Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2461 Spirit Boat

The residences of all the major forces are all in the same manor, but are located in different courtyards.

Chen Yang had just returned when he saw Lu Dengfeng and Lan Zhengyang walking together in the direction of Turtle Python Academy.

When Lu Dengfeng and the two saw Chen Yang, a cold and stern look flashed in their eyes. They wished they could rush forward and kill Chen Yang right now.

"These two guys, shouldn't they join forces?"

Chen Yang thought to himself.

He didn't think much about it, ignored the two people, and returned to the courtyard of Dragon's Back College.

After entering the door, Yan Guinan came up to him and said: "Chen Yang, after the dean asks you to come back, go to the meeting hall immediately. Senior Sister Lin, Senior Sister Zhang, and Senior Brother Wang are all already there. It seems that the Dean should be I want to tell you what happens next in the Spirit Boat Conference."

"okay, I get it."

Chen Yang responded and immediately went to the meeting hall.

There was a guard at the door. When he saw it was Chen Yang, he didn't stop him and let him in directly.

In the meeting hall, Yu Qingfeng and Long Jiatong were seen sitting at the top, and Lin Rou, Zhang Yuxi, and Wang Zehong were sitting at the bottom. The three disciples were listening carefully to Yu Qingfeng's speech.

"Chen Yang, sit down quickly."

Seeing Chen Yang come in, Yu Qingfeng greeted him.

After Chen Yang saluted, he sat down at the lowest position. Wang Zehong was shocked and said hurriedly: "Senior Brother Chen, you are the senior brother, you should sit in the front."

Lin Rou, Zhang Yuxi and Chen Yang had a close relationship, and they didn't think it was inappropriate at first. But now that they heard what Wang Zehong said, they had no choice but to give up their seats in front.


Chen Yang muttered something, and didn't want to get into trouble, so he went directly to the front and sat down.

After a brief interlude, Yu Qingfeng said: "You have memorized what I just told you. Now that Chen Yang is back, I will tell you about the next content of the Spirit Boat Conference."

"Logically speaking, the content of each Spirit Boat Competition is different. Except for the county governor, no one knows how the competition will be performed before it starts."

"But this time, I don't know who leaked the news. The exact news I got now is that in the second round, the spirit boat will be opened, and you will compete in the spirit boat."

"Spirit boat?"

Chen Yang and the four others all showed doubtful expressions.

Yu Qingfeng said: "The name of the Spirit Boat Conference is related to the spirit boat. It is said that this spirit boat was built by the strong man who sealed the Yujiang Water City in the small world. After he built it, he took the spirit boat The boat stayed in the Yujiang River."

"When the Holy Emperor was inspecting Chiyin County in the Western Continent, he learned about the spirit boat, so he held the first spirit boat competition, summoned the spirit boat, and allowed the contestants to enter the spirit boat directly for a competition. . That’s why this competition among young talents from the Western Continent is called the Spirit Boat Conference.”

Chen Yang felt weird about the name of the Spirit Boat Conference before, but now he understands the specific reason.

He didn't expect that the original organizer was Zuo Yinhan.

No wonder everyone attaches so much importance to the Lingzhou Tournament. Even the royal family will send people to watch the competition every time. The big reason is that they respect Zuo Yinhan.

Yu Qingfeng continued: "During the first Spirit Boat Conference, all the young talents from the entire Western Continent entered. Because it was the first time that the Holy Emperor held a grand ceremony in the Western Continent, all forces gathered in response. A full thousand young cultivators with good talents have entered the spirit boat."

"But in the end, there were only fifty-six people who came out of the spirit boat. Of these fifty-six people, thirty-four were at the top of the Zhenfu, and the others were also outstanding in the later stages of the Zhenfu. According to what the Holy Emperor said, the others The people, not strong enough, all died in the spirit boat.”

"As for what happened in the spirit boat, because the spirit boat is closed, no one outside knows the specific situation. Only those who have experienced it understand the dangers. However, after those people came out, they were killed by the Holy Emperor. A gag order was issued, resulting in an information blockade. However, the reputation of Lingzhou has spread, and everyone is afraid of it like a tiger."

"And among the fifty-six people alive, four of them were taken away by the Holy Emperor and later became generals of the Heavenly Saint Empire. Although they are not the top people in the Heavenly Saint Empire, they have all reached the divine realm. , the backbone of the empire."

"So after that, the Spirit Boat Conference inherited this tradition. Every time, members of the imperial royal family would come to select talented young people to study in the royal family and become close followers of the royal family. However, since the first session, those who were later selected The achievements of those people are far behind, only one among a hundred people can reach the realm of divine soul."

"It is said that the first four people were outstanding because they were trained and taught by the Holy Emperor himself. This also shows that the Holy Emperor is extraordinary."

"Since the end of the first spirit boat conference, the governor of Chiyin County has been in charge of the overall situation of the subsequent spirit boat conferences. But the strange thing is that at the second spirit boat conference, the governor discovered that he could not open the spirit boat. In the end, we had no choice but to change it to another competition.”

"In every subsequent spirit boat competition, the spirit boat has never been opened again. Each competition is decided by the county governor, and it is different, so no one knows what the method will be."

Hearing this, Lin Rou asked: "Dean, if that's the case, why can the spirit boat be opened this time?"

"I haven't received any specific information about this. I think we will only know when the spirit boat is opened."

Yu Qingfeng said thoughtfully.

Chen Yang frowned and said: "Dean, so to speak, no one knows what is going on in the spirit boat. So after we enter, don't we have any preparations?"

Yu Qingfeng said: "If it had been in previous years, we might not have known about the opening of the spirit boat. But just last year, one of the four people selected by the Holy Emperor for the first time passed away, and he left a suicide note, which recorded He learned the content related to the spirit boat. The content of this letter was learned by the servants in his house. Although the servant was later executed, the information about the spirit boat was spread."

Hearing this, Wang Zehong said: "It would be good if we knew the situation. At least we could be mentally prepared."

Lin Judao: "Knowing the dangers in the spirit boat, we will have greater confidence."

However, Yu Qingfeng looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "Don't be too happy. The news shows that the danger level of the spirit boat is much higher than that of the Yujiang Water City."

Chen Yang's expression changed and he pondered: "There shouldn't be any divine soul realm monsters in there, right?"

"There are no divine soul realm monsters, and there are no induction stage monsters either."

Yu Qingfeng shook his head, his eyes flickered, and he solemnly said: "However, you must kill the people around you in the spirit boat."

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