Urban magic doctor

Chapter 1865: Seizing the Spirit Stone Mine

The volcano that Chen Yang and Yu Xiuyun entered was an extinct volcano.

After reaching the bottom of the volcano, Chen Yang saw that there were at least hundreds of holes on the inner wall of the volcano.

These caves look exactly the same and have no markings.

"These cave entrances are passages to different places in the Thirteenth District."

Yu Xiuyun explained, flew towards one of the cave entrances, and entered the passage.

Chen Yang followed and found that there was a faint light in the passage, and fluorescent grass was planted along the way.

Fluorescent grass is also a kind of spiritual grass. It cannot refine elixirs, but it can emit a faint light, so it is sometimes used for lighting.

Along the passage, winding and twisting, passing more than a dozen forks, Chen Yang deliberately memorized it, and then he memorized the passage.

Moreover, some forks are still covered by formations, which will constantly change directions.

If Chen Yang didn't understand the formation, it would be useless even if he memorized the directions.

"It's really complicated here."

Chen Yang sighed.

"I grew up here and I'm used to it."

Yu Xiuyun said: "It is these passages that help us defend against the monsters. Otherwise, the monsters would have been unable to attack the people on the floating island and would have attacked us long ago."

"However, precisely because of these passages, humans in various areas of the dungeon do not know how to access each other's passages, resulting in reduced communication and difficulty in forming alliances."

Chen Yang asked: "So, the various districts in the underground city are autonomous?"

Yu Xiuyun said: "The codes are similar. Each district has a strongest person, called the high priest, who controls the order of the entire district. However, the principle of respecting the strong still exists here."

Just as the two were talking, the passage finally came to the end.

Chen Yang stood at the entrance of the passage and looked forward, only to see that it was a huge grotto.

How big it is can only be described in a vague way.

At least Chen Yang looked over and couldn't see the end.

Under his feet was a suspended passage, about five meters wide, extending forward and connected to other similar passages.

There are many such passages throughout the grotto, which are intricate but also imply rules.

Houses were carved out of the inner walls of the grotto.

The houses range from large to small, gorgeous to simple.

Chen Yang noticed that some houses were shops, including tailor shops, restaurants, inns, barber shops, etc.

At this time, people were coming and going in the entire grotto, making it a lively scene.

This scene is similar to the city in Chongwu Star, except that the geographical environment has been changed.

However, what Chen Yang was confused about was, where did the light here come from?

He raised this question while walking forward with Yu Xiuyun.

Yu Xiuyun waved his hand and touched the void, and said to Chen Yang: "There is no record of where the light comes from. However, some people speculate that there are light energy particles in the underground city of Mingxiao Star, which provide light and heat for the underground city. .”

"Light energy particles!"

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows and sensed the surrounding air, but found nothing.

He stopped pursuing the issue and asked Yu Xiuyun, "By the way, where is your home?"

Yu Xiuyun said: "Three hundred miles away."

Then, Yu Xiuyun rose into the air and flew diagonally downward.

The three hundred miles away she said was not three hundred miles away on the horizontal plane, but three hundred miles underground, deep into the ground.

Chen Yang followed him and kept flying underground, passing through bustling areas and wilderness.

"My home is right ahead."

Yu Xiuyun pointed forward and said to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang looked at the surrounding environment. According to the geographical location of the underground city, the area where the Yu family is located should be called a suburb.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise ahead.

Powerful power fluctuations came, obviously there was a battle ahead.

Yu Xiuyun took a closer look, her face changed drastically, and she frowned and said, "No, it's people from the Sun family who are besieging my home."

After saying that, Yu Xiuyun immediately rushed forward.

"Don't worry, you can't help if you go there now."

Chen Yang quickly grabbed her and asked, "Tell me first, what is going on?"

Yu Xiuyun looked anxious and spoke very quickly to Chen Yang: "There are rich spiritual stone mines in the underground city. The biggest reliance of various families and forces is these spiritual stone mines. Which family has the most spiritual stone mines? Any family can cultivate strong men and have wealth."

"A few days ago, our Yu family accidentally discovered that there is a second-grade spiritual stone vein in the stone wall behind our house. Although it is not particularly large, the purity and content of the spiritual stone are very high. Obtain this vein , our Yu family will definitely increase in strength."

"But I didn't expect that this news would be learned by the Sun family. The Sun family is slightly stronger than our Yu family, so they came to negotiate with the family owner and wanted to share half of the mineral veins. Of course, the family owner would not accept such conditions. If we agree, the Sun family will fight against us."

"At that time, in the battle, the Sun family was repulsed, but they put down their harsh words and said that they would definitely come back. In order to avoid a war, the head of the family sent several clan elders to go to the high priest, hoping that the high priest would calm the situation. Now. , must be someone from the Sun family, who wants to take down the Yu family while our Yu family elder is away."

Hearing this, Chen Yang was speechless for a moment.

It was clear that war was about to break out, but he actually sent someone to find the high priest to make the decision. The head of the Yu family was too peace-loving.

"Come on, go over and see if you can help."

Chen Yang gave Yu Xiuyun a hint, and the two of them leaned against the stone wall, using the cover of the protruding rocks to approach the Yu family.

After getting closer, Chen Yang took a closer look and saw that more than half of the Yu family's building had been destroyed.

The Sun family's combat power was obviously superior, and the Yu family was at an absolute disadvantage.

At this time, a middle-aged man wearing a heavy helmet was fighting with an old man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks. The two of them were in the middle stage of the False Mansion, and the fight was inseparable.

In addition, others also fought fiercely.

The old man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks shouted while fighting: "Yu Jianzhong, as long as you give half of the mine to my Sun family, I will stop attacking immediately. Otherwise, your Yu family will be destroyed today."

The middle-aged man wearing a heavy helmet was none other than Yu Jianzhong.

He roared angrily: "Sun Jialian, you are so shameless. You actually want to steal the mine from my Yu family. You are simply dreaming."

Sun Jialian sneered and said: "Hmph, in this world, the strong are respected. You are weaker than me, of course I can steal your mineral veins."

Yu Jianzhong roared: "Sun Jialian, aren't you afraid that when the high priest comes, he will punish you?"

Sun Jialian said disapprovingly: "When the high priest arrives, you are all dead. Do you still think that he will punish me? Yu Jianzhong, since you are stubborn, don't blame me and kill you."

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