Urban magic doctor

Chapter 1810 I’ll deal with it

Knowing that the glass-eyed cat was actually going to attack from above, Chen Yang and the other two people quickly moved in different directions, opening a distance to avoid the glass-eyed cat's attack, and directly enveloped the three of them.

As soon as they dispersed, a shadow fell in the sky, it was the cat with glass eyes.

It turned out that just now, the glass-eyed cat's eyes could not see the Chen Yang and the others in the air. After it disappeared from the fog, it climbed onto the roof from the wall and attacked them from the roof.

Since it doesn't work from below, I will do it from above.

It has to be said that the glass-eyed cat is quite intelligent.

However, attacking from the roof has poor flexibility, and you can only attack once at a time.

The glass-eyed cat jumped into the air and landed on the ground. Because it did not hit Chen Yang and the others, its eyes showed a look of unwillingness. It moved and disappeared into the mist.

"Everyone, be careful."

Chen Yang reminded.

Yan Guinan and Yu Ziwen couldn't help frowning, looking up into the sky, sensing the fluctuations of the demonic energy.

In the sky, a gray shadow fell, another cat with glass eyes.

This time, the glass-eyed cat’s target is Yu Ziwen.

Yu Ziwen used the fourth level of fish-water force to avoid the attack of the glass-eyed cat with one dangerous move after another.

The glass-eyed cat fell to the ground, but was not tired at all. It disappeared into the mist again and climbed towards the roof from nowhere.

"Fly down."

Chen Yang said quickly.

Yan Guinan and Yu Ziwen immediately followed Chen Yang and flew towards the ground.

By increasing the distance from above, they will have more space to dodge when the glass-eyed cat attacks.

This time, the glass-eyed cat's target is Yan Guinan.

Because of the distance from the roof, the glass-eyed cat's attack range was farther. Yan Guinan moved with all his strength, but he just managed to avoid the glass-eyed cat's attack.

However, the glass-eyed cat is not stupid either.

As soon as it landed, it immediately exerted force and jumped into the air.

Because they were far away from the roof, Chen Yang and the others were further away from the ground, and fell into the attack range of the glass-eyed cat.

Fortunately, the moment the glass-eyed cat landed, Chen Yang gave a signal to let Yu Ziwen and Yan Guinan fly up, and they were able to avoid the glass-eyed cat's attack.

The whole process was so thrilling that both Yu Ziwen and Yan Guinan broke into cold sweats.

"The strength of the glass-eyed cat is constantly improving. If we keep hiding like this, he will fly higher and faster, and we won't be able to avoid him."

Yan Guinan glanced at the fading fog. His field of vision had expanded to a range of five hundred meters, and a solemn look appeared on his face.

"You guys keep it under control and I'll deal with it."

Chen Yang dodged the glass-eyed cat that fell from the sky and attacked, and shouted to Yan Guinan and Yu Ziwen.

As soon as he finished speaking, he flew towards the distance.

Seeing this, Yan Guinan's heart skipped a beat and he thought to himself, "How does Chen Yang deal with the glass-eyed cat?"

He didn't have time to think, because the glass-eyed cat actually chased Chen Yang.


However, Yu Ziwen strictly followed Chen Yang's strategy and attacked with her sword to attract the glass-eyed cat's attention.

"Big fat cat, your target is over here."

Yan Guinan came to his senses and also held a spear, attacking the glass-eyed cat.

Although neither of their attacks hit the glass-eyed cat, they attracted the glass-eyed cat's attention again.

Chen Yang rushed into the fog and disappeared.


The glass-eyed cat turned around, roared angrily at Yu Ziwen and Yan Guinan, moved quickly, and pounced on them.

At this moment, suddenly, a terrifying power came from the direction where Chen Yang disappeared.

The power was like a falling star, with an irresistible force.

This power made Yu Ziwen and Yan Guinan feel even more terrifying than the glass-eyed cat.

Even the glass-eyed cat, sensing the power, stopped chasing Yu Ziwen and the two, with doubts in its eyes, and looked back in the direction Chen Yang left.

"That bow and arrow!"

Yu Ziwen's heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly remembered the bow and arrow used by Chen Yang during the battle on Maple Forest Island.

She understood that Chen Yang's method was the bow and arrow.

But why did he go into the mist, hide and release arrows?

Yu Ziwen glanced at Yan Guinan beside her, and then realized that Chen Yang was worried that Yan Guinan saw the bow and arrow.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziwen couldn't help but feel a little happy.

Because when Chen Yang used the bow and arrow, he did not avoid her and exposed this secret to her.

Suddenly, powerful energy fluctuations came from the fog.


A dark red stream of light appeared from the fog at an extremely fast speed, leaving an afterimage and shooting towards the glass-eyed cat.

When the distance got closer, he finally saw the shape of the dark red stream of light, which was an arrow made of condensed energy.

The arrow pierced the air and made a rumbling sound, as if it was going to shatter the entire space into pieces.


A look of fear flashed in the glass-eyed cat's eyes. The instinct of the monster told it that this arrow could not be resisted by brute force.

It moved sideways.

The rapidly approaching arrows passed by it.

The distance was too close, and only a few strands of gray-white fluff were seen floating in the air, but the fur of the glass-eyed cat was cut off by the aftermath of the arrow.

However, the glass-eyed cat was not hit.


Yan Guinan had a look of regret on his face and couldn't help but frown.

He knew that Chen Yang would never be able to launch such a powerful attack at will.

However, Yu Ziwen next to her knew that this dark red arrow could be tracked.

All this is not over yet.

Chen Yang turned back from the fog. When the glass-eyed cat saw him, there was a ferocious look in its eyes, and it pounced on him.

However, before the glass-eyed cat took two steps, he sensed the arrow that he had just dodged behind him, turned around and chased after him.

In haste, it quickly dodged.

I have to say that the movements of the glass-eyed cat are very flexible.

It seemed to have no inertia at all, and suddenly moved sideways for more than ten meters.

However, the arrows of the Fury of the Sky would not let it go easily. The moment it moved sideways, it turned around and chased after it.

A look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the glass-eyed cat. He didn't expect that the arrow would pursue him so hard.

However, it did not dare to defend the arrow.


It roared unwillingly, moved its body, and rushed into the mist, trying to shake off the arrow.

However, the arrow followed closely behind and rushed into the mist.

Although the Wrath of the Sky arrows were powerful, their speed was a little slower than that of the glass-eyed cat. For a while, they were unable to catch up.

However, after Chen Yang's star energy reached one revolution, the condensed arrows actually continued to increase in speed after being released.

In the fog, Chen Yang, Yu Ziwen and Yan Guinan could not see what kind of chase was going on.

Suddenly, a loud rumbling sound came from the fog.

The entire hall shook violently, and pieces of gravel fell from above.

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