Urban magic doctor

Chapter 1867 Cold outside and hot inside

Several people from the Sun family next to Sun Zhe looked puzzled when they saw that he suddenly stopped talking.

When I looked at him, I saw that his face was expressionless and his eyes were empty, as if he had lost his soul.


A man behind Sun Zhe patted Sun Zhe's shoulder. Sun Zhe's body softened and he fell towards the ground.

The people next to him quickly supported him.

Otherwise, he would just stand on the edge of the suspended road and fall directly into the bottomless abyss.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

"Master, Master!"

The people of the Sun family surrounded Sun Zhe and kept calling his name, but there was no response at all.

Sun Zhe clearly opened his eyes, but his eyes were empty and lifeless.

Checked his body again and everything was normal.

This is really weird. Why did he suddenly lose consciousness?


Suddenly, someone in the crowd shouted.

But when he shouted, it was already too late.

Yu Ziwen was not threatened. She immediately swung her sword and beheaded an unsuspecting member of the Sun family with one strike.

The head rolled on the suspended road, and then fell into the endless abyss.

The underground city is full of cultivators, so although the roads are suspended, there are no fences.

"kill him."

The people of the Sun family reacted, shouted angrily, drew their swords, and attacked Yu Ziwen.

Yu Ziwen's face was full of solemnity and she quickly retreated.

Although she has extraordinary talent, she is not sure that she can defeat three extraordinary ninth-level opponents and seven extraordinary eighth-level opponents if they join forces to attack them.

Seeing the opponent attacking, at this moment, five of them had blood streaks shooting out of their chests, their bodies tilted, and they fell to the ground.

The attack came so fast that no one even saw clearly what happened.

Among the five people, three were at the ninth level and two were at the eighth level. All died.

Two of them fell into the abyss and disappeared into the darkness without even making a scream.

Yu Ziwen's face showed surprise. Such a method could only be accomplished by Yu Jianzhong or Sun Jialian with all their strength.

The expressions of the remaining five extraordinary eighth-level practitioners all changed drastically. They stopped their offensive and looked behind them nervously.

Chen Yang landed from the sky, but without even looking at the five people, he nodded to Yu Ziwen and said, "Senior Sister Yu, are you okay?"

Yu Ziwen naturally understood that it was Chen Yang who had just killed the enemy.

But she couldn't figure out how Chen Yang did it?

"I'm fine."

Yu Ziwen responded to Chen Yang, holding the Wen Shui Sword in her hand and locking the five opponents with her cold eyes.

"kill him!"

"Kill him first!"

The five people rolled their eyes, roared, and attacked Chen Yang.

Persimmons have to be picked on the soft, and in their eyes, Chen Yang, who is at the seventh level of extraordinary, will definitely be easier to deal with.

As for the attack just now, they would not believe that it was Chen Yang who did it.

Unfortunately, their judgment was wrong.

"Zi Ji Yijian."

The black light sword in Chen Yang's hand suddenly struck out.

In an instant, five clicks in a row.

Five tiny rays of sword energy flashed with faint purple light, like flying needles, and suddenly shot out.


The five people in the Sun family were shocked.

They hurriedly tried to dodge and resist, but the subtle sword energy seemed to move instantaneously, and the sound of "Puff, Puff" sounded, passing through the hearts of the five of them.

Blood spurted out, and the five people died on the spot with fear in their eyes.

Seeing this scene with her own eyes, Yu Ziwen was even more shocked.

Thinking that even three extraordinary ninth-level warriors had been killed by Chen Yang in an instant, she realized that Chen Yang's combat power had been greatly improved.

You know, the junior brother in front of me has been in Yaoling Branch for less than half a year.

When he first came in, he was only at the first level of extraordinary, so he was definitely no match for Yu Ziwen.

But now, Chen Yang has reached the seventh level of the extraordinary, and his true combat power is probably unmatched among the disciples of the entire Yaoling Branch.

Chen Yang's talent can be called a monster!

Yu Ziwen recovered her thoughts and said to Chen Yang, "Congratulations, your cultivation has improved again."

"I just developed a magical power."

Chen Yang replied, walked to Yu Ziwen's side, and looked towards the Yu family and Sun family who were fighting fiercely.

After Sun Jialian was injured, Yu Jianzhong was in an advantage at this moment, leading the entire Yu family to counterattack and gaining the absolute upper hand.

If this continues, it won't take long for the Yu family to win.

Seeing this, Chen Yang put away the black light sword.

There was no need for him to take action in this battle.

He looked at Yu Ziwen and asked, "Senior Sister Yu, why are you here?"

Yu Ziwen frowned slightly and briefly told Chen Yang what happened during this period.

It turned out that Yu Ziwen discovered a seedling of the Snow Bamboo that transforms into a spirit. After eating this thing, it can elevate to a minor realm.

If a person of the ninth level of the extraordinary takes it, even if he cannot advance to the first level, he can still make great progress in cultivation. It will still be of great help in condensing the Xuzi Mansion and attacking the False Mansion stage.

However, after discovering the snow bamboo transformed into a spirit, Yu Ziwen thought it would be more useful to Chen Yang, so she tried to contact Chen Yang using a walkie-talkie.

Unexpectedly, just after the call, she met Sun Zhe and his party.

After a hard fight, the other side was outnumbered, and she was finally captured and taken to the dungeon.

The spirit-transforming snow bamboo seedling fell into Sun Zhe's pocket.

Sun Zhe was interested in Yu Ziwen, so he was not in a hurry to kill her and planned to take her back to the Sun family.

Unexpectedly, just after he came back, he encountered a fight between Sun Yu's family. Sun Zhe didn't stop and immediately came to help the Sun family.

But he arrived late, the two sides had been fighting for a while, and the Sun family had the upper hand.

So he took a group of people to watch the battle.

After that, Chen Yang arrived, and that was what happened next.

After learning what happened, Chen Yang couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Although Yu Ziwen is cold, she has a very good heart. The spirit-changing snow bamboo seedlings are obviously very effective for her, but she wants to give them to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang searched for the spirit-transforming snow bamboo seedlings on Sun Zhe's body. He couldn't help but force it into Yu Ziwen's hand and said, "Senior Sister Yu, use the spirit-transforming snow bamboo for yourself."


Yu Ziwen opened her mouth, and Chen Yang interrupted: "When we first met, you gave me the Blood Thorn Flower and allowed me to advance to the first level. Now, what can I say about this Spiritual Snow Bamboo seedling? I can’t ask for it either. Besides, I’ve already gained something, so I don’t need this thing anymore.”

Yu Ziwen hesitated for a moment and said calmly: "Since you don't want it, forget it. Besides, I'm not helping you, but returning your favor for giving me the "Xuan Nu Tian Jing". By the way, Zhu Yan Dan is also very good. Use, thank you."

"As long as Senior Sister Yu is happy."

Chen Yang smiled and said casually.

But this sentence made Yu Ziwen's heart tremble.


At this moment, Sun Jialian, who was fighting with Yu Jianzhong, found that his son Sun Zhe had been killed. He looked over with horror.

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