Urban magic doctor

Chapter 1881 Already dead

"I really didn't expect that Chen Yang would be a new student this year."

"Let him participate in the official battle as a freshman. The Yaoling Branch is too brave."

"Not to mention the result of the official battle, judging from his methods just now, at least among the freshmen, he should have no opponent."

In the stands, disciples from each branch were discussing in low voices.

"I surrender."

Chen Yang was about to fly to the sea arena area, when a woman's voice came from the Xihai Branch arena.

Everyone was stunned and looked over there.

A woman stood up and said to Duan Lian, who was presiding over the freshman battle: "Dean Duan, I admit defeat."

This woman is Chen Yang's opponent, Yu Tong.

Hearing her admitting defeat again, the disciples in the stands all had stunned expressions and were not too surprised.

Most people believed that Yu Tong's admission of defeat was a very wise choice.

After all, among the freshmen, it is difficult to find someone who can fight with Chen Yang.

However, the senior officials of each branch sitting in front were confused and could not figure out why Yu Tong had given up at the beginning.

You know, Chen Yang hasn't made a move yet

Especially the dean of the Xihai branch was so angry that he blew his beard and glared, muttering: "What the hell is Yu Tong doing? He actually gave up. It's a shame."

At this time, Duan Lian glanced at Yu Tong, and then announced that Chen Yang had won.

Chen Yang won without a fight, cupped his hands towards Yu Tong, and sat down.

This small episode did not have much impact, and the freshman battle continued.

However, Chen Yang left an impression on the senior officials of other branches.

Everyone wanted to know how he could make Yu Tong admit defeat directly.

"Lai Xingjie of Tianfeng Branch, fighting against Wei Donglin of Chuhe Branch."

After a few more games, Duan Lian announced after drawing lots.

After hearing this matchup information, the stands fell into silence. Wei Donglin from the Chuhe Branch was embarrassed, not knowing whether to come out or stay in the stands.

"Don't waste time, get on the ring quickly."

Duan Lian urged.


Wei Donglin responded, smiled sarcastically, and flew to the arena area above the sea.

"Where's Lai Xingjie?"

Duan Lian looked towards the stands of Tianfeng Branch and shouted coldly.

The Tianfeng branch disciples all looked very ugly, and no one responded.

Such a situation made the senior officials of each branch look suspicious.

Among the front row seats of senior executives from each branch, a middle-aged man stood up, turned around and looked behind him at the stands of Tianfeng Branch, and said in a cold voice: "Lai Xingjie, didn't you hear me? Hurry up and go out to fight."

The person who spoke was Xu Zhifeng, the dean of Tianfeng Branch.

The disciples from the Tianfeng branch looked ugly.

Sitting in the middle of the stands, a young man with outstanding temperament stood up and said respectfully to Xu Zhifeng: "Dean, Lai Xingjie can't play anymore."

This person is the number one disciple in Tianfeng Branch, named Du Keyu.

"Why can't he go out to fight? Does he want to surrender? If this kid dares to surrender, let's see how I deal with him!"

Xu Zhifeng said angrily.

Yu Tong had already embarrassed the president of the Xihai Branch by admitting defeat just now. His face was still dark and he had not said a word.

Xu Zhifeng didn't want to end up like that.

Even if you know you will lose, you can't admit defeat. You have to come out and fight.

Du Keyu lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "Master Dean, Junior Brother Lai's inability to fight is not because he is admitting defeat. It is..."

"But what, don't stutter."

Xu Zhifeng said impatiently.

Du Keyu said: "Junior Brother Lai... is already dead."

"What, dead?"

Xu Zhifeng was stunned for a moment and exclaimed, he did not expect to get such an answer.

Lai Xingjie, as a contestant in the Tianfeng Branch Freshman Competition, is one of the most outstanding freshmen in Tianfeng Branch, and Xu Zhifeng is still paying close attention to him.

When I came yesterday, Lai Xingjie was obviously fine, so why did he suddenly die?

Suddenly, Xu Zhifeng was stunned.

Not only him, but also the other high-level branch officials looked puzzled. They didn't understand what was going on?

There was silence for a moment, Xu Zhifeng's face darkened, and he said to Du Keyu: "Keyu, what's going on?"

Du Keyu glanced at the stands of Yaoling Branch and said: "Dean, before you guys came, Junior Brother Lai was killed by a junior brother from Yaoling Branch."


Xu Zhifeng's face turned cold and he glanced at the stands of Yaoling Branch.

"what happened?"

Ke Zeyao also stood up and asked in a deep voice.

Although the seven major branches of Longwu Academy in the Western Continent are in a competitive relationship, they are not mortal enemies.

Randomly killing people from other branches is considered killing fellow sect members, which is strictly prohibited.

No matter who is guilty of this, he will definitely be punished, life for life, no one will be spared.

Chen Yang had long expected that this moment would happen.

He stood up unhurriedly, cupped his hands to Xu Zhifeng, and said calmly: "Dean Xu, I killed Lai Xingjie."

"You are so brave, you dare to kill someone in public!"

Xu Zhifeng was furious, and a terrifying momentum immediately locked onto Chen Yang.

He was not in a hurry to take action, but if Chen Yang's answer was slightly wrong, he would kill Chen Yang on the spot.

At that time, even Ke Zeyao had nothing to say.

Ke Zeyao frowned and asked Chen Yang, "Chen Yang, what happened? Why did you kill the people from Tianfeng Branch?"

Xu Zhifeng shouted: "If you don't give me a satisfactory explanation, I will kill you today."

Chen Yang did not show any fear at all, he glanced at Xu Zhifeng, and then said to Ke Zeyao: "Dean, after I arrived just now, my brothers from the other six branches taunted me and said that I was not qualified to participate in the official battle. , despise the fact that our Yaoling branch is weak..."

"This cannot be the reason for you to kill Lai Xingjie."

Before Chen Yang could finish speaking, Xu Zhifeng shouted sharply.

If Chen Yang could stand his ground first, he would not be able to take Chen Yang's life.

Ke Zeyao's face turned cold and he said to Xu Zhifeng: "Dean Xu, can you please listen to what Chen Yang has to say first?"

Xu Zhifeng narrowed his eyes and said, "In that case, I will listen to what he has to say. However, killing fellow sect members is never allowed for any reason."

It's true that it's not allowed, but if it's a life-or-death fight and both parties agree, there's no way to hold anyone accountable.

Chen Yang said: "Faced with the ridicule from the other six branches, I felt very sad. However, for the sake of the overall situation, I endured the humiliation and said nothing. Everyone present can testify to this."

Xu Zhifeng looked at the various stands and said in a deep voice: "Is there any truth in what Chen Yang said?"

The audience was silent, obviously acquiescing that what Chen Yang said was true.

As for his talk about bearing the humiliation and bearing the burden, everyone thought...it didn't seem like it.

Chen Yang continued: "I can tolerate it, but later Lai Xingjie stood up and bluntly said that he wanted to challenge me. This was bullying to the door. However, for the sake of the friendly relationship between the seven branches, I did not have the same understanding with him."

Ke Zeyao nodded appreciatively: "You did the right thing."

Xu Zhifeng looked a little ugly and said to Chen Yang in a cold voice: "Go on."

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