Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2677 Friends

General Zhang chased eastward for a long time, searching for Chen Yang's Qi, but found nothing.

It was as if the energy machine had disappeared.

After chasing for dozens of miles, he stopped and murmured: "It seems that he has escaped. I didn't expect this kid to slip away so fast."

"Forget it, just as he said, I will go back and tell His Highness that he is dead. If there is any news about him in the future, I will find a reason to get over it, and His Highness will not do anything to me. Sample."

With this in mind, General Zhang immediately headed for the Central Continent.

He had never thought that the waiter in the inn was Chen Yang pretending to be.

After that, he gave Zuo Xingyue his life. Zuo Xingyue thought that Chen Yang was dead, so he naturally did not pursue the case any further.

General Zhang lived less than two months before he went crazy while practicing the Star Art and died. His whole body exploded and his death was extremely tragic.

Of course, this is all for later.

At this time, Chen Yang entered Gegu City and went directly to the Lu family.

"Brother Yang!"

When Lu Jianping saw him coming, she was overjoyed and immediately happily welcomed him into the house.

Soon, Lu Fei also came.

Lu Fei was also very happy and asked about Chen Yang's current situation.

After saying a few words, Chen Yang went straight to the topic without exchanging pleasantries and said to Lu Fei: "Grandpa Lu, to be honest with you, I am here this time to trouble you with something."

"You saved my life and Jianping's life. As long as you ask, we will do our best to help if we can."

Lu Fei said seriously.

Chen Yang said: "I plan to go to the Central Continent, but I am worried that my relatives and friends will be targeted by my enemies, so I decided to let them settle here temporarily. Is it convenient?"

"Convenient, of course convenient."

Before Lu Fei could speak, Lu Jianping nodded in agreement.

"Chen Yang, this is just a trivial matter."

Lu Fei smiled, but saw that Chen Yang was alone and asked, "Where are the others?"

Chen Yang immediately released the people in Najie. In addition to many people from the royal family, the number of people in Prince Yang's Mansion almost reached one hundred.

So many people shocked both Lu Fei and Lu Jianping.

Chen Yang said: "Grandpa Lu, this..."

Lu Fei immediately calmed down and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter. With such people, the Lu family can still settle down."

Chen Yang thanked him: "Thank you very much."

At this time, Lin Rou, Yu Ziwen, Nangong Yunshang and others had all noticed that Lu Fei looked exactly like Lu Tianhe.

They were all very curious, so they quietly asked Chen Yang, and found out that he was not the founder of Longwu Academy. They all thought it was amazing that there were people who looked so similar in this world.

After everyone was settled, Chen Yang stayed for two days to give everyone a transition.

Lu Jianping has a warm and hospitable temperament and quickly gets along with the girls.

Lu Fei is also very friendly. Although he rarely comes out, he still has the image of a generous old man and is loved by everyone.

After a few days, the situation settled down. Chen Yang left some spiritual stones to the Lu family and he also said goodbye and left.

He was thinking in his mind that since Zuo Xingyue sent people to assassinate him, he must also take action against the monsters in the Yaoling Mountains.

He had escaped a disaster, but he didn't know what the situation of Xue Hen, Bronze Arm and the others was like.

After leaving Gegu City, Chen Yang went straight to the cave where Di Ying was sealed.

As soon as he got down, he saw an extra tomb deep in the cave, with a simple stone tablet engraved with the name "Xuehen".


Chen Yang's heart sank and he gritted his teeth, his heart filled with anger towards Zuo Xingyue.

This person is really insidious and vicious.

He walked towards Di Ying, wanting to comfort Di Ying, but before he could speak, Di Ying in the darkness said in a cold voice: "Go away, I don't want to have anything to do with humans."

Chen Yang knew what Di Ying was thinking, so he did not follow the words, but asked: "Were Bronze Arm, Bingyu and the others also killed?"

"Do you think Zuo Xingyue will let anyone go?"

Di Ying said coldly, the huge ape head poked out from the darkness, the cheeks were slightly thin, and the eyes were full of coldness, even implying murderous intent.

Chen Yang sighed, sat down opposite Di Ying, and said: "I also feel very sorry for this matter, and I am also full of anger towards Zuo Xingyue. However, Zuo Xingyue does not represent all human beings. Di Ying , I regard you as a friend."

"I'm not friends with humans."

Di Ying shook his head with a very firm attitude.

Chen Yang frowned and said: "You know, I am different from others. I don't care what your attitude is towards others. At least between us, I think we should maintain the original friendship."

Di Ying fell into silence. After a while, he softened his tone and said: "Humans are very cunning, much more cunning than the demon clan. They are powerful, smart, insidious, and full of hostility towards the demon clan. The demon clan The tribe cannot coexist peacefully with it at all. I have been wrong all these years."

Chen Yang stood up and said solemnly: "You can't represent all the monsters, but you represent yourself. At least you can make friends with me. I think I should be worthy of your trust."

Di Ying raised his head, stared at Chen Yang for half a minute, shook his head, and retreated into the darkness. The clanking of the iron chains was particularly loud in the silent cave.

"You go away, I hate humans."

Di Ying issued an eviction order, and he did not want to continue talking to Chen Yang.

"I will come back. Next time, I hope I can lift the seal."

Chen Yang did not continue to say anything. He believed that what Di Ying needed now was to think quietly.

He turned around and left, turning back and saying, "By the way, Zuo Xingyue also sent someone to assassinate me. He is our common enemy."

After saying that, Chen Yang left the cave in the air.


A long sigh sounded in the cave, and Di Ying's heart was very complicated at this moment.

After coming out of the cave, Chen Yang was also quite sentimental.

He had to admit that Di Ying was a great monster and a great race peacemaker.

Unfortunately, this world cannot tolerate his views.

After leaving the Yaoling Mountains, Chen Yang was thinking about whether to go to Wuyin City, pick up Yang Shuyi, and place him in the Lu family in Gegu City.

"Forget it, it's not absolutely safe now. Wait until Bai Qi is dealt with before picking up Shuyi."

Chen Yang shook his head and flew towards the east, heading to the Central Continent.

He first took an empty ship to the eastern edge of the Western Continent, and then needed to take a special sea ship to go to the Central Continent.

The distance between the Central Continent is very far, several times further than the distance between the Western Continent and the Northern Continent.

Even if you take a special sea ship, which is extremely fast, it will take three or four days to reach the Central Continent.

Of course, if it is a Nebula ship, it will be faster. It can be reached within a day.

Chen Yang paid a hundred spirit stones, and after boarding the ship, he sat silently in a seat in the back row, waiting for the ship to depart.

A thin man came over, sat next to him, and asked: "Little brother, alone? It's your first time going to the Central Continent?"

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