Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2241 The Art of Stealing the Heart

Chen Yang knew that he must be worried about Chen Hanyu, but he didn't know what kind of method Chen Hanyu would use to deal with him.

However, he was not a pessimistic person, and he did not worry about his own safety all day long, but devoted himself wholeheartedly to cultivation.

His Qi, blood, true energy, and star energy are all steadily improving.

After breaking through the wall of spiritual consciousness with the help of the new leaves of the underworld tree, his spiritual consciousness improved by leaps and bounds, reaching level 1000 in just one month.

You must know that at the 1000th level of spiritual consciousness, most people are restricted by the spiritual consciousness wall and need to advance to the early stage of Zhenfu to reach this level.

And some rune masters, even if they practice spiritual consciousness, may not be able to break the spiritual consciousness wall at the peak of false mansion.

Even if there are treasures, they must be supported by powerful techniques.

Therefore, Chen Yang's current 1000-level spiritual consciousness is already quite terrifying data at the peak of his fake mansion.

If you use the Consciousness Sea Vortex again, you can burst out 2000 levels of divine consciousness in a short period of time.

Chen Yang thought for a while, even in the Zhenfu stage, there are very few practitioners who can cultivate to level 2000.

If he could develop a new spiritual consciousness attack method, it would be much easier to deal with the Zhenfu period with the 2000-level divine consciousness.

In "The Art of Refining the Gods", there are many ways to attack the divine consciousness.

Fire Eye Pupil: It is a pupil technique that can disrupt the opponent's mind by looking directly into the other person's eyes. Cultivate to an extremely high level and even be able to control the opponent.

Phantom Space: Use your powerful spiritual consciousness to create a third-party illusion, completely controlling everything in the illusion. You can change objects and characters at will, and even control the time and space of the illusion. Outsiders cannot identify the phantom space. After entering, although they will not be controlled by the releaser, they will regard all illusions as entities.

The art of transforming into gods: Divine consciousness is transformed into divine thoughts, retaining one's own consciousness and leaving the body. It can survive and form a second self, with independent thinking. Cultivate to the point of being extremely powerful and be able to achieve hundreds of millions of clones.

Illusion Mind Magic: Create a space of consciousness that is completely under your control, and you can enter it, practice your thoughts, and transform the results of your practice into entities.

The method of concentration: by attacking the opponent's consciousness and mining the opponent's memory, thereby amplifying the opponent's negative emotions, causing the opponent to die from the torture of negative emotions.

Chen Yang looked at the various methods of using spiritual consciousness and thought that instead of calling them spiritual attack methods, they should be called spiritual consciousness techniques.

Because these methods are not all used for attacks, but there are all kinds of wonderful methods.

The technique of transforming into gods, Chen Yang thought, must be the technique used by Master Haolan to transform into 3.6 billion divine consciousness bodies. It can be said to be extremely exquisite.

In addition, Lu Tianhe should have practiced similar techniques, but they were much inferior. He only left a mental body in the Xihai ruins, not a physical entity.

"If I could practice this kind of technique, wouldn't it mean that I would be immortal?"

Chen Yang thought this, but he did not expect that he would be able to practice it now, because the spells he just saw were all very advanced divine consciousness spells.

Fire eyes, phantom space, the art of transforming into gods, the art of illusory mind, the method of concentration...

The training conditions required for these superb techniques are very demanding.

Chen Yang's current 1,000-level spiritual consciousness is still far from the bottom line that can be cultivated.

Of course, these techniques are also recorded at the back of the "God Refining Technique". They are techniques that can only be practiced in the later stages.

In front of the "God Refining Technique", in addition to the most basic divine consciousness disruption, there are also several relatively simple spiritual consciousness techniques that will gradually improve later.

Although it is relatively simple, it is actually a very sophisticated and profound divine consciousness technique.

Chen Yang did not aim too high, and chose a spiritual consciousness technique that was ranked behind the spiritual consciousness disturbance, called "the technique of confusing the orifice".

This technique uses powerful spiritual power to create illusions.

As for what the illusion is, it cannot be controlled by the releaser, but is determined by the environment at the scene and the opponent's thinking.

Therefore, the releaser does not know what the opponent will see.

Perhaps, the illusion his opponent is in will make him lose all fighting spirit, or he may kill each other...

But it is also possible that the hallucinations that appear can make the opponent more motivated to fight and stimulate his fighting spirit...

In other words, the "art of mystery" is not completely under the control of the releaser. It may weaken or strengthen the opponent.

However, the art of mystery is not completely uncontrollable.

If you find that the opponent's hallucination has no attack effect, you can immediately interrupt the illusion.

But doing so will cause a huge loss of spiritual consciousness.

If you want to use the Mystery Technique again, it may be a little difficult.

From this point of view, it seems that the art of enigma is not as good as disturbing the consciousness.

However, disturbing the consciousness is useless for those above the Zhenfu stage, but the technique of confusing the orifice is.

At this stage, Chen Yang can only practice the art of enigma.

He also wanted to practice other spiritual consciousness techniques, but unfortunately he was not strong enough and could not practice them.

After making the decision, Chen Yang immediately started trying.

He first used the method recorded in "The Art of Refining God" to subtly control his own consciousness, so as to invade the enemy's sea of ​​consciousness without the enemy being aware of it.

After all, after the Zhenfu stage, the spiritual consciousness is very strong, and it is easy to sense the spiritual attacks from the outside world. If one makes a defense, the magic of the orifice will not work.

That's why subtle manipulation of spiritual consciousness is needed.

It has to be said that Chen Yang is extremely talented in spiritual consciousness.

After a few days, he mastered the subtle control of his spiritual consciousness.

Next, he should try it in actual combat.

However, he did not have a suitable experimental target.

After thinking about it, he set his sights on the cannon in the yard.

Cannon, who was lying on his back and basking in the sun, didn't notice anything. He scratched his belly and felt that his little life was very pleasant.

Chen Yang walked over, directly lifted the cannon by its hind legs, and dragged the cannon into the practice room.

The cannon seemed to have no bones, hanging in Chen Yang's hand, and he dragged it into the practice room.

"Woof woof woof..."

Canao was still lying on the ground, whimpering twice, as if he was blaming Chen Yang for not letting him have a good rest.

Chen Yang said seriously: "Cannon, you have been lazy and lazy all day long and have done nothing. Now, it is your time to show your light and heat."

Canao seemed to have an ominous premonition, shrinking his neck and staring at Chen Yang suspiciously.

Chen Yang continued: "Don't be nervous. It's actually nothing. I just want you to help me practice a spiritual consciousness technique and act as a living target for me. Don't worry, I will never hurt you."

"Woof woof woof..."

Cannon shouted a few times, turned around and ran away.

Chen Yang grabbed Cannon's hind legs and pushed him to the ground. Cannon already had an expression of despair.

Although he didn't know what divine consciousness magic was, he understood that it was definitely not a good thing.

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