Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2245 They are all from the Western Fire Sect

Hearing Chen Yang's words, Zhang Wenshan felt a little aggrieved.

He was not good at defense, but was forced by Chen Yang to defend.

Because Chen Yang was so fast and his attack speed was so fast, he had to find a gap to counterattack.

However, Chen Yang was able to easily dodge his counterattack.

This is the advantage of speed.

He looked at Chen Yang, was silent for a moment, and said: "You are very fast, but if you don't have this speed, you will never be my opponent."


Chen Yang smiled and asked back.

Zhang Wenshan snorted coldly and said: "First of all, you can't break through my defense. Secondly, since you don't have speed, you can't dodge my attack, and you can't defend against my attack."

"It's a pity that there are not so many ifs. Speed ​​is part of strength. According to what you said, if we were at the same level, I could kill you in an instant."

Chen Yang shook his head and smiled.

Zhang Wenshan said: "Today's battle ends here. Anyway, you can't break through my defense. Let's just pretend that nothing happened and go our separate ways."

"You want my life, how can I let you go?"

A cold light flashed in Chen Yang's eyes, and his gaze fell on Zhang Wenshan's unbreakable defensive shield "Xuanwu Hongzhong" and said: "Besides, do you really think that I can't break your defense?"

Zhang Wenshan was shocked and said: "Impossible, your attack just now has reached the limit. I have seen your battle with Ren Zifei before. Even if you have improved during this period, you cannot be more powerful." Strong means."


Chen Yang smiled calmly, raised the Fire Lotus Sword, and was about to take action.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly flew from a distance and approached quickly.

"Their reinforcements?!"

"who is it?!"

Chen Yang and Zhang Wenshan both turned their eyes and looked at the figure.

I saw a middle-aged man in black flying towards this side.

The middle-aged man was thin, with a beard, huge eyes, some protruding outwards, and he looked very ugly.

And he was shrouded in a dark aura of true energy, which proved that his identity was definitely not a righteous person.

His cultivation level, like Zhang Wenshan and Wu Lili, is also in the middle stage of Zhenfu.

"Wang Shihong!"

Seeing this person, Zhang Wenshan showed surprise.

Wang Shihong flew over and glanced at Chen Yang and Zhang Wenshan with a vigilant expression on his face, but he was not in a hurry to attack.

Judging from the current situation, Zhang Wenshan's defensive magical power has not been released, and it is obvious that Chen Yang has the upper hand.

But Wu Lili, who had made an appointment with Wang Shihong, disappeared, which made Wang Shihong feel unsure.

He glanced at Chen Yang and thought to himself: "Could it be that Chen Yang killed Wu Lili?"

When he thought about it, he felt incredible.

How is it possible that two middle-stage real estates can't defeat one false estate at its peak?

"Wang Shihong, who are you?"

While Wang Shihong was thinking, Zhang Wenshan shouted and asked.

A cold light flashed in Wang Shihong's eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "If you are alive, then I will not be able to disguise myself in Longjiao City; if you are dead, I will continue to return to Longjiao City. In this case, I will tell you my identity , it doesn’t matter. In fact, I am not an ordinary resident of Longjiao City, I am a member of the Western Fire Sect."

"Ah! People from the Western Fire Cult!"

Zhang Wenshan exclaimed, with a hint of joy in his tone.

Chen Yang was very calm when he learned Wang Shihong's identity, but he was a little confused about Zhang Wenshan's reaction.

Wang Shihong glanced at Zhang Wenshan and curled his lips: "I am from the Western Fire Sect, what are you happy about?"

Zhang Wenshan said: "Brother Wang, I am also a member of the Western Fire Sect."

"What, you are also a member of the Western Fire Sect?" Wang Shihong was stunned and said, "If you are a member of the Western Fire Sect, why did I never know about it?"

Zhang Wenshan glanced at Chen Yang, hesitated, and said to Wang Shihong: "I am a messenger, and I only have one-way contact with the leader, so only the leader knows my identity."

Hearing this, Chen Yang was shocked.

He looked at Zhang Wenshan, but he never thought that the twenty-sixth ranked disciple in the academy would actually be from the Western Fire Sect.

And what happened to Wang Shihong who suddenly appeared?

Today, I saw that this matter was more complicated than imagined.


Wang Shihong knew this identity.

Messenger is a special title within the Western Fire Sect.

These people were trained at a very young age to become undercover agents of various forces. They were under the full control of the leader and had a single line of contact.

In the entire Western Fire Sect, no one else knows the identity of the messenger except the leader.

And the messenger will not know who his accomplices are among the forces he is undercover.

This can prevent the entire army from being annihilated after the undercover agent is caught.

Therefore, the Messenger is the most mysterious member of the entire Western Fire Cult.

Wang Shihong frowned and said in a deep voice: "Zhang Wenshan, how do you prove your identity as a messenger?"

Zhang Wenshan gritted his teeth, took out a piece of letterhead from the ring, and passed through the Xuanwu Hongzhong and flew into Wang Shihong's hand.

Wang Shihong just looked at the envelope and confirmed Zhang Wenshan's identity, but he did not dare to take out the letter paper in the envelope.

Because the letter paper inside is the confidential content written by the leader, and he cannot read it.

He returned the envelope to Zhang Wenshan and said in a deep voice: "Zhang Wenshan, the identity of the messenger cannot be exposed to anyone, otherwise he will betray the Western Fire Sect and will be executed. In this case, why do you want to reveal your identity?"

Zhang Wenshan looked helpless, pointed at Chen Yang, and said: "Brother Wang, this thief Chen Yang is too difficult to deal with. I revealed my identity to join forces with you. Otherwise, if the three of us fight in a melee, I'm afraid today, we Both of them will suffer, but they can't defeat Chen Yang."

"Is he so powerful!?"

Wang Shihong was a little surprised and asked Zhang Wenshan, "Where is Wu Lili?"

Zhang Wenshan didn't know why Wang Shihong asked about Wu Lili, with a look of confusion on his face.

Wang Shihong explained: "Wu Lili is also from the West Fire Sect. The reason why I came here is because she asked me to come over and help her kill Chen Yang and you."

Zhang Wenshan broke out in a cold sweat. He didn't expect Wu Lili to have such an identity. If Chen Yang hadn't been strong enough, he would have killed Chen Yang. He would have been killed by his own people for no apparent reason before he could reveal his identity.

At this time, Chen Yang was also shocked, and then he realized that the people who wanted to kill him were all members of the Western Fire Sect.

However, Wu Lili and Zhang Wenshan obviously did not know each other's true identity when they joined forces before.

This shows that they joined forces for other reasons.

Who ordered them?

Chen Hongyi?

After Zhang Wenshan understood Wu Lili's identity, he said to Wang Shihong: "Wu Lili didn't know what happened. She suddenly froze there. Then when Chen Yang and I were fighting, she disappeared."

Wang Shihong frowned, looked at Chen Yang, and said: "Ignore Wu Lili for now, let's join forces to kill Chen Yang first, so as to avoid long nights and dreams."

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