Urban magic doctor

Chapter 1916 Loop

Zi Ji's sword only left a very shallow scar on the Spiny Tail Lizard.

However, this blow obviously surprised the spiny-tailed lizard, and its movements briefly stagnated.

Cao Yiqiang took this opportunity and immediately distanced himself from the spiny lizard.

The spiny lizard's tail swept across and hit the roof of the cave, making a rumbling sound. The boulder fell down and smashed on the ground.

It did not pursue anymore, but stopped at the top of the cave.

Its limbs were like suckers, hanging upside down. It was looking at the ten people who were completely scattered, and it was spitting out its scarlet tongue, as if searching for which person it was that had just attacked him.

"Don't even move."

Chen Yang shouted calmly, not loudly, but everyone in the cave could hear it.

Like lizards, spiny tail lizards are particularly sensitive to moving objects. If anyone moves at this time, they will immediately become the target of the spiny tail lizard.

Although everyone did not understand this truth, they chose to believe Chen Yang's words and did not move any further.


Cao Yiqiang did not expect that the person who saved him would be Chen Yang. Although he was a little reluctant, he still thanked Chen Yang.

Then, he looked at Qian Junqian, gritted his teeth and said, "You are so vicious, you actually want to kill me."

Gan Junqian said coldly: "It's better for you to die than for me to die. After all, I'm better than you, and I'm more useful against the spiny lizard. Sometimes, sacrificing for the team is also a way of cooperation."

Such shameless words made everyone present feel quite speechless.

"Now is not the time to argue."

Seeing that Cao Yiqiang was still arguing, Chen Yang stopped him in a cold voice.

Cao Yiqiang stared at Gan Jungan with an angry face, and in his heart he greeted all the eighteen generations of Gan Jungan's ancestors a hundred times.

Gan Jungan looked at Chen Yang and asked, "Why did your attack just now hurt the Spiny-tailed Lizard?"

Chen Yang ignored Gan Jungan, but looked at the others and said: "The ejection speed of the Spiny Tail Lizard can reach a maximum distance of one thousand meters. This cave is only two to three hundred meters high, and it is completely within its attack range. . Moreover, he can use his strength on the top of the cave to change direction in an instant. Therefore, our flying ability is not an advantage at all."

"In addition, you have also seen the defensive power of the spiny tail lizard just now. Gan Junqian's attack has no effect on him. However, this does not mean that the spiny tail lizard has no weaknesses. Its weakness lies in its Its abdomen. As long as we continue to attack and break its abdomen, we can kill it."

"But there is a problem. It has been lying on the ground or on the roof of the cave. It only exposes its abdomen when it is ejected and attacked. Therefore, we must seize the opportunity to attack its abdomen when it is in the air. .”

Hearing this, everyone nodded to express their understanding.

However, Yan Guinan raised a question: "Although we know to attack its abdomen, its ejection speed is too fast. Our attack speed cannot keep up and we cannot seize the opportunity to attack. I'm afraid it will be difficult to hit it." abdomen."

Others are also confused about this.

Qian Junqian said coldly: "Chen Yang, your method won't work at all..."

"It doesn't work? Then how did I hit it just now?"

Chen Yang rolled his eyes at Gan Jungan, and then continued to say to the others: "It is really difficult to hit the spiny lizard in the abdomen. That's why we need...Senior Sister Yu, get out of the way."

Before he finished speaking, the Spiny Tail Lizard, which had remained motionless, actually chose Yu Ziwen as the target of attack, ejected out and attacked Yu Ziwen.

Chen Yang was not willing to let Yu Ziwen get hurt. He flew towards that side, actively attracted the attention of the spiny lizard, and shouted: "Senior Sister Yu, retreat quickly!"

Yu Ziwen looked at Chen Yang's back, hesitated for a moment, and then immediately used her fish-in-water momentum, using her full speed to widen the distance.

Chen Yang used the artistic conception of the wind to attract the attention of the spiny-tailed lizard and quickly dodge.

After all, the spiny tail lizard needs to use force to eject, so the pursuit action is inconsistent.

Otherwise, even if Chen Yang relied on the fragments of the blast's artistic conception, he would never be able to escape the spiny-tailed lizard's attack.

After all, the spiny-tailed lizard is a false monster.

However, Chen Yang's artistic conception of gale is not complete, only about 10%.

This time, the spiny-tailed lizard no longer paused in its movements. It seemed to have locked onto its target and was pursuing Chen Yang.

Only two black shadows were seen flashing through the cave, so fast that they could not be seen clearly.

Others can only use the cracked ground and cracked roof of the cave to determine the landing point of the lizard and determine its route when the lizard borrows strength from the roof and the ground.

However, even so, the spiny lizard's speed was too fast, and the moment it took advantage of the force, it only left an afterimage.

"What should we do now?"

Yu Ziwen frowned and looked at Yan Guinan.

Yan Guinan looked solemn, not knowing what to do.

Chen Yang was right, he wanted to attack the spiny lizard's abdomen.

But at this moment, everyone could only see a black shadow, and even the body of the Spiny-tailed Lizard could not be seen clearly, so how could it attack.

What's more, even if it attacks, let alone hit the abdomen, with the speed of the tailed lizard, it is very difficult to hit any part of the body.

"Don't rush to attack. Pay attention to the movement route of the spiny-tailed lizard and the time interval between its two adjacent borrowing points, and then wait for my next instruction."

Just when everyone was at a loss, Chen Yang's voice sounded.

Route of travel? time interval?

Everyone was puzzled, but immediately followed what Chen Yang said and observed these two points.

After a while, everyone discovered that the tailed lizard's leverage point occurred in the same place several times.

In other words, Chen Yang deliberately lured the spiny-tailed lizard to the same route and the same location.

There are so many things to calculate, it’s simply too difficult.

The people next to him found it difficult just to watch, let alone that Chen Yang completed these actions under the life-threatening pursuit of the spiny lizard.

Everyone was surprised by Chen Yang's ability, and immediately concentrated on observing the spiny lizard's actions.

Immediately afterwards, everyone discovered that the spiny-tailed lizard not only landed in the same location, but also made a cycle throughout the cave.

The time interval between two adjacent borrowing points is exactly the same.

In other words, the tail spiny lizard has strong control over its body and its speed is very constant.

Seeing this, everyone has already realized something.

At this time, Chen Yang's voice sounded: "I am now taking the spiny lizard to cycle, using the point on the rock wall on the east side of the lizard as one point, and then going back to points two, three, and four. Five points... In order, you remember every point of the spiny lizard's strength, make sure you don't make a mistake. Then... holy shit!"

Before Chen Yang could finish his words, he was almost overtaken by the spiny-tailed lizard.

He quickly activated his star energy and used the few blasts of artistic conception to quickly dodge.

Everyone was shocked and relieved when they saw him running away.

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