Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2403 Looking at the moon and remembering the past

"Young masters, please be quiet, otherwise, everyone will not be able to hear Bingyun's words clearly."

Inside the Peony Boat, the sound of Bingyun sounded.

The noise around them suddenly stopped, and everyone closed their mouths.

Even if someone spoke, their voices were lowered.

Seeing this, Chen Yang was a little surprised. It seemed that Bingyun should be an extremely famous oiran, and many people came here because of his fame.

Moreover, these people, who have never even seen Bingyun's face, admire him extremely.

It can be seen that this woman named Bingyun plays with these men and understands the psychology of men very well.

After the scene calmed down, Bingyun continued: "It's still the old rule. Those who can pass three questions in a row can join my boat, enjoy the moon and drink wine with me. For the first question, write a poem with the moon as the title. , one stick of incense is the time limit, and I also invite you gentlemen to write poems."

Hearing this, Chen Yang couldn't help but smile. He admired this Bingyun girl for being a literature lover.

You must know that there are very few people who value martial arts and study literature.

Unless a very small number of people enter the Tao through literature, use the pen as a weapon, and draw and write as a magical power, such people will be proficient in literature.

Most of the other people are just at the stage of literacy.

"What, poetry?"

"Don't you know that Miss Bingyun likes music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and if you want to see her true appearance, you have to pass her test?"

"It's really distressing. I was prepared. I wrote dozens of poems before, but there was no poem with the theme of the moon."

"It seems like I have no chance this time."

Many people on the surrounding ships have begun to complain.

But more people were lost in thought. Most of them came well prepared, including people who were proficient in literature and some who had brought their masters with them.

Soon, someone composed a poem and recited it in public.

It is not easy to compose a poem within one stick of incense. As for the quality of the poem, no one will pay too much attention to it.

More than a dozen people recited poems one after another, and the quality varied. Most of them, Bingyun responded, considered it a pass.

Only one or two of them had poems that were simply anecdotal and unpalatable, and were rejected by Bingyun.

Those who have passed the first level are naturally proud of themselves.

Those who haven't thought of the poem yet are scratching their heads and thinking hard.

The time for a stick of incense is almost here.

The clueless people were so depressed that their faces turned red, and they were all extremely anxious.

"Brother Chen, have you thought of the poem? Please help me."

Meng Zibai's head hurt from thinking about it, and he didn't have any clue. He was so anxious that he couldn't help but grab Chen Yang's hand and asked.

But after pulling Chen Yang's hand, she quickly retracted it, obviously realizing that men and women were not allowed to be intimate.

Chen Yang glanced at the bright moon in the sky. Inexplicably, he suddenly missed his hometown, the blue planet.

A homesick poem appeared in his mind.

"Mr. Zhang Jiuling, don't blame me for stealing your poems."

After reciting something silently in his mind, Chen Yang whispered in Meng Zibai's ear, changed one word of the poem called "Looking at the Moon and Reminiscing about the Past", and told Meng Zibai.

After listening, Meng Zibai's eyes brightened, and he read this poem toward the peony boat:

"The bright moon rises above the river, and we are at this moment across the world. Lovers complain about the distant night, but they miss each other at night.

When the candle is extinguished, the compassionate light is full, and when I put on my clothes, I feel the dew. I can't bear to give it away, but I still have a good night's sleep. "

As soon as this poem came out, the whole place fell silent.

Although most people don't quite understand the meaning, the beauty of the words in this poem far exceeds the poems of those people just now, and is not at the same level at all.

Immediately afterwards, the master who was brought in analyzed the poem.

After understanding the meaning of homesickness in the poem, the opinions of the people present about the poem immediately rose to a new level.

Compared with this poem, those poems just now were completely rubbish and unsightly.

Everyone looked at Meng Zibai with admiration, jealousy, envy, suspicion...

After all, Mencius did not write the poem in vain, and she was not as thick-skinned as Chen Yang, so her pretty face could not help but blush slightly, showing a nervous look.

Fortunately, the light was not bright, and except for Chen Yang who was very close, no one else noticed that she was nervous.

In the peony boat, Bingyun's voice came: "Young Master can produce such a masterpiece in just one stick of incense, but his literary talent is quite outstanding. I wonder if I can tell Bingyun, Mr. Gao, his surname."

Seeing that Meng Zibai was too nervous to speak, Chen Yang smiled and stepped forward and said, "Miss Bingyun, my young master's name is Meng Zibai."

"It turns out to be Mr. Meng."

In the peony boat, Bingyun faced Meng Zibai's direction and bowed slightly.

Seeing this, everyone knew that Bingyun was very impressed with Meng Zibai.

Soon, a stick of incense passed, and together with Meng Zibai, a total of sixteen people passed the first level.

Just when everyone was looking forward to Bingyun’s second question.

Bingyun said: "Mr. Meng's poem expresses his homesickness through the bright moon, which really touched me. Today's test ends here. Please come into the boat and tell me your homesickness, Mr. Meng."

Hearing this, the people on the surrounding ships immediately exploded.

"Miss Bingyun, according to the rules, shouldn't there be three questions? How come one question determines the outcome?"

"I've come all the way here, Miss Bingyun, but you can't be so hasty."

"I will definitely answer the other two questions better than him. Please give Miss Bingyun a chance."

"Girl Bingyun, I have a poem for you, a hazy peony boat, with a beautiful woman sitting on it, and if the beautiful woman is in my arms, I feel so happy..."

There was a lot of noise around him, but Bingyun ignored it.

When her voice gradually became quieter, she said: "Don't talk about the artistic conception in Meng Gongzi's poems. The beauty of the sentences alone is beyond your comparison. What's the difference between competing on three questions and competing on one question? Who? If you say something rude again, don’t blame me, Bingyun, for turning against you."

At this time, although Bingyun's tone was still sexy and soft, there was a sense of strength in it.

"Hmph, you are just a prostitute and you dare to teach us a lesson. I want to see how capable you are. Today, I, Zhu Shan, really want to see what you look like."

An arrogant voice came from a large ship.

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man jumped up from the boat and flew towards Bingyun's peony boat.

This middle-aged man is in the late stage of false mansion, but he is very high among the people.

He was so aggressive that he obviously wanted to use force against Bingyun.

At this moment, a figure appeared in the air, blocking the middle-aged man named Zhu Shan. He chuckled and said, "I can't compare with my literary talent. Is this a competition?"

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