Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2445 Secretly joining forces

Qi Deyang got his plan on his mind and immediately sent a message to Ding Yuankai: "I have a plan to deal with Chen Yang. Later you pretend to suddenly realize it and say that Chen Yang is very vicious. You also saw Chen Yang taking advantage of Ma Dan and Yao When the beasts were fighting, he attacked Ma Dan, causing Ma Dan to be killed by the beast."

Hearing this, Ding Yuankai's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately understood that Qi Deyang wanted to put the blame for Ma Dan's death on Chen Yang.

However, what they didn't know was that Ma Dan's death actually had something to do with Chen Yang.

"Yes, Alliance Leader."

Ding Yuankai agreed through the message, thinking in his mind how to tell this matter so that others would believe it.

Qi Deyang secretly thought that it would be great if he could join forces with Cui Haosheng to force Chen Yang to death.

At this moment, Fan Xinran's body surfaced, confirming what Ding Yuankai had just said.

But after waiting for a while, Lan Zhengyang did not appear.

Before Qi Deyang could ask questions, Cui Haosheng of Haoshan Sword Sect asked Ding Yuankai first: "Didn't you say that Chen Yang killed Lan Zhengyang? Why is there no body?"

Seeing Cui Haosheng asking questions, Qi Deyang and Ding Yuankai were secretly happy. Wasn't this giving Ding Yuankai a chance to lie?

Otherwise, taking the initiative to accuse Cui Haosheng of Chen Yang would easily reveal his flaws.

"Sect Master Cui, when I teleported out, Lan Zhengyang was knocked down by Chen Yang and fell into the Yujiang Water City. There was no movement for a long time. He must have been seriously injured and could no longer compete with Chen Yang. As for his body, there is still If it wasn’t transmitted, I don’t know why.”

After Ding Yuankai answered Cui Haosheng's words, a look of surprise appeared on his face and he said: "By the way, Sect Master Cui, when I was in Yujiang Water City, I saw Chen Yang take action against Ma Dan."

Cui Haosheng's expression changed and he asked, "What's going on?"

Ding Yuankai said: "At that time, Ma Dan was fighting a monster. We saw it from a distance and wanted to go over to help. Unexpectedly, Chen Yang was lurking nearby and suddenly appeared and attacked Ma Dan. After one blow, he immediately ran away. His Although the attack failed to kill Ma Dan, it put Ma Dan in danger and was killed by the monster."

Hearing this, Cui Haosheng was furious.

He was already angry about Ma Dan's death. If he was just killed by a monster, he would have nothing to say and no place to take revenge.

But now, he was actually killed by Chen Yang, and he hated Chen Yang very much in his heart.

However, his face was expressionless and he just nodded to Ding Yuankai and said, "Okay, I understand."

He seemed calm, but everyone knew that was not the case.

He didn't get angry. On the one hand, he was really calm;

On the other hand, the strength of the Haoshan Sword Sect was much inferior to that of the Ten Thousand Islands Alliance. He did not dare to blatantly criticize Dragon's Back Academy like Qi Deyang did.

"I really didn't expect that among the current peak Zhenfu, only Lan Zhengyang and Ma Dan were killed, and they were all related to Chen Yang."

"It seems that he is the super dark horse of this Spirit Boat Competition. Although everyone thought he was very talented before, no one thought he could enter the top five. Now it seems that he has great hope."

"Although he is powerful, he is too cruel. Lan Zhengyang and Ma Dan have no enmity with him, so why should he take action."

"What you said is wrong. Everyone in Yujiang Water City is an enemy. If Chen Yang doesn't take action, do you think Ma Dan and Lan Zhengyang will let Chen Yang go?"

"What's more, what Ding Yuankai said may not necessarily be what Chui Fu said. Maybe it was Lan Zhengyang and Ma Dan who attacked Chen Yang first."

"Who can tell what is right or wrong?"

There was a discussion in the whole place, and the focus was on Chen Yang. Everyone was not confused by Ding Yuankai's remarks, and simply thought that Chen Yang was wrong.

These words made Cui Haosheng look even more ugly.

In his opinion, Chen Yang had tricked Ma Dan and killed Ma Dan.

However, he had no way to take revenge.

Qi Deyang, who had been paying attention to Cui Haosheng, his eyes flashed, and he said through a message: "Sect Master Cui, I have something to discuss with you."

Hearing the sound, Cui Haosheng glanced at Qi Deyang, his mind changed, and he sent a message: "Does Leader Qi want to join forces with me to get rid of Chen Yang?"

"indeed so."

Qi Deyang did not hide his purpose and directly admitted it.

Cui Haosheng glanced at Yu Qingfeng and said through a message: "After all, Chen Yang is a disciple of Dragon's Back Academy. With Dragon's Back Academy protecting him, it is indeed not easy to take his life. I don't know if Alliance Leader Qi has any What kind of advice?"

Qi Deyang said: "Simple, when Chen Yang comes out, you and I will join forces to directly challenge him and hold him accountable. If we join forces, even Dragon's Back College will have to retreat three points."

"That's too direct."

Cui Haosheng's Haoshan Sword Sect is not as powerful as the Ten Thousand Islands Alliance, and he does not want to be so public.

Qi Deyang said: "Sect Master Cui, this is the time for your Haoshan Sword Sect to establish its power. If you don't protect your disciples, then which genius will be willing to join your Haoshan Sword Sect in the future? Especially after Ma Dan was killed. At this critical moment of killing, shouldn’t you take a stand?”

"indeed so."

Cui Haosheng was moved and nodded secretly.

Qi Deyang then sent a message: "Zong Master Cui, you can rest assured that with so many forces present, they will just watch with cold eyes. The two of us are putting pressure on Longji Academy, and they cannot withstand it."

Cui Haosheng said: "However, they may not hand over Chen Yang, and we will not go to war with Longji Academy."

Qi Deyang's eyes flashed and he said in a deep voice: "Let's make it clear that if we don't want Chen Yang's life, let him cut off one of his arms, otherwise we will start a war. Just imagine, between the start of the war and one arm, How will Dragon’s Back College choose?”

Cui Haosheng sent a message: "Although Longji Academy is strong, we are not weaker than him if we join forces. If we start a war, they will suffer heavy losses. If it were me, I would definitely choose to let Chen Yang break an arm. After all, if the arm is broken, Yes, there is still a way to regenerate."

After a pause, he continued: "However, if you only let Chen Yang break one arm without taking his life, what's the use?"

A cold light flashed in Qi Deyang's eyes, and he sent a message: "Sect Master Cui, do you think that Chen Yang broke an arm and his strength was greatly reduced at the Spirit Boat Conference, can he still survive?"

Cui Haosheng asked doubtfully: "During the main competition of the Spirit Boat Conference, killing is prohibited. Doesn't Leader Qi know that?"

Qi Deyang said: "Of course I know this, but the competition system this time is different. Don't worry, Master Cui. As long as you join forces with me, Chen Yang will die. At that time, it will be regarded as a memorial to Ma Dan and a tribute to you." Shan Jian Sect builds momentum, which will be beneficial to your development in the future."

Since it was about this, Cui Haosheng nodded in agreement and asked no more questions.

He thought to himself that although they were both leaders of their own forces, the Ten Thousand Islands Alliance was more powerful and Qi Deyang was stronger than him. It was natural for him to sit on the rostrum and know more.

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