this moment, a mature voice sounded from the door of the classroom.

Chen Yang looked around and saw an old man in the Condensation Realm standing there. He must be the speaker of this class, the deacon elder Xue Tai.

Among the many deacons and elders, Xue Tai's strength is not outstanding, but his formation attainments are quite brilliant, and he is ranked among the best in the entire Longwu Academy.

It's a pity that he spent too much time studying formations, causing his realm to be stuck in the middle stage of Condensation, and he has not made any progress in a hundred years.

Of course, Xue Tai doesn't care about realm in this regard. He is obsessed with formations. As long as his formation attainments improve, he will be happy.

When Xue Tai appeared at this moment, Qiu Renzhi naturally did not dare to attack Chen Yang again. He turned around and said to Xue Tai: "Elder Xue, you spoke so well, so I can't help but want to come and listen again."

Xue Tai smiled and said: "When you first entered the academy, I already explained these basic formation knowledge to you. If you still come to listen now, wouldn't it be a waste of time?"

Qiu Renzhi showed a serious face and said: "I remember Elder Xue said that the way of formation is not to figure out a formation pattern, nor to refine a set of formation disks, nor to arrange a formation. It is to make the formation Only by clarifying the principles of the formation and thoroughly studying the origin of the formation can we truly understand the formation and even create our own formation. And all of this is within the basic knowledge of the formation."

"I did say that."

Seeing that Qiu Renzhi remembered what he had said, Xue Tai nodded happily and continued: "However, it is not easy to understand the principles of the formation. Now, we are just learning what people passed down from before. Just follow the same pattern."

Qiu Renzhi said: "Elder Xue, I believe that with your talent and research spirit, one day in the future, you will be able to thoroughly study the formation."

"It is impossible to study thoroughly. As long as there is progress, I will be satisfied."

Xue Tai shook his head and said to Qiu Renzhi: "Okay, you find a seat and sit down. I'm going to start teaching."

Naturally, Qiu Renzhi could no longer compete with Chen Yang for a seat, so he could only sit on the other side of the first row, with two people separated from Ji Feiyan.

"This Senior Brother Qiu is so fake, you must not like him."

Seeing Qiu Renzhi sitting over, Chen Yang whispered to Ji Feiyan.

Ji Feiyan frowned and ignored Chen Yang. She didn't like people like Qiu Renzhi who were too cunning, and he didn't like people like Chen Yang who spoke ill of others behind their backs.

If Chen Yang knew what Ji Feiyan was thinking, he would definitely cry out that he was wronged.

Because he was not saying bad things about Qiu Renzhi, but he just saw Ji Feiyan blushing, and he was afraid that Ji Feiyan would be deceived by Qiu Renzhi.

Next, Xue Tai began to lecture.

What he talked about was all about the basic knowledge of formations.

He explained things in simple terms and expressed his own opinions from time to time. He still spoke very well, and the disciples in the class listened attentively.

Of course, this is not because the disciples like the formation, but because after all the formation courses are completed, there will be relevant assessments.

However, Chen Yang already knew what Xue Tai said.

Moreover, what is recorded in the "Book of Immortals and Demons" is infinitely more advanced than Xue Tai's insights and understanding of basic knowledge.

In other words, at least in terms of the basic principles of formations, Chen Yang is more accomplished than Xue Tai.

There was nothing to gain from this lesson, and Chen Yang was very bored.

Since he had nothing to do, he simply lowered his head and pretended to stop class. In fact, he closed his eyes and secretly practiced the "God Refining Technique".

At first, Xue Tai didn't notice it yet.

But Qiu Renzhi, who had been paying attention to Ji Feiyan, happened to find Chen Yang sleeping in class.

He knew Xue Tai very well. He seemed to be smiling, but he was actually a very strict deacon elder who would never tolerate sleeping in class.

A treacherous look flashed in Qiu Renzhi's eyes, and he made a small gesture to signal to Xue Tai, who was lecturing in front of him. Xue Tai immediately noticed Chen Yang.

Xue Tai's expression changed, he flicked his finger and shot a beam of light towards Chen Yang, shouting: "You dare to sleep in my class."

PS: Thanks to book friend "Cen" for the 1W book coin reward, thank you!

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