Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2035 Giant Stone Ape

Chen Yang said: "However, we don't know where the destination of the teleportation is. Maybe the next time we use the conversion and movement formation, we will be teleported to a very dangerous place."

"Furthermore, since the city lord of Shifang City set up the formation here, he definitely didn't do it for fun. He definitely wanted to hinder the treasure hunter. Therefore, the next teleportation destination will most likely be very dangerous."

Hearing this, everyone showed bitter expressions and looked at Sha Zhou, letting him, the captain, make the decision.

Sha Zhou thought for a moment, then looked at Chen Yang and said, "Chen Yang, do you have any suggestions?"

Chen Yang looked at the formation pattern formed by the cracks in the stone wall, pondered for a moment, and said to Sha Zhou: "Actually, we are not completely helpless. Maybe, even if we encounter danger, we can escape."

Everyone's eyes lit up and asked: "What can we do?"

Chen Yang said: "Convert the teleportation formation. Although the teleportation destination will be changed every quarter of an hour, the formation will still exist after the conversion. If we are in danger, we can return to the previous area from the formation gate and continue to wait. Next switch until you get to the real treasure.”

"However, even this is not a foolproof strategy. If we enter a new area and the dangers there are strong enough to kill us instantly, we will have no chance to exit."

Sha Zhou thought for a while, looked at the crowd, and said thoughtfully: "I think Chen Yang's method can be tried."

Luo Feng said: "Now that we are here, there is no reason to return empty-handed."

Jiang Jiaming said: "I listen to the captain."

Ran Yuwei and Feng Liang also nodded.

Sha Zhou said: "In that case, let's wait for the next change and let's continue."

Everyone sat on the ground, watching the transfer formation, waiting for the transfer destination to be changed.

After a while, ripples were seen at the entrance of the cave and it became blurry.

When the ripples became clearer and disappeared completely, what was originally the underground of the City Lord's Mansion on the other side now turned into dense leaves.

The leaves were thick and thick, blocking the view. Everyone could only see the scene on the other side through the gap.

It looks like it's on a tree.

"Don't worry, I'll go over and take a look first."

Sha Zhou stood up, walked towards the formation, pushed aside the dense leaves, and walked out.


As soon as he walked out, everyone heard a ferocious roar coming from the other side of the cave entrance.

Although the demonic energy cannot be sensed, the roar is so powerful that it makes people's eardrums ache.

Apparently, there is a powerful monster on the other side of the cave.

"No, Captain, he will be fine."

Luo Fengteng stood up, with a worried look on his face, and rushed towards the cave entrance.

He was pulled back by Jiang Jianming: "Don't go. If there is really a danger, you can't help. I am in the middle stage of the False Mansion and have the highest level among us. I'll go take a look."

After saying that, Jiang Jiaming took out his sword and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

But before he took two steps, a figure swooped through the dense leaves at the entrance of the cave. It was Sha Zhou.

Sha Zhou fell to the grass here with a bang, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth. His face was pale, and he was obviously seriously injured.

"team leader."

Luo Feng and others gathered around with worried expressions on their faces.

Suddenly, bright light came from the entrance of the cave, and a large hand made of stone pulled away the leaves on the other side of the entrance, completely exposing the scene on the other side.

Everyone took a closer look and saw that on the other side, there was an abyss with no bottom.

The entrance to the cave is in the center of the cliff.

Those leaves just now were a tree on the cliff, covering the entrance of the cave.


As soon as everyone saw clearly, they saw a huge stone fist, from far to near, bombarding towards the entrance of the cave, shaking the entire stone wall violently.


An unwilling cry came from the opposite side, and a huge eye appeared at the entrance of the cave, looking this way.

Just one eye blocked the opening of the transformation and movement formation.

The field of view at the entrance of the cave was so narrow that everyone could only see their eyes and could not see clearly what kind of monster it was.

The monster's eyes were full of anger and confusion.

Its head moved back, and everyone finally saw its appearance clearly. It was a stone ape.

With a sudden movement, its head hit the entrance of the cave, causing the ground to shake.

The powerful force made Luo Feng and others retreat in shock.

Boom boom boom...

The stone ape, as if going crazy, kept hitting the hole with its head, as if it wanted to tear the hole apart, pass through from the other side, and attack Chen Yang and others.

Despite the violent vibrations caused by several consecutive attacks, the cave showed no signs of collapsing.

This time, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, the stone ape changed his strategy again and stretched out his hand to catch Chen Yang and others.

However, its hands are so big that only its fingers can fit through the hole.

It's a pity that the three-meter length of its finger is not enough at this moment, and it cannot reach Chen Yang and others at all.

"Ho ho ho..."

The stone ape was so angry that he screamed and swung his fists out, attacking the entrance of the cave ferociously.

Every time there was a bang, everyone's hearts jumped. They were really worried that the entrance to the cave would be blown open.

"Don't worry, although the transformation and movement formation is not a defensive formation, the attack of the giant stone ape cannot break it. As long as we don't pass by, the giant stone ape cannot attack us."

At this time, Chen Yang suddenly spoke, making everyone finally feel relieved.

Jiang Jiaming looked at Chen Yang and said, "What kind of monster did you say just now, the giant stone ape?"

Chen Yang said: "Yes, it is the Giant Stone Ape. It is a kind of ape-type monster. Its lowest level reaches the early stage of Zhenfu. Its combat power is very powerful."

After Shazhou swallowed the elixir and luckily healed his wounds, he calmed down and said to everyone: "I just passed through the cave entrance and saw that the surroundings were peaceful. I wanted you to go over and investigate together, but unexpectedly the ape suddenly Pounced up from under the abyss.”

"I sensed its terrifying aura, and I immediately knew that I couldn't deal with it, so I quickly turned around and ran back. It is indeed very strong. Even though it is big, it is extremely fast."

"I was far away from it, but it actually caught up with me and slapped me. Fortunately, I dodged quickly and was just brushed by his fingertips. Otherwise, it would have slapped me. Smash me to pieces.”

Hearing what Sha Zhou said, everyone could feel the danger Sha Zhou faced at that time.

Luo Feng asked: "Captain, what state is this giant stone ape in?"

Shazhou looked solemn and said: "According to its demonic energy fluctuations, it should have reached the middle stage of Zhenfu or above. In short, it is definitely not something we can deal with."

Hearing this, everyone looked slightly ugly.

Switching the movement formation, this was the first time I switched, and I encountered such a powerful monster.

What about the next conversion? What's the situation?

More dangerous?

Or is it safer?

For a moment, everyone was unsure.

PS: I was so tired yesterday that I couldn’t finish Chapter 6, so I fell asleep lying on my stomach in front of the computer. Today’s seventh update is not an additional update, but a supplement to yesterday’s update. In addition, please give me recommendation votes, monthly votes, and book reviews! Book lovers, please join the group: 188631860

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