Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2427 Grand Meeting

The Rune Guild mainly focuses on rune cultivation, and they are very proficient in the four major branches of alchemy, weapon refining, formations, and demon taming.

It can be said that in the entire Chongwu Star, apart from the royal family of the Tiansheng Empire, the organization that has the most thorough research on runes is the Rune Guild.

Its status is very special and respected.

Although the four major academies each have their own areas of expertise in the way of runes, they are still slightly inferior to the Rune Guild.

Of course, the Rune Guild is not just about studying runes, there are also many masters under it.

Take the Western Continent Rune Guild General Association as an example. The president is a peak induction powerhouse, and there are as many as five other induction stage powerhouses.

As for other cultivators in the Zhenfu period and the False period, there are also hundreds.

The strength of the Rune Guild is evident.

Even looking at the entire Chongwu Star, it can be said that the strength of the Rune Guild is second only to the Tiansheng Empire and slightly stronger than the four major colleges.

As for the Black Fire Sect, because they are secretive and dark, many of their strengths are unclear, so they cannot be compared with them.

But in the Western Continent, everyone recognized that the Rune Guild was stronger than the Western Fire Sect.

However, the Rune Guild is a group of experts who study runes, and they are not very interested in fighting for power and territory.

Unless special resources are needed, they will take the initiative.

Other times, they will not fight with other forces.

Of course, this is not necessarily the case for the rune guilds in various countries and cities below.

Having said that, in the current Western Continent Rune Guild, there are two Zhenfu peak experts participating in the Spirit Boat Conference, which shows that its strength is stronger than that of the four major academies.

However, Dragon's Back Academy is an exception.

Because besides Lin Rou, there is also a special Chen Yang in Longji Academy.

At this time, Chen Yang finally found the figures of Xu Bojian and Zichuan Ming. Both of them were men. They looked about thirty, but their actual age should be over thirty-five.

Many eyes around them were focused on these two people, but they didn't care at all. They sat calmly in the front row of the stands. The two exchanged words with each other in low voices, giving people a feeling of not being involved.

"It looks like they are two masters again."

Chen Yang secretly sighed. More and more people arrived, making him feel the fierce competition in the Spirit Boat Conference.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Shen, the son of the city lord of Jiuhua City, Zichuan Ming, the son of the island lord of Pudu Island, Lan Zhengyang of the Ten Thousand Islands Alliance, Xiao Zhan of Lingbao Pavilion...

Young talents at the pinnacle of Zhenfu arrived at the scene one after another.

In addition, other disciples from the late and middle stages of Zhenfu also entered their respective stands.

A powerful force can send more people to participate in the Spirit Boat Conference.

Weaker forces will not send many people.

However, Chen Yang made a rough estimate. There were more than 30 forces in total, and a total of about 400 people participated in this spirit boat conference. If they fought each other, they would not know how long the fight would last.

He was curious in his heart what kind of competition format this Spirit Boat Competition would adopt.

Seeing that the seats of the audience and participating forces were gradually filling up, there was not a single empty seat in the grandstand area that could accommodate 700,000 people watching the game.

Not only that, there are also a large number of people who have no seats and can only watch the game behind the stands.

According to the regulations of the Spirit Boat Conference, flying within the venue and within ten miles outside the venue is not allowed during the period, so many cultivators above the pill-forming realm cannot watch the battle in the air.

As a result, some people installed and extended platforms behind many stands. Although there were no seats, they were darkly packed with people.

At present, it seems that there are already close to one million people watching this spirit boat competition.

And many people came from other places to watch the Spirit Boat Conference.

The excitement of this event was beyond Chen Yang's expectation.

But then I thought about it, this is the top stage in the entire Western Continent, just like the World Cup on Earth, and naturally it has the most people paying attention.

If there is a broadcast on Chongwu Star, he believes that people in the entire Western Continent will watch the Spirit Boat Conference.

"Everyone was silent."

Suddenly, a voice rang out from the rostrum higher than the stands. It spread out for more than ten miles and could be heard clearly throughout the entire venue.

Everyone looked at the sound, and at some point, Chu Muran appeared on the podium.

Seeing him speak, the whole place fell silent.

Chu Muran said loudly: "The Spirit Boat Conference is about to officially begin. Now, please invite the county governor and guests from all parties to enter the rostrum and take a seat."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone looked around, but no one was there.

It's strange, maybe those big shots are all late.

At this moment, the light on the stand flickered, and thirty figures suddenly appeared on the stand, as if they appeared out of thin air.


Chen Yang raised his eyebrows and wondered in his mind whether the thing on the rostrum was a small teleportation array that teleported these people over; or a concealment array that hid the county guards and others who had already arrived.

It's a pity that he can't see the formation patterns in the stands, otherwise, he would be able to make a judgment.

The concealment formation is nothing, but the teleportation formation is a bit complicated.

The teleportation formation involves time and space formations. This is the most difficult formation. So far, Chen Yang has not met anyone in the Western Continent and Northern Continent who understands these two formations.

As far as he knew, even the Najie circulating in the Western Continent came from the Central Continent.

After all, Najie has its own space, and one must understand the space runes in order to refine it.

"Is it a teleportation array?"

"It should be a teleportation array. If someone was hiding on top, we should have sensed it long ago."

"It's amazing, someone actually set up a teleportation array."

While Chen Yang was thinking, the entire venue also exclaimed again and again.

On the rostrum, a middle-aged man in rich clothes, handsome and handsome, with piercing eyes, stood in the center of the rostrum with extraordinary momentum.

Needless to say, this person must be the governor of Chiyin County, the master of telepathy, Zhao Guang.


Zhao Guang laughed and said to the audience: "Before the Spirit Boat Conference starts, I want to announce a happy event."

The noise of the crowd fell silent again.

Zhao Guang glanced at the old man in white robes next to him and said: "The president of our Western Continent Rune Guild, President Sikong Ziqian, has greatly improved his attainments in formations. He is already Mastering the runes of time and space, you can arrange teleportation formations. Just now, everyone on our podium arrived at the scene from the teleportation formation set up by President Sikong Ziqian."

Upon receiving Zhao Guang's confirmation, the entire audience burst into exclamation and looked at Sikong Ziqian with expressions of reverence on their faces.

After all, Sikong Ziqian is the first person in the entire Western Continent to use teleportation formations.

This kind of honor is so respectful.

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