Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2624 Destroy the Sanchaohe Gang

"What, only the Sanchaohe Gang can enter Dragon's Back College?!"

Everyone in the house was shocked when they received the news from He Jing and Cai Ni.

Jun Luohua frowned and said in a deep voice: "What's going on? Why is it that only the Sanchaohe Gang can be protected by Dragon's Back College?"

In his opinion, a force like the Sanchaohe Gang was not worthy of forming an alliance with Dragon's Back College and could only be said to be accepting asylum.

He Jing said: "We went to the City Lord's Mansion and asked to see Chen Yang, but not long after, someone sent us news and told us that only the Sanchaohe Gang can enter Longji Academy. As for the reason, we don't know."

A bearded cultivator in the induction stage next to him said angrily: "Did you two do this on purpose?"

He Jing shrank her neck in fear and said, "How dare we..."

Seeing that everyone was about to get angry, Jun Luohua stopped talking and said, "Okay, this matter has nothing to do with them, it's just Chen Yang's behavior."

"Then what do we do?"

The cultivator dressed as a monk frowned.

Jun Luohua muttered: "Let's go, leave here first, and then we can discuss the details."

"That's all it can do."

With helpless expressions on their faces, everyone followed Jun Luohua and left Longjiao City.

In their hearts, they were actually a little envious of the Sanchaohe Gang. If someone under their sect had a good relationship with Chen Yang, wouldn't they also be protected by Longji Academy?

It's a pity that such a good thing did not happen to me.

Seeing everyone leaving, Zhang Tao of the Sanchaohe Gang felt very embarrassed, whether he should follow or not.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and said: "Everyone, since we have formed an alliance, of course we will live and die together. I will go with you."

"Hmph, you Sanchaohe Gang, you have the protection of Dragon's Back College, there is no need to form an alliance with us."

"Zhang Tao, stop being so hypocritical."

"It's just the Sanchaohe Gang, our alliance will be the same with or without you."

Unexpectedly, Zhang Tao was moral, but others did not want to see him.

He froze on the spot and couldn't help but sigh secretly: "Why did things end up like this?"

There are still seven people from the Sanchaohe Gang left. These are not the entire Sanchaohe Gang, but people who participated in the alliance meeting.

"You go to Dragon's Back College first, and I'll go back to the Sanchaohe Gang and bring everyone here."

Zhang Tao ordered everyone.

They immediately split into two groups. Cai Ni, He Jing and others went to Longji Academy, while Zhang Tao returned to the Sanchaohe Gang.

The Sanchaohe Gang is actually not too far away from Dragon's Back College, only a few hundred miles away. It is the closest force to Dragon's Back College and can be considered a neighbor.

Zhang Tao returned to the Sanchaohe Gang within half a day.

There is a big river here called Sanchao River. The river is wide and has a large number of fixed floating boards built on it. It is covered with buildings. This is where the Sanchao River Gang is located.

Originally, the Sanchaohe Gang was a wave of pirates here. Later, they corrected their evil ways and established the Sanchaohe Gang. With the help of water resources, they have grown stronger and stronger, and they have achieved today's strength.

Although they are still three points behind the top forces in the Western Continent, they are still pretty good.

At this time, Zhang Tao came back, and the senior leaders of the Sanchaohe Gang came up to him and asked: "Gang leader, how are the discussions on the alliance going?"

"Tell everyone to pack their things and head to Dragon's Back Academy with me."

Zhang Tao gave the order directly without saying a word.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, with puzzled expressions on their faces, and Zhang Tao added: "Give me the order first, and I will discuss the rest of the matter with you in detail later."

Someone immediately gave the order to go down, and after a while, all the members of the Sanchaohe Gang gathered over, about 400 people.

They all had blank expressions, not knowing what was happening.

After Zhang Tao told everyone the whole story, everyone looked shocked.

They did not expect that a divine spirit realm would appear in the Western Continent, and they did not expect that a divine spirit realm cultivator would be killed by Chen Yang, a cultivator in the early stage of sensing.

This was not the time to be surprised. Everyone came to their senses and nodded to go to Dragon Backbone Academy with Zhang Tao.

After all, the Western Fire Sect is now gaining momentum and has broken down the gates of many forces. The Sanchaohe Gang is not strong and has no defensive formation, so it cannot stop the Western Fire Sect at all.

But if you get to Dragon's Back College, you will be safe.

However, just as everyone was leaving, a cold voice suddenly came from the sky: "What a coincidence that I came here. It seems that you are planning to escape for your lives."

Everyone followed the sound and saw a middle-aged man wearing a Confucian shirt flying towards the sky.

He landed on the floating board on the river, and the entire floating board trembled, causing splashing waves.

This Confucian scholar is one of the thirteen induction period cultivators released from the Red Flame Dungeon, the Bone Scholar.

Zhang Tao sensed the powerful aura of the Skeleton Scholar and felt wary. He stepped forward and cupped his hands, saying: "Senior, I wonder what you are doing here in the Sanchaohe Gang?"

"It's nothing expensive, I'm just here to destroy you."

The skeleton scholar smiled, with a playful look in his eyes, and said, "By the way, I'll eat some meat."

Zhang Tao frowned and said with a sneer: "Senior is really good at joking. Could it be that our Sanchaohe Gang has some issues with senior?"

"Can't we destroy you before the festival?"

The Skeleton Scholar asked back, his eyes sweeping back and forth over the members of the Sanchaohe Gang, and said: "Your gang seems not to be developing very well, and it doesn't even have an induction period."

"Skeleton Bones, why bother talking nonsense with them, they are just a bunch of ants, just kill them!"

Another voice sounded, and a charming woman in red descended from the sky and appeared behind the crowd. She and the skeleton scholar were in tandem, blocking everyone.

This woman is none other than Lady Jin.

As soon as she landed, she waved a long whip in her hand and swept towards the crowd. The shadow of the whip extended, killing dozens of people in an instant.

Her realm is in the late stage of induction, and there is no way she can stop those cultivators in the holiday stage.

"Who are you, stop?"

Zhang Tao was shocked and turned pale. He raised his sword to attack Mrs. Jin, but was whipped away by a whip shadow and fell to the ground, losing his fighting power.

"Keep that guy for me. I'll go into the room with him later to play."

Lady Jin pointed at Zhang Tao and said to the Bone Scholar.

"Also play?"

The Skeleton Scholar smiled and said: "This is our first time working for the Western Fire Sect, but we are in trouble. Today, no one of these people can be spared. The Sanchaohe Gang must be wiped out."

"Don't worry, after playing with it, I will drain his essence and blood!"

Lady Jin said with a smile.

While the two were talking, they attacked very quickly and killed hundreds of people.

"Run away!"

The members of the Sanchaohe Gang were frightened and fled in all directions.

But as soon as they moved, a large number of people flew up from the river bank and surrounded them all.

It turns out that the members of the Western Fire Sect have been ambushing here for a long time.

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