Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2068 Bloodthirsty Killing

"It's the Kuishan Sect Master who's back!"

"The Broken Sword Gate has been renamed the Split Sword Gate. When Fujiwara Aoiyama comes back this time, he will definitely go on a killing spree!"

"I heard that the young man named Chen Yang is still staying at the Split Sword Gate waiting for Fujiwara Aoiyama to come back. I don't know where he got the confidence."

"Don't worry about where other people's confidence comes from, we should stay away quickly and don't get killed by Fujiwara Aoiyama!"

Fujiwara Aoiyama and Fujiwara Zaemon entered the Wind and Thunder Castle.

As celebrities in Fenglei City, the two of them immediately attracted the attention of many people as soon as they entered the city gate.

Most people looked ugly when they saw them and immediately stayed away.

The city guards who had surrendered to Wenzheng had a look of fear on their faces.

One of them immediately walked towards the Split Sword Gate in the city, and the other one met Fujiwara Aoiyama and the others.

"Master Kuishan, you..."

Just as the guard opened his mouth, Fujiwara Aoiyama slapped his head with a palm without even looking at him. With a click, his head split into pieces, and his brains and blood exploded and spilled all over the floor.

Immediately afterwards, Fujiwara Aoiyama waved his right hand forward, and a palm shadow struck the leaving city guards.


The guard was of a low level and could not withstand his attack. His entire body was blasted and turned into a pile of minced meat. His blood spattered away and those who were closer were dyed red.



Seeing this scene, everyone who was already afraid immediately ran towards the distance.

"The Broken Sword Gate belongs to my Fujiwara family; the Fujiwara family is the master of Fenglei City!"

Fujiwara Aoiyama stood in front of the city gate, and the sinister black essence was released from his body, forming a devil-like face behind him, making bursts of ghostly crying sounds, and the devilish energy soared into the sky.

"Today, I will kill a thousand people and bury my son and the Fujiwara family with him!"

Fujiwara Aoiyama shouted loudly, and his murderous voice spread with the blessing of true energy, and his voice was heard throughout Fenglei City.

Thinking of Fujiwara Aoiyama's cruel behavior, every house quickly closed its doors, and people on the street immediately looked for places to hide.

At this moment, anyone who appears in Fujiwara Aoiyama's sight will definitely be targeted as a priority attack.


The next moment, Fujiwara Aoiyama moved.

He waved out his palm, and the seven to eight meter wide palm shadow, carrying terrifying power, directly bombarded a group of people who were fleeing.

With just one palm strike, about ten people were reduced to a pulp on the spot.

The blood and minced meat all over the floor was terrifying and made people feel numb.


Fujiwara Zaemon was also very fierce. He rushed forward, holding a katana, and killed everyone on sight.

At the sixth level of his extraordinary realm, except for a few people in Fenglei City, no one could be his opponent.

When he rushes forward, he is like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, slaughtering them wantonly.

"Chen Yang, Wen Zheng, come out!"

Fujiwara Aoiyama walked towards the Split Sword Gate, killing people along the way.

As long as he saw anyone, he didn't let anyone go.

If you don't see anyone within ten steps.

Then he would take action directly, blowing down the nearby houses and looking for survivors.

No matter what, he had to kill a few people before he would give up.

Along the way, within a few hundred meters, hundreds of people have been killed, with pieces of flesh, blood, blood, internal organs and bones everywhere...

It was really a scene of mourning and hundreds of corpses. The scene was extremely cruel.

"Hahaha, this woman is pretty. Today is just the right day for you to pay homage to the soul of my dead brother!"

At this moment, Fujiwarazaemon saw a woman running for her life in the alleyway with an infant baby in her arms.

Just when he was about to succeed, suddenly, a tiny green-blue sword light penetrated his head with a pop.

"Ah, Chen Yang!"

Blood spurted out, and he had a look of panic on his face. He wanted to run for his life, but he knew that he would die the next moment.

His eyes lost their luster, his body tilted, and he fell to the ground, motionless.

The woman was able to escape, quickly picked up the child on the ground, and ran towards the depths of the alley.

At the end of the alleyway, Chen Yang and Wen Zheng were standing there.

A few days ago, the woman saw Chen Yang fighting against the Fujiwara family in the air. She knew that it was Chen Yang who took action just now, saving her innocence and the life of her child.

Otherwise, the fate of her and her child will be very miserable.

"thanks, thanks……"

The woman held the child in her arms, with tears on her face, and bowed to thank Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said seriously: "You hurry up, it's very dangerous here."

The woman nodded and trotted away quickly.

Chen Yang and Wen Zheng quickly walked out of the alley and chased Fujiwara Aoiyama.

They looked around and saw the miserable scenes along the way, which gave them a great impact.

"Sure enough, evil can't be changed!"

Chen Yang said in a deep voice, the murderous intent in his eyes getting stronger and stronger.

"Are you Chen Yang!?"

At this moment, a cold shout suddenly came from the sky.

Fujiwara Aoiyama was walking in front and sensed the disappearance of Fujiwara Zaemon's aura. When he turned back, he happened to see the sword light of "Purple Goku Ichi Sword" flashing away.

Seeing that Fujiwara Zaemon was dead, he immediately took to the air to look for the murderer, and happened to see Chen Yang and Wen Zheng rushing out of the alleyway.

The sword light that suddenly appeared just now killed Fujiwarazaemon instantly, which also made him a little surprised by Chen Yang's methods.

However, that kind of speed is really difficult to deal with in the Transcendent Realm.

But for Fujiwara Aoiyama in the early stage of Kakufu, it was nothing.

Chen Yang jumped onto the roof next to him, looked at Fujiwara Aoiyama in the air, turned over his hand and took out the ink-edged sword, and said coldly: "You can do this to innocent people like Fenglei City, you are really vicious. of."


Fujiwara Aoiyama snorted disapprovingly, glanced at the crowd hiding in the distance, and said disdainfully: "It is their honor to be buried with the Fujiwara family for these ant-like lives."

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