Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2265 Stirring up the situation

Zhou Xinrong's sudden angry shout surprised everyone.

When everyone looked at her, they saw that her face was full of anger, but her eyes were full of pain. The sword in her hand was pointed directly at Wei Huiyu, and she suddenly took action and attacked Wei Huiyu.

Everyone in the Western Fire Sect was dumbfounded, wondering why Zhou Xinrong suddenly took action against Wei Huiyu.

"Guardian Zhou, what are you doing?"

Ye Minghan next to him exclaimed and wanted to stop Zhou Xinrong, but he did not dare to take action.

After all, there is still a slight gap between his strength and Zhou Xinrong.

Seeing this, Chen Yang was greatly surprised.

Zhou Xinrong's hallucinations reflect her thinking.

She and Zhou Yuerong are biological sisters, but their situations are completely different, which has always puzzled Chen Yang.

It now seems that although Zhou Xinrong joined the Western Fire Cult, she has not forgotten the sisterhood.

Perhaps at this moment, she regarded Wei Huiyu as the person who led her to join the Western Fire Cult by Zeng Jin.

"Guardian Zhou, are you crazy!?"

Seeing Zhou Xinrong attacking him, Wei Huiyu looked angry.

The reason why he didn't kill the sky arrow just now was not because he couldn't do it, but because he did it deliberately.

He wanted to consume Chen Yang's power, then capture Chen Yang alive, and then bring him back to the Western Fire Sect, and slowly induce him to join the Western Fire Sect.

But he didn't expect that Zhou Xinrong would suddenly attack before things were done here.

Looking at Zhou Xinrong's irrational eyes, he immediately understood that Zhou Xinrong must be hallucinating just like him before.

However, Zhou Xinrong's spiritual consciousness is not as good as her own, so she cannot break away from the illusion.

"Spiritual attacks, dual mental realms, strange energy, weird weapons..."

Wei Huiyu murmured in his heart, his heart skipped a beat, and he exclaimed: "This Chen Yang is really unbelievable."

Before he had time to think about it, his speed suddenly increased, and the sinister demonic energy spread out from his body, forming a huge skeleton shape, shrouding him in the skeleton's sternum.

He ignored the sky's arrows and turned the Yanyue knife in his hand. With the back of the knife facing Zhou Xinrong, who was attacking, he struck down.

His power was much stronger than Zhou Xinrong's. Zhou Xinrong's magical powers were shot to pieces and she was unable to resist.

However, Zhou Xinrong was so full of hatred that she rushed forward without flinching.

The back of the Yanyue Sword hit Zhou Xinrong's abdomen.


Zhou Xinrong spurted out a mouthful of blood, and her whole body fell diagonally downwards like an arrow from a string.

With a loud bang, she fell into the huge pit, causing dust to fill the sky.

At the same time, the arrows from the sky bombarded the demonic skeleton that shrouded Wei Huiyu.

The red and blue arrows, carrying the two artistic conceptions of fire dragon and swift wind, rotated and pierced into the demonic energy, carving out a hole.

Wei Huiyu raised his eyebrows, but found that the attack power of this arrow was unexpectedly strong.

And the power of the stars contained in it made him feel incredible.


He shouted violently, without waving the Yanyue Sword, and released a surge of demonic energy from his whole body, making the skeleton powerful.

Seeing that the hole in the demonic energy had been drilled into the sky's arrow, it suddenly stopped moving forward and was blocked by the skeleton.

This skeleton is a very powerful defensive magical power of the Western Fire Cult. The stronger the user's true energy, the higher the defense power.

Obviously, Wei Huiyu's true energy is quite powerful, and the sky arrow cannot break through the skeleton's defense.

Seeing the arrows spinning in front of him, trying to break through the skeleton, Wei Huiyu thought that even if he did not draw Chen Yang into the Western Fire Sect, it would be quite good to capture him and study him carefully.

After all, a lot of good things can be unearthed from Chen Yang, which will be of great benefit to the Western Fire Sect.

Just when Wei Huiyu had the idea to attack Chen Yang with an arrow that would shatter the sky, a figure from below suddenly shot up.

"I am going to kill you!"

Zhou Xinrong was seen rushing out of the dust, holding a sword and filled with rage.

This scene made Chen Yang somewhat unexpected.

Logically speaking, Zhou Xinrong was injured in the attack just now. With her spiritual power, she should be able to escape from the hallucination.

But the current situation shows that Zhou Xinrong is very obsessed and that she cares about Zhou Yuerong very much, so she is still in the hallucination.

"A silver lining!"

Zhou Xinrong thrust out her sword, as if she had used all her life's strength.

Behind her, little bits of drizzle gathered and moved forward horizontally, just like rain falling forward.

This is her artistic conception, the first drizzle artistic conception.

The sword energy was released from the sword in her hand, and the drizzle continued, moving with the sword energy.

Suddenly, the drizzle condensed and merged into the sword energy. The sword energy seemed to turn into a water sword, heading straight towards Wei Huiyu.

"Are you crazy?!"

Wei Huiyu was furious and had to distract himself to resist Zhou Xinrong's attack.

He swung out the Yan Yue Dao in his hand, and held the Demon Qi Yan Yue Dao in his inner demon mood, released it, and struck the water sword in front of him.

He didn't dare to take this blow lightly.

Because he could sense that Zhou Xinrong was trying her best.

The demonic energy above and the water vapor below are each divided into separate territories.

The next moment, the Demon Qi Yanyue Sword and the Water Sword struck together.


With a loud noise, the Demon Qi Yanyue Sword collapsed, but the figure in the inner demon's artistic conception trembled and was steadily suspended in the void.

On the other hand, the water sword exploded with a bang and turned into water droplets all over the sky, flying in all directions like a hidden weapon.

The Purple Dragon Army on the upper edge of the giant pit couldn't dodge, and the water droplets penetrated their chests, killing and injuring hundreds of people.

Everyone in the Western Fire Sect used their own methods to block the water droplets.

The huge crater, which was originally full of devastation, expanded a bit with a loud bang under the impact of powerful energy.

Everyone frowned. The situation was already decided, but Zhou Xinrong suddenly took action against Wei Huiyu.


Before everyone could recover, there was another loud noise.

Taking a closer look, the skeleton covering Wei Huiyu exploded with the arrows from the sky. The scattered demonic energy was like arrows, attacking in all directions.

In a hurry, the people of the Western Fire Sect quickly resisted.

The Purple Dragon Army beside the giant pit suffered heavy casualties again.

Originally, the sky's arrows could not break through the skeleton's defense, but just now Wei Huiyu, who was desperately trying to defend Zhou Xinrong, was not only distracted, but also dedicated a lot of strength to resist.

So the sky arrow found a gap and broke through the defense.

In this way, Wei Huiyu was exposed to the arrow.


He cursed angrily, growing angrier.

It was really unacceptable to him that a fake mansion was at its peak and could actually lead to the current situation.

The arrow from the sky was close at hand, and if it hit him, he had no doubt that he would be seriously injured.

However, his reaction was also very fast. He raised the Seven-marked Heavenly Artifact Yanyue Sword in his hand, and the demonic energy condensed. At the critical moment, the blade blocked the incoming arrow of the sky.

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