Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2513 A strong new force

Over the Yujiang River, first the Tianluo Sect joined the battle, and then the Turtle Python Academy rebelled, which greatly increased the combat power of the Western Fire Sect. The situation of the Righteous Path was already very bad. It could be said that they were retreating steadily and had no ability to fight back.

Fortunately, the number of induction-stage cultivators on the Righteous Path's side was about ten more than that of the Western Fire Sect, so they were able to hold down the position.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be completely defeated.

Regardless of their injuries, Sikong Ziqian and Jun Luohua still joined forces to fight Lu Jiuding, but they were struggling to hold on and could not break Lu Jiuding's defense.

On the other side, Yu Qingfeng fought against Long Jiatong and Han Bai, showing strong combat power and severely injuring Han Bai. He swung Long Jiatong away with a sword, allowing other induction phase cultivators to stop Long Jiatong. As soon as his body moved, he went to help Sikong and Ziqian.

However, after taking a look at the situation, he looked very ugly and thought to himself: "Is the situation already over?"


Suddenly, the water of the Yujiang River, which was dyed red, parted, and thirteen figures rose into the sky.

These thirteen figures looked very small among thousands of people.

However, the true energy fluctuations coming from each of them made people look at them because they had all reached the induction stage.

The sudden appearance of thirteen induction period cultivators, no matter which side they belong to, will definitely affect the situation.

If he is a righteous person, he will definitely trigger a counterattack.

If they are from the Western Fire Sect, they will be the last straw to kill the Righteous Path, suppressing the numerical advantage of the strong ones in the induction period of the Righteous Path and completely defeating the Righteous Path.

Seeing this, everyone in Zhengdao was expecting, hoping that these thirteen people were one of their own.

"Ah! Taoist Bian, Taoist Bian who kills people without blinking an eye."

"That's the skeleton scholar who even ate his own son!"

"Ms. Jin, the terrifying female cultivator who deceived thousands of men and sucked their blood!"

"No, these people are the murderers of Chiyan Dungeon, they are the top leaders of Tianluo Sect!"

"It's over, we're dead!"

When they saw the faces of the thirteen people clearly, the screams from the righteous people extinguished their hope for the thirteen people, and made them see an even more terrifying darkness.

Yu Qingfeng, Sikong Ziqian, Jun Luohua and others all looked extremely ugly. In such a situation, it would be difficult for them to escape, let alone win.

At this moment, people from all factions have only one thought in their minds.

It’s over!

On the other hand, the Western Fire Sect is very powerful.

A smile appeared on Lu Jiuding's face, thinking that the overall situation was decided. Even if he didn't need the water-bending Nine Dragons Formation, the other party would be powerless to save the day.

Of course, his previous layout was not redundant.

After all, the emergence of Tianluo Sect was a variable in his entire plan.

Without the Tianluo Sect, he would not be able to defeat the righteous opponent in a head-on battle without the help of formations.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

I saw Taoist Bian holding a ten-marked heavenly weapon, joining forces with Lady Jin and the Bone Scholar to attack Lu Jiuding.


Lu Jiuding was shocked, wondering why his allies suddenly took action against him.

There was no time to think more, so he quickly took action to resist.

However, he responded hastily to the enemy, and coupled with the fierce strength of Daoren Bian, Lady Jin, and the Bone Scholar, he suffered heavy injuries and flew backwards.

When he stabilized his figure in the air, his clothes were in tatters, dripping with blood, and he looked in a miserable state.

So far in the battle, although he has been slightly injured, it is not too serious.

But this time, he was really seriously injured. Even the bones in his chest were broken and penetrated through the broken clothes.

"Taoist Bian, you are crazy!"

Lu Jiuding was furious and roared at Daoren Bian, Lady Jin, and the Skeleton Scholar, his eyes full of resentment.

"Lu Jiuding, we have no choice but to do it."

Taoist Bian replied coldly, said no more, and continued to join forces with Lady Jin to attack Lu Jiuding.

The three of them attacked fiercely, and Lu Jiuding was seriously injured, making it difficult to resist.

Immediately, Lu Jiuding fell into a disadvantage and was beaten continuously. Although he could still resist, his final defeat was inevitable.

He was furious, but more importantly, he was puzzled. He couldn't figure out why Bian Daoren and others turned against each other.

At the same time, Dao Meng and other ten induction-stage cultivators also joined the battle group.

They had received orders from Chen Yang and did not dare not to serve with all their strength. As a new force at this time, and they were cultivators in the induction stage, they were completely a gang of murderers. They were very fierce and caught the cultivators in the induction stage of the West Fire Sect off guard. , killing six in an instant.

For a moment, everyone was stunned. They didn't know why the top leaders of Tianluo Sect would take action against Xihuo Sect?

You know, the members of the Tianluo Sect are still attacking the right way, but the behavior of the top leaders is completely opposite. This is simply unreasonable.

Moreover, they killed several people in an instant and seriously injured Lu Jiuding. Such behavior was not acting.

What's more, in this situation, they don't need to act.

"Quickly, kill!"

"Let's all work together to kill the Western Fire Cult!"


After coming back to their senses, the people from various forces could no longer think so much, and immediately took advantage of the momentum brought by the thirteen induction-stage cultivators to launch a counterattack.

The situation was reversed, Zhengdao launched a desperate counterattack, and the offensive was quite fierce.

Coupled with the dawn brought to them by the thirteen induction periods, they now have to seize this last chance to survive and fight bloody.

Sikong Ziqian, Yu Qingfeng, and Jun Luohua looked at each other, somewhat confused about the situation in front of them.

The evil reputation of Bian Daoren and others is not ordinary.

When it comes to killing people and committing all kinds of evil, even Lu Jiuding, the leader of the Western Fire Sect, is not as good as Bian Daoren and the other thirteen people.

Because of the Western Fire Sect, there are restrictions such as organization, limits, doctrines, etc.

But Bian Daoren, Jin Niangzi and others all acted alone back then, without any scruples, and they took pleasure in doing evil, which was very scary.

But now, these thirteen people are helping Zhengdao.

Are they kindhearted?

Of course, this is never possible.

"Don't worry about it for now, let's capture Lu Jiuding later."

Sikong Ziqian covered the wound on his abdomen and sent a message to Yu Qingfeng and Jun Luohua.

Both of them nodded and moved towards Lu Jiuding.

Now Lu Jiuding is on the verge of death under the siege of Bian Daoren and the other three, and may be defeated at any time.

If Yu Qingfeng and the other three were included, he would definitely be killed.

Seeing this, two practitioners from the West Fire Sect rushed out, stopped Yu Qingfeng and the others, and roared: "Don't even think about hurting the leader of our sect."

As soon as they finished speaking, Dao Meng and four other induction-stage cultivators rushed over and killed them instantly.

Yu Qingfeng and Dao Meng looked at each other.

They felt hostility and unwillingness from the eyes of Dao Meng and others. It seemed that they were not willing to help, but were forced to do so.

"Master Bian, don't let the members of the Tianluo Sect stop, so you go to fight the people of the Western Fire Sect."

At this time, a figure from the water rose into the sky and shouted loudly.

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