Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2106 Magma Pool

After Chen Yang entered the passage, he immediately took the iron-hoofed horned bull into the Najie, and slowed down, waiting for Hua Yunzhong and others to catch up.

Moreover, he had woken up Cannon from sleeping in Najie and asked Cannon to prepare for battle.

Of course, Cannon still looked lazy, but when he heard Chen Yang's promise of the demon pill, he became more energetic.

The pursuer behind him was getting closer and closer, and the distance was only more than a hundred meters away. On the long straight road, Chen Yang turned back and could clearly see the pursuer behind him.

A gleam flashed in his eyes, and he was about to take out the Wrath of the Sky and kill the opponent's strongest Huayunzhong first.

But unexpectedly, at this moment, a sudden change occurred.


There was a loud noise, and the ground suddenly cracked open, revealing a two-meter-wide crack in the ground, blooming with dazzling red fire.

Immediately afterwards, blazing magma spewed out from the crack in the ground, like a huge flaming arrow, bombarding Chen Yang at extremely fast speeds.

That was obviously no ordinary magma. The blazing temperature and terrifying pressure made Chen Yang feel in danger.

The key is that Chen Yang is less than three meters away from the ground.

In this situation, he couldn't avoid the erupting magma.

He could feel that if he was sprayed by lava, he would definitely die.

At the critical moment, Chen Yang released the iron-hoofed horned ox and blocked it under his body.


The magma sprayed on the body of the horned bull, making a loud noise, and pushed the horned bull upwards and crashed into Chen Yang.

Chen Yang kicked off his legs and used the force on the back of the iron-hoofed horned bull to rush forward and fly a few dozen meters away.

After landing, he looked back with a look of horror on his face.

After the iron-hoofed horned cow was hit by the magma, its abdomen was completely burned and melted, and the magma was like gangrene on its bones, spreading on its body and trying to melt it completely.

In the blink of an eye, the iron-hoofed horned cow turned into lava without even letting out a scream, and fell into the fiery red light under the crack in the ground.

This was a monster in the late stage of the False Mansion, and it was a monster that was good at defense. It was actually destroyed directly by the magma.

Chen Yang glanced at the crack in the ground and saw that the ground was about half a meter thick. Under the ground was flowing billowing magma, which was so powerful that it made one's heart palpitate.

"Haha, the iron-hoofed horned bull is dead. Chen Yang's biggest support is gone. Hurry, catch up and kill him."

In the flower cloud, he saw the iron-hoofed horned cow being destroyed by the magma, his face looked happy and he laughed.

Others also breathed a sigh of relief. What they were most afraid of was the iron-hoofed horned ox. Now that the iron-hoofed horned ox is dead, in their eyes, Chen Yang is nothing more than a turtle in a urn.

"Color-changing Black Flame Frog, enter!"

Cao Yonglin felt that his opportunity had finally arrived. He pointed at Chen Yang and ordered the color-changing Black Flame Frog.


The discolored black flame frog made an unpleasant cry, exerted its strength on its limbs, launched into the air, and rushed towards Chen Yang.

While in the air, it stretched out its long tongue and swept towards Chen Yang.


Suddenly, another blast of magma shot up from the ground, hitting the unsuspecting discolored Black Flame Frog's belly, blasting its bulging belly with a loud bang, like a balloon bursting.

The color-changing black flame frog was completely penetrated by the magma, and wisps of black and red flames leaked out from its abdomen. They were all swallowed up by the magma, without any resistance at all.

In an instant, it began to burn, and the magma spread rapidly, from the tongue in its mouth to the tip of the tongue that stretched out.

Soon, it was burned to ashes and fell into the magma underground. It completely disappeared without even a bubble.

Seeing this scene, Hua Yunzhong and others who were about to pursue Chen Yang stopped, with fear in their eyes, and they did not dare to move forward rashly.

Chen Yang also breathed a sigh of relief. Just now he thought he had just encountered a magma eruption.

Now it seems that this is not the case. It seems that as long as an object passes through that passage, the magma will erupt and attack.

Chen Yang secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, he had just put the iron-hoofed horned cow in the ring. If he had brought it with him, two streams of lava would have erupted, and he would have nothing to block the lava.


Although the dog is a good eater and lazy, it is different from the iron-hoofed horned ox. It is Chen Yang's friend.

At the critical moment, he would never think of sacrificing the cannon to save himself.

After the magma erupted twice in succession, the ground was cracked inch by inch in a section of the passage about fifty meters away, with a fiery red light shining through the cracks, as if it was about to shatter the ground.


The next moment, the ground collapsed, and rocks fell down one by one, submerged in the rolling magma, and burned to ashes in an instant.

The ground disappeared, completely exposing the magma below.

Chen Yang originally thought that there was a magma culvert below, but unexpectedly it was a magma pool.

The fiery red magma circulated in the pool, releasing scorching temperatures and plunging the entire passage into scorching heat.


Cao Yonglin couldn't help but curse. The color-changing black flame frog didn't even play any role and just died. He suffered heavy losses.

However, Hua Yunzhong, Fan Yingrui and other disciples from Turtle Python Academy and Tiger Roar Academy were secretly gloating over the misfortune.

Of course, they didn't show it.

"The Sword of Annihilation!"

Cao Yonglin was furious and swung his sword towards Chen Yang across the fifty-meter magma pool.

A tiny piece of wood appeared above his head, releasing vitality and the most authentic form of wood.

This general trend is of great benefit to the practice of taming demons.

But the increase in combat power is not as good as other general trends.

Of course, Cao Yonglin is an early cultivator of the False Mansion after all, and the sword energy he releases is quite powerful.

However, just as the sword energy entered the sky above the magma pool area, a blast of magma shot up and impacted on the sword energy, like a big mouth, directly swallowing the sword energy completely.

When the magma fell back into the pool, the sword energy was gone and dissipated.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked. The magma would not only attack the people and monsters passing by, but even the energy bodies would not be spared.

In other words, this magma pool blocks the passage, making it impossible to pass and attack.

Chen Yang looked at Hua Yunzhong and the others fifty meters away with the magma pool as the boundary, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the people of Fengming Academy also have monsters, they cannot collect the monsters into the ring, and they cannot suddenly release the monsters like Chen Yang to block the jet of magma.

What's more, even the color-changing Black Flame Frog in the middle stage of False Mansion was penetrated by the magma, and other monsters in the early stage of False Mansion were even less able to block the magma.

"It looks like you won't be able to make it."

Chen Yang looked at Hua Yunzhong and the others and teased.

"You bastard!"

Cao Yonglin cursed again, with an unwilling expression on his face. He released several magical powers one after another, but they were all swallowed up by the magma, making him grit his teeth in anger.

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