Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2255 Threat

After the ring battle, Chen Yang had just returned to Xia Qingfeng.

Yan Guinan, Yu Ziwen, Nangong Yunshang, and Lu Ruoxue, who had watched the battle, knocked on the door.

Before I could close the door in a hurry, Zhang Yuxi and Lin Rou also arrived.

Everyone came with the same question, how did Chen Yang win?

The people in front of him were all trustworthy people who had experienced life and death together, so Chen Yang did not hide anything and told them about the divine consciousness technique.

After learning the truth, no one was too surprised.

Because they had just guessed it from the beginning and just came to verify it.

However, it was somewhat unexpected that Chen Yang's divine consciousness technique could actually crush Chen Hanyu.

If this happens, no one among the entire Dragon Backbone Academy disciples will be able to defeat him.

Even Lin Rou predicted that as long as Chen Yang uses the divine consciousness technique, he will definitely be the first in the ranking battle of the Dragon Spine Ceremony.

To be number one at the top of the fake mansion, this is simply crazy.

After everyone chatted for a while, everyone left Chen Yang's residence.

But in Dragon's Back College, the inside story about the outcome of this battle was spread among the college.

Of course, this is not the real inside story, but the rhetoric coming from Hanmen.

After the disciples of Dragon Backbone Academy learned about it, the matter sparked a heated discussion.

"Have you heard that the reason why Senior Brother Chen was defeated was because Chen Yang was deliberately defeated?"

"Let Chen Yang, why?"

"Isn't Chen Yang his cousin? He originally wanted to stand up for the two dead Zhang Wenshan, but when he got to the ring, he couldn't bear to hurt Chen Yang, so he simply pretended to be sick and let Chen Yang defeat him. "

"Ah, this is actually the case!"

"Senior Brother Chen is too emotional. Otherwise, Chen Yang would not have seized the opportunity to defeat him."

"Chen Yang is really hateful. Senior Brother Chen was unmoved at that time. He should stop and see what's going on first."

"It is said that Senior Brother Chen is very remorseful and does not know how to handle the matter. He has left the academy and said he wanted to go out to practice his character."

"They are obviously cousins, so why is there such a big gap between Chen Yang and Senior Brother Chen?"

For a time, Chen Hanyu became a great man, but Chen Yang became a villain.

The few people who knew the truth felt sorry for Chen Yang and wanted to tell the truth several times.

But without Chen Yang's permission, everyone did not announce Chen Yang's practice of spiritual consciousness.

After all, if this was exposed, it would cause trouble for Chen Yang.

During this period, Lin Rou came to Chen Yang and asked Chen Yang if he wanted Ling Yuan to come forward and suppress the matter.

Chen Yang was happy to learn about the rumors outside.

Chen Hanyu really knows how to take advantage of people's hearts. If he is allowed to grow, he will definitely become a powerful man in the future.

However, Chen Yang has already included Chen Hanyu on his must-kill list.

Therefore, Chen Hanyu has no chance to become a hero.

As for asking Ling Yuan to come forward, Chen Yang didn't think it was necessary.

He didn't care what the disciples of Dragon's Back College said, as long as the college's top brass understood what was going on and it didn't affect his impression among the top brass.

After all, if he wanted to enter the main campus of Longwu Academy, he still had to rely on Yu Qingfeng.

A few days later, Longji College announced that Wu Shasha and Zhang Wenshan were undercover agents of the Western Fire Cult lurking in the college. The reason why they had not announced it before was to avoid alerting the enemy and conduct an in-depth investigation.

This news also shocked the college.

After all, the reason why Chen Hanyu and Chen Yang fought before was because he stood up for Zhang Wenshan and Zhang Wenshan.

But now it's revealed that those two people are undercovers, and things are getting a bit dramatic.

When Chen Yang heard the news, he understood in his heart that this showed Yu Qingfeng's attitude, at least between Chen Hanyu and him, he chose to support him.

Half a month later, Chen Hanyu had not returned to Longji College.

On this day, Chen Yang received a letter, a letter sent from the Daxia Dynasty.

The content of the letter shocked Chen Yang.

The Western Fire Sect suddenly broke out in the Daxia Dynasty, destroying many cities, and ordered the Daxia royal family to hand over Chen Yang, otherwise, the Daxia Dynasty would be destroyed.

The letter was sent by Chen Ao. At the end of the letter, he repeatedly told Chen Yang not to return to the Daxia Dynasty.

However, Chen Yang would not listen to Chen Ao.

If things started because of him, how could he sit back and ignore them?

You must know that the Western Fire Sect is powerful and has many Zhenfu stages, and even strong ones in the Induction stage. How can the Great Xia Dynasty be able to fight against it.

Although the Western Fire Sect can only develop in the dark and cannot establish a stronghold in the open.

But it was easy for them to destroy the Great Xia Dynasty. Even if the four major colleges went to destroy it, it would not help.

It is impossible for the strong men from the four major colleges to be stationed in the Daxia Dynasty for a long time.

"It seems that I have to go back!"

Although Chen Yang didn't know whether he could resolve the crisis, he believed that he must take responsibility for this matter.

What's more, whether it was Chen Ao or the people from Prince Yang's Mansion, Chen Yang could not stay out of the matter and watch them being destroyed by the Western Fire Sect.

After putting the cannon into the Najie, Chen Yang left Dragon's Back College without telling anyone else that he was going back to Prince Yang's Mansion.

He didn't want more people to be in danger like him.

After boarding the Longwu ship, in order to hide his identity, Chen Yang did not wear a mask, but disguised himself as a middle-aged man with a beard.

Seeing him dressed like this, the other Dragon's Back Academy disciples on the ship were all confused, but they didn't ask any more questions.

The Longwu ship was at several flying points along the way, and other disciples got off the ship.

Finally, when the Longwu Ship stopped in the Yaoling Mountains, Chen Yang was the only one left.

He flew all the way to the edge of the Yaoling Mountains, and then walked into the area of ​​the Daxia Dynasty.

After the Great Xia Dynasty annexed the Ero Kingdom, although the territory was vast, it has gradually stabilized.

Chen Yang remembered that the city closest to the Yaoling Mountains was called Sheep Bell City. It was said that there was a giant bell made of the horns of a monster beast in the city, hence the name.

Yangzhong City is relatively close to the Yaoling Mountains and is occasionally attacked by monsters. Therefore, the defense of Yangzhong City is stronger than other cities.

But after all, there are weak monsters around the Yaoling Mountains, so the city lord of Yangzhong City is only a fifth-level transcendent.

Of course, it is enough to deal with monsters.

But when Chen Yang saw Yangzhong City, he saw that the city walls were broken, the houses in the city collapsed, corpses and blood were everywhere, and there were ruins and devastation.

In the city, there are still some residents who are missing arms and legs, living in dilapidated houses, with dull eyes, as if they have been frightened.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yang's eyes narrowed and he was filled with anger.

This is definitely the work of the Western Fire Cult.

Even if the Western Fire Cult wanted to kill him, it had nothing to do with these civilians.

Using this method to threaten Daxia Dynasty to hand over Chen Yang is simply too hateful.

Chen Yang did not stay long and rushed to the royal capital immediately.

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