Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2353 Cannon, dinner is ready

The "falling star" sword energy dispersed the demonic energy in front of Chen Yang.

In this way, at least the demonic energy in front will no longer condense into virtual beasts.

As for other places, although a large amount of demonic energy is gathering and virtual beasts are condensing, Chen Yang can't control that much.

He increased his speed and finally rushed into the jungle.

Sure enough, the evil spirit in the jungle was much thinner.

Chen Yang originally thought he could hide for a while after entering the jungle, but unexpectedly, several virtual beasts had gathered in the sky, and they all rushed down towards the jungle without any intention of letting him go.

"Oh shit."

Unable to help but curse secretly, Chen Yang used the Gale of Wind Concept, not daring to slow down at all, and flew at a low altitude.

At this moment, he didn't know what to do.

If you fight, you will definitely not be able to defeat him.

There seems to be nowhere to escape. Sooner or later, he will be intercepted and will not survive until midnight.

"Dean, you have tricked me now!"

Chen Yang was depressed for a while and couldn't understand why Yu Qingfeng let him come here.

Looking at the boundless evil spirit, Chen Yang felt a sense of despair.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he became excited.

"Ye Qi, this is YE Qi! The cannon is useful!"

He thought of the cannon. Since it was evil spirit, the cannon could devour these evil spirits.

Although the cannon may not be able to defeat the virtual beast, the cannon can swallow up the demonic energy before the virtual beast condenses. In this case, wouldn't there be no virtual beast?

"Hahaha, cannon, let's eat!"

Chen Yang laughed with joy and immediately fired the cannon.

Cannon was sleeping in the ring when he was suddenly thrown out. He lay sleepily on his side on the grass with a reluctant expression on his face and was too lazy to move.

However, when he discovered that he was in a world full of monsters, his eyes lit up, he stood up and took a sharp breath.

He saw the demonic energy around him forming two airflows, all of which entered his nasal cavity.

In the blink of an eye, all the demonic energy within a radius of ten meters was completely absorbed.

The speed with which he absorbed the demonic energy surprised Chen Yang.

When these demonic energies were absorbed, the cannon, which had already reached the limit of the early stage of Zhenfu, was actually talking. The breakthrough reached the middle stage of Zhenfu.


Cannon made a sound of ecstasy, with a satisfied expression on his face, and his eyes narrowed, as if an old smoker who hadn't smoked in ten years suddenly took a puff of cigarettes.

But soon, he cheered up, shaking his head and looking at the monsters around him, saliva dripping from the corners of his mouth, and his tongue stretched out very long.

With so much evil spirit in front of me, there is no time to enjoy the taste, so it is better to eat more quickly.

The cannon rushed forward fiercely, its nose kept twitching, and the demonic energy formed an airflow and was swallowed by him.

His steps were jumping and agile, and the tongue in his mouth sloshed saliva everywhere. His excitement was like no other.

And wherever he passed, all the demonic energy was absorbed by him.

These monsters were intelligent, and when they saw the cannon coming towards them, they all retreated into the distance, not daring to come into contact with the cannon.

But the speed of the cannon is not slow, just like catching prey, chasing the demonic energy.

"The cannon is really good!"

Chen Yang chuckled, but he didn't expect the cannon's ability to swallow demonic energy to be so powerful.

The Ten Thousand Demons Order that was swallowed up by the cannon was not wasted after all, and it had an effect.

At this moment, several virtual beasts that had gathered in the sky just now chased after him and pounced on Chen Yang.

There are four virtual beasts, two in the middle stage of Zhenfu and two in the late stage of Zhenfu.

Although the ferocity of the cannon dispersed the demonic energy, Chen Yang had to take action himself to deal with these four virtual beasts if he wanted to save his life.

He had a solemn look on his face and held the Fire Lotus Sword tightly in his hand. The four virtual beasts in front of him were difficult to deal with.

"Woof woof woof..."

At this moment, Cannon saw the four virtual beasts, screamed excitedly, his eyes lit up, rushed in front of Chen Yang, and rushed towards the virtual beasts.

Those four virtual beasts are composed of strong demonic energy. In the eyes of Cannon, they are a big meal.

As for whether there was any danger, he didn't seem to have thought about it at all.

"Stupid dog, you are crazy. They are all virtual beasts. Come back to me quickly."

Seeing the cannon rushing forward, Chen Yang's heart immediately sank, and he quickly swung his sword, using a "falling star" sword energy to attack the four virtual beasts.

This magical power obviously cannot defeat the four virtual beasts.

But Chen Yang can't care about that much at the moment. In order to save Cannon, he will kill every one he can.


The sword energy hit the frontmost virtual beast in the late stage of Zhenfu. The virtual beast was not a physical entity, but only composed of demonic energy. It did not have the copper skin and iron bones of the demonic beast, and its defense was much worse. It was blasted by this blow. The demonic energy is shattered.

At the same time, the other three virtual beasts frantically moved towards the cannon.


Seeing this, Chen Yang was shocked.

It was too late to rescue him at this moment.

As for Cannon, that stupid dog, with an excited face and no fear at all, he rushed forward, sniffed sharply, and made a hissing sound.

A scene that surprised Chen Yang appeared. The demonic energy of the three virtual beasts turned into three air pillars and was sucked into the nasal cavity by the cannon.

"Ah, virtual beasts can also absorb it!?"

Chen Yang looked surprised, put down the Fire Lotus Sword in his hand, and looked at the scene in front of him.

I saw the demonic aura of the three virtual beasts scattered, their realm instantly falling, and they all turned into a false state.

The cannon rushed forward, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, opening its mouth, and directly swallowed all the evil energy of the three virtual beasts into its stomach.


After eating the three void beasts, Cannon burped with a satisfied expression on his face.

Seeing this, Chen Yang thought for a moment and thought to himself: "It seems that the virtual beasts are just a condensed demonic energy, but have no entity or origin. To the cannon, they are just a ball of demonic energy, so they are absorbed directly."

At this time, the demonic aura that permeated the place was frightened by the cannon, and they all retreated far away, leaving a demonic aura-free area within a three-mile radius.

After swallowing the demonic energy, Cannon's belly swelled, but his eyes shone brightly when he looked at the demonic aura in the distance. He spread his four legs and rushed towards the demonic aura in the distance, as if he didn't want to swallow up the demonic aura here. , he vowed not to give up.

"Stupid dog, stop here."

Chen Yang chased after him and held down the cannon, and then the cannon stopped.

"Woof woof..."

Canao looked at Chen Yang with a pleading look, wanting Chen Yang to let him go.

Chen Yang warned: "I don't know what dangers there are over there, so don't take risks rashly."

Although Cannon was greedy, he still listened to Chen Yang's words and swallowed, looking at the evil spirit in the distance with a look of reluctance, his mouth watering.

At this time, Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief, patted Cannon on the head, and said with a smile: "Damn you fat dog, you finally showed your effect."

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