Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2435 Powerful Helper


The roar of the fire dragon sounded and came out of Chen Yang's body.

The purple-red flames illuminated this area.

The blazing heat released by the fire dragon caused the surrounding waters to evaporate rapidly, and patches of white water vapor spread upward.

For a time, the river water could not get close to the fire dragon, and actually formed a huge bubble around the fire dragon, shrouding the fire dragon inside.

All the eight weapon patterns on the Fire Dance Sword in Chen Yang's hand were activated.

Four blasts of wind and four blasts of flames fully exerted their power.

The azure star energy filled the blade of the Fire Dance Sword, and then condensed on the tip of the sword.

A star sword energy with a diameter of dozens of meters formed, like a shooting star, attacking towards the mud crab.

The power of this attack was so powerful that the Nifu Crab, which had not paid attention to Chen Yang at first, sensed the danger and quickly turned around, stretched out a huge pliers, and blocked the Star Sword Qi.


The sword energy bombarded the claws of the mud crab, and the energy exploded. The mud and sand in Yujiang Water City rolled, and the moss-covered houses below shattered and collapsed.


The mud crab made a strange cry and was submerged in the vast mud. Although its figure could not be seen clearly, it could be seen that it was struggling, stirring up the sand, making the waters even more turbid.


It still had the same cry, but it was deeper.

With a whoosh, the mud crab rushed out of the mud and sand, its huge black eyes full of anger, staring at Chen Yang.

Although it cannot fly, it can move freely in the water, no different from flying.

He was extremely fast, and smashed down Chen Yang with two huge pliers.

I saw that his pliers that had just been hit had cracked open, revealing the white crab meat inside, which was also smashed.

Seeing this, Bingyun, who was attacking the mud crab with a red silk ribbon in his hand, was shocked.

Only then did she realize that Chen Yang was not here to cause trouble, but a very powerful helper.

Just now, she attacked one after another, but failed to seriously damage the mud crab.

But Chen Yang broke the claws of the mud crab with just one blow. The attack power was much stronger than hers.

More importantly, Chen Yang's realm was only at the middle stage of Zhenfu, which was two levels lower than Bingyun.

She glanced at Chen Yang and said in surprise: "What a powerful middle-level Zhenfu cultivator. Who is this person?"

The situation was urgent. Bingyun didn't think much. The red silk in his hand flew and he moved to attack the mud crab.

Hong Ling's true energy condensed, suddenly lengthened, and swept towards the long legs of the mud crab, wrapping two of them.

The movement of the Nifu Crab was hindered, and its movements suddenly slowed down. Chen Yang attacked, and another "Falling Star" sword energy hit the claws of the Nifu Crab that had been severely damaged just now. It was still the same attack point.

This blow directly broke the claws of the mud crab and it fell towards Yujiang Water City.


The weight of the pliers was unknown, as if the city of Yujiang was shaken, and the houses below were smashed to pieces.

The mud crab was furious, and opened its other pincer to pinch Chen Yang.

Chen Yang swooped down and headed straight for the belly of the mud crab. The claws of the mud crab were only that long, but they couldn't reach Chen Yang.


It blew bubbles from its mouth and made an angry sound. The two long legs wrapped in Hong Ling shook, and then Hong Ling broke away.

Then it stood on four legs and attacked Chen Yang with the other four legs, who was hiding in his abdomen.

"You restrain its actions."

Chen Yang shouted towards Bingyun, and the Fire Dance Sword instantly released hundreds of sword rays, shooting at the four legs of the Nifu Crab.

"Why do you order me?"

Hearing Chen Yang's words, Bingyun muttered in his heart, but there was no hesitation in the movements of his hands.

She threw out the red silk in her hand. She didn't know how long the red silk was, but it circled around the mud crab twice, and then quickly gathered towards the center.

The power of the mud crab is very strong, and it is obviously impossible for Hong Ling to tie its four legs.

However, Hong Ling's power caused the mud crab, which was standing on four legs, to become unstable and fall to the side.

Bang, bang, bang...

At this time, Chen Yang's hundreds of "Purple Extreme Sword" sword lights were already bombarding the four long legs of the mud crab attacking him, making bursts of blasting sounds.

Zi Ji's sword was obviously not enough to break through the defense of the mud crab.

However, the powerful impact slowed down the mud crab's attack on Chen Yang.

And because the body was tilted, the attack of the mud crab also appeared to be deflected.


Chen Yang raised his eyebrows and his eyes fell on a crack in the lower jaw of the Nifu Crab. According to the records in the "Book of Immortals and Demons", this is the weakness of the Nifu Crab.

This crack is very small, only as big as the eye of a needle, and is covered with carapace next to it, making it very defensive.

If it is a large area attack, it will be blocked by the carapace.

Therefore, this weakness can only be completely hit in the tiny crack.

"Zi Ji Yijian."

Chen Yang swung his sword and struck out with hundreds of swords in an instant.

And these sword lights, with slightly different speeds, all attacked the crack in the mud crab's jaw.


The sword light hit the crack, and red blood burst out.

Immediately afterwards, all the sword lights hit the crack with a slight time difference.

A small part of the sword light was blocked by the carapace next to it.

Blood spurted out from the cracks, dyeing the water area bright red.


The mud crab roared angrily and fell into a rage. Its body struggled violently, and the violent demonic energy spread out, becoming more intense and powerful than before.


The red silk wrapped around its limbs was broken free, shortened, and flew back into Bingyun's hands.

The mud crab seemed to have gone crazy. It pressed down suddenly, and the attack speed of its eight legs became faster. Regardless of the balance of the body, they all stabbed towards Chen Yang.

With only one plier left, he also grabbed at his lower abdomen, trying to pinch Chen Yang to death.

At this moment, the combat power exploded by the Mudfu Crab was at least 30% higher than before.


Seeing Chen Yang's dire situation, Bingyun exclaimed.

She didn't understand why this big crab suddenly became stronger.

Without having time to think about it, she threw out the red silk in her hand and attacked the back of the mud crab.

But at this moment, the originally violent Nifu Crab suddenly lost its demonic energy, and its whole body went limp and fell to the ground.


The mud and sand were rolling, and the mud crab trembled twice, then stopped moving.


With a look of surprise on his face, Bingyun took back the red silk ribbon, landed, and stared at the mud crab. Although the big crab made no movement, Chen Yang was nowhere to be seen.

"Where was that person just now?"

Bingyun's heart skipped a beat, and he thought to himself, "Could it be that just at that moment, he was eaten by a mud crab?"

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