Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2208 Dark Hall

Chen Yang received the news that Hou Xiang was missing.

Of course, this news will not affect him in any way.

After staying in Prince Yang's Mansion for a few days, he set off and returned to Dragon's Back College.

I had just returned to the academy and was planning to practice in seclusion when I was informed to gather at the mission hall.

This is strange. There has always been freedom in Dragon's Back Academy, but can we still be forced to perform tasks?

It seems that something must have happened.

Chen Yang thought this as he arrived at the mission hall.

In front of the main hall, many disciples from the academy have gathered, numbering over a hundred.

Chen Yang observed that these disciples were still outstanding disciples in various realms.

It seems that the academy is planning to carry out an extremely difficult task.

After a while, Zhang Yuxi came.

After a while, Wang Zehong also came.

Chen Yang listened to the discussions of people around him and learned that a total of eight of the top 100 disciples of Shang Qingfeng had come.

In addition to Wang Zehong, there is another disciple ranked thirteenth, named Liao Jian.

Like Wang Zehong, he is also in the middle stage of Zhenfu. Although his strength is not as good as Wang Zehong's, he is still very strong.

This battle is not simple.

"Junior Brother Chen."

When Wang Zehong saw Chen Yang, he smiled, said hello, and walked over.

Together with Zhang Yuxi, the three of them stood together and started chatting.

Wang Zehong was interesting. He couldn't talk about gambling without saying anything. He kept saying that if he went out on a mission this time, he would have to gamble a few times. This would be interesting.

Others were quite speechless when they heard his words.

I bet this sixth-ranked senior is a gambling addict.

Gradually, more and more people gathered in front of the mission hall.

After a while, Vice Dean Long Jiatong and Chief Elder Xu Guangyong of the Mission Hall appeared.

When Long Jiatong saw Chen Yang, his eyes flashed past.

It seemed that she had forgotten the fact that she had captured Chen Yang and wanted to execute him. She did not remember it in her heart.

"Disciples, please follow me."

Xu Guangyong shouted, turned around and headed towards Dragon's Back Peak, leading everyone into another hall.

Inside the hall, the light was slightly dim.

Apart from Long Jiatong and Xu Guangyong, there are the disciples who came in.

Wang Zehong was the strongest among the disciples. He asked: "Vice Dean Long, Elder Xu, is there any important task for calling us here today?"

"This time, there is indeed a major mission."

Xu Guangyong nodded, glanced at Long Jiatong, and said: "Deputy Dean Long will explain to you the specific content of the task."

Everyone's eyes turned to Long Jiatong.

Long Jiatong took a step forward and said: "In addition to the teaching altar, the Western Fire Sect has four other halls. One of them is called the Dark Hall. It has organizations such as the Dark Hall and is mainly responsible for the assassinations of the Western Fire Sect. , information collection and other tasks are very important aspects of the Western Fire Sect.”

"After years of information collection, the Academy's Secret Hall has now discovered the entrance to the dark hall, which is located on a peak in the west of Lishan Mountain. The peak is called Lihai Peak. The top of the mountain is flat, the area is huge, and there is a small town. It’s called Lihai Town.”

"On the surface, Lihai Town is an ordinary town, but in fact, it is where the Western Fire Sect's secret hall is located. About one-third of the population is from the secret hall. On weekdays, they are just like ordinary people. The townspeople are no different, but secretly, they do all kinds of destructive things, murder and arson, and commit countless crimes."

"This information is the most confidential information. Those of you here have been reviewed by the academy and selected disciples with sufficient strength and reliable backgrounds before I will inform you of this secret."

"And your mission this time is to go to Lihai Town and destroy the Dark Hall."

After hearing this, the disciples present suddenly realized.

It has to be said that this task of annihilating one of the four major halls of the Western Fire Sect is indeed very important.

But Antang must be powerful, definitely not ordinary.

Even if so many people pass by, they may not be able to be wiped out.

With more than a hundred people entering Lihai Town, it would be easy for the Western Fire Sect's secret hall to be alert, but it would be difficult to make a sneak attack.

Wang Zehong asked: "Vice Dean Long, how strong is the secret hall?"

Long Jiatong said: "Among the four major halls of the Western Fire Sect, the Dark Hall is the weakest in combat effectiveness. The leader of the Dark Hall is in the late Zhenfu period, and the two deputy hall masters are in the middle Zhenfu period. Among the rest, there are several Zhenfu people. During the pre-fu period, the rest are all during the holiday period.”

Hearing this, everyone was speechless.

Such strength does not seem to be easy to deal with.

Just when someone was about to raise a question, Long Jiatong continued: "According to our information, the leader of the dark hall and one of the deputy leaders have now returned to the Western Fire Sect and will not return to the Lijiang River in the short term. Town. With your strength, it is completely enough to deal with the remaining people."

"I see."

Everyone nodded and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Chen Yang was confused and asked: "Vice President Long, since you know the location of the secret hall, why did the college not wait until their hall master and deputy hall master came back before letting the college elders take action to destroy them directly?" Wouldn’t it be better if we dropped it?”

Long Jiatong said: "Although there is no coexistence between good and evil, neither side is willing to provoke a war now. Therefore, the academy will not openly send elders to use the power of the academy to annihilate the forces of the Western Fire Sect. But the disciples can do it in the name of performing tasks , to deal with the Western Fire Cult. In this way, large-scale head-on conflicts can be avoided."

Chen Yang understood. To put it bluntly, everyone abides by one rule, which is not to fight openly with each other.

It seems that no one can afford the loss.

After all, there are many forces in the Western Continent. If there is a serious damage, the Western Fire Sect and Dragon Backbone Academy may be suppressed or even replaced by other forces.

The current balance is exactly what all parties are unwilling to break.

After Long Jiatong made some more detailed arrangements, the disciples, led by Wang Zehong, immediately set off for Li Mountain.

In order to deceive others, the Longwu Ship stopped far away from Lishan Mountain, and then more than a hundred disciples spread out, disguised as ordinary Jianghu people, and entered the city closest to Lishan Mountain one after another.

Then, everyone gathered in the city.

Three days later, at night.

Under the Lihai Peak, there are figures, and they are a group of disciples from Dragon Backbone Academy.

They lurked under the mountain and headed towards the top.

Lihai Peak is an independent mountain with steep sides and only one road leading to the top. If someone is flying or descending from the cliff, they can see it clearly, so there is no need to worry about someone escaping.

Along the way to the peak, the surroundings were quiet and a little unusual.

It stands to reason that since the secret hall is hidden here, no matter what, some secret sentries should be set up as a precaution.

They are not so relieved. Do they think no one will find this place?

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