Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2439 The City Lord’s Mansion in Shuicheng

Zhao Yunbin saw Chen Yang's serious look. Although she didn't know what he meant and thought what he said was a bit strange, she hesitated and did as Chen Yang said.

She kept silent, gathered her true energy, and remained motionless.

Sure enough, the octopus beast's movements suddenly slowed down, and there seemed to be doubts in its eyes.

"It actually works!"

Zhao Yunbin was confused and asked via voice transmission: "Chen Yang, what's going on?"

Chen Yang said in a voice message: "That octopus is a very weird species. Don't look at it. It has very big eyes, but it can't capture static objects. It can only react to dynamic objects. In addition, he is It relies on listening to sounds and energy feedback to obtain information from the outside world. Therefore, if we don't move, don't make a sound, and suppress our true energy, it won't be able to detect us."

After listening to Chen Yang's explanation, Zhao Yunbin understood what was going on.

She was surprised. She had never seen or heard of this octopus, but Chen Yang recognized it at a glance and knew how to deal with it. This insight was extraordinary.

Just as he was thinking this, Zhao Yunbin suddenly noticed that his hand was still being held by Chen Yang.

She looks charming and sexy, but she is actually a conservative woman at heart.

Although she was playing on the Yujiang Flower Boat, her hand had never been touched by any other man except her father when she was a child.

At this moment, with her palm held by Chen Yang, she felt uncomfortable for a while, and suddenly there was a different feeling in her heart.

Of course, this feeling is not a good feeling, but anger.

"How dare you take advantage of this opportunity!"

Zhao Yunbin snorted in his heart, struggled hard, and tried to pull his hand out of Chen Yang's palm.

However, Chen Yang held her hand tightly, a look of anger flashed in his eyes, and said in a cold voice: "Do you want to die?"

Sure enough, Zhao Yunbin made a subtle movement, causing the octopus monster in the distance to move again and look over here, with a fierce look in his original doubtful eyes.

She was startled, knowing that Chen Yang was right. If she moved now, she would attract the octopus monster.

Although she felt extremely uncomfortable, in order to save her life, she could only let Chen Yang hold her hand, not daring to make even the slightest movement.

They remained still. The octopus monster stared here for a long time without making any movement.

Suddenly, the octopus monster moved again.

However, it did not move this way, but crawled down and disappeared into the Yujiang Water City. Gradually, it seemed to merge with the water city and was completely invisible to the naked eye.

"Don't worry yet."

Feeling that Zhao Yunbin was about to move next to him, Chen Yang quickly sent a message.

Zhao Yunbin stabilized his body and said in a deep voice: "Can you let go of my hand first?"


Chen Yang asserted

Although Zhao Yunbin's palms were soft and smooth and felt very comfortable to the touch, Chen Yang swore to God that he had absolutely no other thoughts at this moment except to save his life.

Otherwise, he would definitely quietly scratch Zhao Yunbin's palm and tease Zhao Yunbin. This is in line with Chen Yang's character.

Of course, this is teasing, not teasing.

"Humph, gangster!"

Zhao Yunbin snorted coldly and rolled his eyes at Chen Yang, but did not take out his hand.

After all, her life was at stake, and she didn't dare mess around.

After a few minutes, Chen Yang saw that the octopus had completely stopped moving. He then let go of Zhao Yunbin's hand and warned, "Slowly descend into the water city and move around. Don't disturb the big monster."

Zhao Yunbin ignored him, with an unhappy expression on his face.

After the two landed at the bottom of the river, on the ground of Water City, they were blocked by the tall buildings around them, so the octopus could not find them.

"Let's go."

Chen Yang said hello and continued on his way, heading in the direction pointed by Tan Nose, to find Zhang Yuxi at the City Lord's Mansion in Shuicheng.

However, Zhao Yunbin did not move.

Chen Yang looked back. Zhao Yunbin had a cold look on his face and said in a deep voice: "Chen Yang, when you came to save the big crab before, I thought you were a gentleman. But now I know that you are actually a lecher." Disciple. Our cooperation ends here."

Chen Yang twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Miss Zhao, the situation was critical just now. If I don't hold your hand, where will I hold you?"

"Forget it, I still have things to do and I'm too lazy to talk to you. I'll take my leave."

Chen Yang shook his head, said no more, flew at a low altitude, fled into the alley next to him, and disappeared.


Seeing Chen Yang leaving, Zhao Yunbin breathed a long sigh of relief, and his cheeks turned red.

"It's killing me."

She was so embarrassed that Chen Yang had been holding her hand just now, but she had remained calm, and now she showed a shy look.

Although she may be arrogant and bold, when it comes to fighting with real swords, she becomes scared.

"The shy Mr. Meng is better."

Zhao Yunbin glanced at the alley where Chen Yang left, muttered in his heart, turned around and left in the other direction.

Chen Yang didn't have a map of Yujiang Shuicheng, so he could only look for the city lord's palace in Shuicheng in the direction pointed by Tan Noi.

So far, he has traveled hundreds of miles since the initial teleportation.

But looking around, this city still has no end in sight.

I don’t know how prosperous this city was back then, and it was actually built so big.

Unfortunately, it is now submerged in water and will never see the light of day.

"Is the City Lord's Mansion ahead?"

Finally, Chen Yang looked around and saw a huge mansion ten miles away, surrounded by tall walls. The buildings inside were obviously higher than the buildings he had seen before.

Moreover, although those buildings are covered with moss, it can still be seen from the outline that they are very delicately built.

The mansion has turned into ruins, but you can still feel the grandeur of this mansion.

The plaque on the large main entrance has long since disappeared, but Chen Yang concluded that the mansion in front of him was the palace of the city lord of Yujiang Water City.

"It's strange. Didn't it mean that there were two Zhenfu peak monsters fighting with the people of the Ten Thousand Islands Alliance? Logically speaking, there should be a lot of movement. Why is it so quiet now? Is the fight already over?"

Chen Yang was confused, so he speeded up and entered the city lord's mansion.

As soon as he stepped into the city lord's mansion, a strong demonic aura hit his face, which made him conclude that there was a powerful demonic beast here.

Moreover, these demonic energies are accumulated over the years, rather than released by demonic beasts, so this is the lair of a certain demonic beast.

"You have to be careful. I don't know if Senior Sister Zhang escaped."

Chen Yang walked inside, secretly worried about Zhang Yuxi's safety.

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