Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2108 Star Spirit Fruit

Chen Yang immediately took out the map of Chiyue Secret Cave from Najie.

This extremely complex, maze-like map could not be completely remembered by Chen **.

He unfolded the map and searched quickly on it, and soon found the same vortex symbol as on the wall.

On the map, this swirl symbol is used to mark the nodes of the route.

On the map, there is a small section of the route on the side of the whirlpool symbol, which is filled with flames, and text is marked next to it: "Unless the induction period is reached, the magma eruption section cannot be passed."

Chen ** compared his previous route and found that it completely matched the small area in the lower left corner of the map in his hand.

In other words, the Crimson Flame Dungeon is actually a corner of the Crimson Moon Secret Cave.

"It turns out that the Red Moon Secret Cave is here."

Chen Yang murmured, unfolded the map in his hand and spread it on the ground, and looked at it carefully.

Based on the ratio between the map and the real scene, he guessed that the entire Chiyue Secret Cave covers at least tens of thousands of square kilometers and is an extremely huge underground space.

He could not imagine how this underground space was formed.

However, since he has a map in his hand, at least someone has explored all of this place.

Chen Yang guessed that the person who drew the map should at least have reached the divine realm.

"Now that I have a map, let's see where I can go to get back to the area I was in."

Chen Yang searched the map and found that the entire Chiyue Secret Cave had four entrances and exits, located at the four corners of the map.

The entrance he came from must pass through the magma channel before he can return.

The magma channel is marked on the map. If you want to pass through it on your own, you must at least reach the induction period.

In other words, it is impossible for Chen Yang to pass through that passage now.

Then, you can only leave through the entrances and exits at the other three corners.

But he took a closer look and found that he had to go to the other three entrances and exits. Not to mention the long journey, the dangers encountered along the way were more difficult to deal with than the magma eruption section.

There are even some passages that are intercepted by monsters in the induction period, which are definitely not something Chen Yang can deal with now.

"What the hell is this place?!"

Chen Yang muttered something and thought about whether he could penetrate the stone wall, dig a passage and return to the previous area.

With this thought, he immediately tried it.

The magical power bombarded the stone wall, making a loud noise, and the stone wall broke open, revealing a one-meter-deep pit.

Seeing this, Chen Yang couldn't help but frowned.

Although he didn't use all his strength just now, if it were an ordinary stone wall, he could dig at least dozens of meters.

But only one meter has been dug now, and it is obvious that the hardness of the stone here is different.

If we follow this progress, it is obviously unrealistic to dig a passage to return.

"Forget it, let's see which areas I can reach first. There are a lot of treasures in the Red Moon Secret Cave. Let's harvest something first."

Chen Yang looked at the map again and found that although there were many treasures in the Red Moon Secret Cave, it was also full of dangers.

With his current strength, many areas are too dangerous, and there are insurmountable obstacles and monsters in the passages. He cannot go to those places, and can only limit his activities to a part of the lower left corner. The area is less than 100 meters in the entire Chiyue Secret Cave. one part.

He first eliminated the treasures guarded by monsters in the late stage of False Mansion and above. Now that the two iron-hoofed horned oxen are dead, he can rely on the wrath of the sky to deal with cultivators and monsters in the middle stage of False Mansion, but he cannot defeat them in the late stage of False Mansion. .

Therefore, he can only set his goals lower.

However, the level of the monsters in the Red Moon Secret Cave seems to be very high. There are only two treasures in the area where he can move, which are guarded by monsters in the middle stage of the False Mansion.

As for the monsters in the early stages of False Mansion, they simply don’t exist here.

"Star Spirit Fruit!"

Chen Yang's eyes fell on a location to the north of the map, where the Star Spirit Fruit grew.

Star Spirit Fruit is a special kind of spiritual grass that contains the power of the stars. It has excellent effects on cultivating star energy and assisting in understanding the stars.

If Chen Yang could obtain a Star Spirit Fruit, with its assistance, he would have a great advantage in comprehending the fourth star.

Where the Star Spirit Fruit is located, according to the information on the map, there is a Sky-Splitting Eagle guarding the middle stage of the False Mansion. It does not pose much of a threat to Chen Yang.

Along the way to the location of the Star Spirit Fruit, there are no other dangers in the passage.

As for the maze-like passages, it was nothing to Chen Yang who had a map.

Judging from various information, it is not difficult to obtain the Star Spirit Fruit.

"Set off."

Chen Yang did what he said and headed to the location of the Star Spirit Fruit according to the map.

On the map it looks like only a short distance.

But Chen Yang flew more than fifty miles before approaching his destination, a huge grotto with complex terrain.

Chen Yang hid in the passage, constructed a whirlpool in the sea of ​​consciousness, and then looked inside the grotto. He saw a small blue grass on the top of the tallest boulder.

The grass was no more than ten centimeters tall, and there was a thumb-sized blue spherical fruit on the top, which released pure star energy and dispersed around, forming a blue mist.

"Star Spirit Fruit!"

Chen Yang's eyes shone. This was the first time he had seen the spiritual grass containing star energy when he was fighting for the Martial Star.

This thing is truly rare.

However, he did not rush out rashly.

Because looking around, there was no Sky-Splitting Eagle in the entire cave.

But the terrain here is complicated, and the boulders are of varying heights. Maybe the Sky-Splitting Eagle is hiding behind the boulders and cannot be seen from Chen Yang's perspective.

If you show up voluntarily, you may be attacked.

Chen Yang thought for a moment and said to the cannon in Najie: "You go out and lure the Sky-Splitting Eagle out. I'll hide here and attack it sneakily with the Fury of the Sky."

"Woof woof woof..."

The cannon fired a few times, but fortunately the sound from Na Jieli did not spread out. Otherwise, it would have attracted the Sky-Splitting Eagle right away.

Chen Yang said: "Don't worry, if you kill the Sky-Splitting Eagle, his demon pill will definitely belong to you."

"Woof woof woof..."

As long as there was food, Canao immediately agreed to Chen Yang's plan.

Chen Yang released the cannon from the Najie. The cannon immediately released its demonic energy and rushed into the cave, as if it was about to fight.


A sharp and ferocious roar sounded in the cave.

A large eagle, more than twenty meters long, flew out from behind the boulder that blocked the view.

The large eagle's wings were spread out to a hundred meters wide, its claws were extremely sharp, and its long and sharp beak was like a hook.

Thick evil spirit filled the air, like a red mist, covering the sky.

This sculpture is none other than the Sky-Splitting Eagle, a monster from the middle stage of the False Mansion.

Like an eagle catching a chicken, the Sky-Splitting Eagle suddenly swooped down and grabbed the cannon with a pair of sharp claws.

"Woof woof woof..."

The cannon was unafraid and let out a ferocious cry. It lowered its limbs, grinned and bared its teeth. It had a fierce look on its face and released its demonic aura. It was no less impressive than the Sky-Splitting Eagle.

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