Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2547 Eternal Divine Thought Body

"Chen Yang, what are you doing?"

As soon as Wei Zui finished speaking, the silver needle in Chen Yang's hand had already pierced Wei Tiangao's head.

"I'm going to treat the Lord of the City Guard, so please stop yelling."

Chen Yang glanced at Wei Sui, and then said to Wei Tiangao, who was about to speak: "City Lord Wei, don't say anything. Concentrate your true energy in your eyes. There is an airflow there. Try to guide it to your eyeballs."


Wei Tiangao responded and immediately followed the instructions.

After a few seconds, the tiny black dot in the middle of his white eyeballs gradually enlarged, and the black pupils recovered.

"I can see it!"

Wei Tiangao exclaimed, his face full of joy.

"Brother, you are saved."

"Father, that's great."

Wei Zui and Wei Qian were also overjoyed.

They looked at Chen Yang and finally confirmed that Chen Yang was really capable.

You know, Zhu Qianjiao and others spent two days researching and didn't even have a clue.

Chen Yang actually made Wei Tiangao's eyes recover with just one move. This was the difference.


"Too clever."

"How did he know what was going on right away?"

The alchemists who were observing Chen Yang's treatment of Wei Tiangao murmured in low voices. At this moment, their confidence was severely affected.

Zhu Qianjiao stared at Chen Yang, thought for a moment, and thought to herself: "With his alchemy attainments, Ge Lingsong is definitely not qualified to be his master. What is the relationship between this person and Ge Lingsong?"

When everyone was surprised, Chen Yang said to Wei Tiangao: "City Lord Wei, I want to shave all your hair, don't you mind."

"I will do it myself."

Wei Tiangao responded, took out a sword, and shaved off all his hair with a swipe, and cleverly avoided the silver needle inserted in the top of his head.

His hair was flying, his true energy was shaken, and all the hair condensed in front of him.

He flicked his finger at a burst of true energy, and the ball of hair turned into ashes and fell to the ground.

Now, he has become a bald man. Although he doesn't look good, his majestic aura still exists.

"Now gather your true energy and stay in a state of false sleep, and I will give you acupuncture."

Chen Yang gave Wei Tiangao a warning, and Wei Tiangao immediately obeyed.

Then, Chen Yang held hundreds of silver needles between his fingers and inserted them all into the top of Wei Tiangao's head with extremely fast movements.

Two minutes later, one hundred and eight silver needles were inserted into Wei Tiangao's head.

These silver needles are distributed according to special rules. When viewed from top to bottom, when connected, they look like a meandering dragon.

Chen Yang condensed the real energy in his right hand, and quickly moved his fingertips on the silver needle, using the rune floating needle method to float tiny runes on the surface of the silver needle.

One hundred and eight runes was not an easy task for him, and it made him exhausted.

When each silver needle suspended runes, three hours had passed and the sky outside had darkened.


As soon as the Rune Floating Needle technique was used up, Chen Yang gave a soft drink and grabbed his right hand forward. All the true energy on the surface of each silver needle collapsed and was collected into his palm.

He clenched his right hand and his true energy dissipated.

One hundred and eight silver needles trembled on the top of Wei Tiangao's head, making his bald head look like a hedgehog, which was very ugly.

"What kind of acupuncture is this? Why have I never seen it before?"

"And his method of applying acupuncture and temporarily carving runes. How did he do it?"

"His one hundred and eight runes, aren't they all pill patterns? I only recognize one-fifth of them, and I don't recognize the rest."

"What he masters, we don't seem to understand at all."

The alchemists discussed in low voices and looked at Chen Yang with even more reverence.

Zhu Qianjiao's heart skipped a beat and she thought to herself: "What a brilliant alchemy attainment. Not to mention Ge Lingsong being his master, even if he becomes Ge Lingsong's master, it is more than enough."


Suddenly, Wei Tiangao, who had been keeping his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, shouted loudly, spit out a cloud of turbid air from his mouth, and then stood up from the bed.

"I feel like I've fully recovered!"

Wei Tiangao had an excited look on his face, and looked particularly weird with his bald head covered with silver needles.

Seeing this, Wei Qian and Wei Zui were both overjoyed.

Wei Tiangao turned to look at Chen Yang and said seriously: "I didn't expect that you actually saved my life. Thank you very much."

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me yet."

Chen Yang waved his hand and said: "City Lord Wei, I'm just using a needle to lock your spiritual mind, but I haven't fully cured you yet."

"What's the meaning?"

Wei Tiangao frowned and asked in question.

Others also looked curious, especially the alchemists, who had never heard of the idea of ​​locking spiritual thoughts.

Chen Yang said: "Lord of the City Guard, you are actually not injured, so ordinary alchemists cannot solve your problem."

"If you're not injured, what's going on?"

Wei Tiangao said suspiciously.

Chen Yang said: "A few days ago, did you go to a very gloomy place where many people died?"

"indeed so."

Wei Tiangao nodded.

Chen Yang said: "After a person dies, he will have ownerless spiritual thoughts. According to common sense, these ownerless spiritual thoughts will dissipate on their own. However, in the place you went to, too many people died, resulting in a large number of spiritual thoughts. In the end, Then they were combined and became an eternal body. However, this eternal spiritual body has no thinking, so it needs to absorb the spiritual thoughts of living people to awaken its own independent consciousness. "

After hearing this, everyone present felt it was very mysterious, because they had never heard of such a theory.

However, the sea of ​​​​stars is so big that there are too many unknown things.

And what Chen Yang said makes sense.

Wei Tiangao was silent for a moment and said to Chen Yang: "You mean, my spiritual thoughts were absorbed by the eternal spiritual thoughts body, so that made me sick?"

"Indeed, after your spiritual thoughts are absorbed by the Eternal Body, your remaining spiritual thoughts will slowly dissipate, and you will die soon."

Chen Yang explained, and then said: "Now, I just locked your spiritual mind to prevent it from dissipating. However, what you absorbed by the eternal spiritual mind body is your main spiritual mind. If you don't get it back, you In three months, he will die."

Wei Tiangao was confused after hearing this, and asked: "What exactly does divine thought mean, and what is the difference between it and divine consciousness?"

Chen Yang explained: "Spiritual consciousness can be regarded as an energy body, and divine thoughts are your independent thoughts. Equivalently, spiritual consciousness is your brain, and divine thoughts are the information stored in your brain."

"I probably understand."

Wei Tiangao looked thoughtful and said, "What should I do now to get my spiritual mind back? But I can't see the eternal spiritual mind body at all, right?"

Chen Yang said: "It is true. Divine consciousness and spiritual thoughts are nothingness, invisible and intangible. Therefore, it is difficult for you to get your spiritual thoughts back."

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