Urban magic doctor

Chapter 1663 A strange situation

No one in the Nine Kingdoms of Beishan expected that a large number of sword birds would suddenly appear in the Yaoling Mountains.

The sword birds move in groups, and except for a few human teams with a few extraordinary sixth-level humans who join forces, almost no one can resist the sword birds.

These sword birds are also very strange. Their goal is not to kill people, but to steal survival tokens.

The Sword Bird can be said to have swept the battle for survival. A total of nearly 5,000 people from the nine countries in Beishan, and almost 3,000 people, all encountered the Sword Bird and were robbed of their survival tokens.

When everyone met, they all felt helpless when talking about this matter.

The survival token is only used to record the results of the survival battle. What use is it to the Sword Bird?

The sword bird has robbed it, how can we play?

As the one-month time limit gets closer and closer, everyone becomes nervous and starts frantically looking for humans to snatch survival tokens.

However, most of the people they met had their tokens already snatched away by the Sword Bird.

As for those who hold the token in their hands, they are either lucky and did not encounter the sword bird; or they are strong and defeated the sword bird.

Time flies so fast, and before you know it, a month has passed.

Elder Mushan flew out of the waterfall on time and returned to the Misty Platform, waiting for the people from the Nine Kingdoms of Beishan to return.

One after another, some people returned to Piaomiao Terrace.

Those who come back first have gained something, and have at least three survival tokens in their hands.

Someone from Longwu Academy registered the quantity for everyone.

It was okay at first, but gradually, the number of survival tokens held by those who came back became less and less.

More than a thousand people were registered in a row, and no one had more than ten survival tokens.

Even those who have tokens only have one or two tokens.

Even the extraordinary sixth-level cultivator, who ranks at the forefront among the heroes of the Nine Kingdoms, only has six or seven tokens.

Even hundreds of people had zero survival tokens.

This result seems a bit strange.

A radius of a thousand miles is indeed a bit large for five thousand people.

But almost all those present were cultivators above the third level of extraordinary. They flew very fast, so it was easy to meet them in the mountains.

According to past experience, a combatant will encounter at least thirty people in the first round of survival battle.

Tokens come and go, and naturally they will not remain with the same person.

However, the strength of the extraordinary sixth-level cultivators is definitely among the top, and when the extraordinary sixth-level practitioners met in the Yaoling Mountains, everyone had a tacit understanding and would not argue with each other, saving their strength for the final battle with Miao Miao.

Therefore, at the sixth level of the Extraordinary Level, generally speaking, the number of survival tokens can reach at least twenty.

But currently, there are only six or seven registered.

What's more, there are hundreds of people without survival tokens. Where have their tokens gone?

The whole situation seemed very strange and unreasonable.

The boy in charge of registration reported his findings to Elder Mushan.

Upon hearing the news, a strange look flashed in Elder Mushan's eyes, and he pondered: "That shouldn't be the case. Did someone take away all the tokens?"

"However, the Yaoling Mountains are so big. Even if someone is powerful, he or she will not be able to collect a large number of survival tokens."

After thinking for a while, Elder Mushan looked at an extraordinary sixth-level cultivator from Tieyun Kingdom, called him over, and asked, "Why did you only get six survival tokens?"

The man looked respectful and replied: "Elder Qizhen Mushan, most of the people I met had their survival tokens taken away. So in the end, I only harvested six."

Elder Mushan asked: "Who robbed them of their tokens?"

The person from the Iron Cloud Kingdom said: "From what they said, it seems that dozens of sword birds robbed the tokens."


Elder Mushan was puzzled. There were no sword birds living in the area around Piaomiao Terrace. Where did those sword birds come from?

And dozens of swordbirds appear at the same time. Isn't this a bit weird?

What’s even weirder is that the swordbirds are robbing survival tokens. What are they robbing them for?

Besides, dozens of sword birds, thrown into the vast Demon Ridge Mountains, can't make much waves. Why do you feel like everyone has been robbed of their survival token?

Elder Mushan's mind was filled with questions, but he had no answers.

He shook his head. He could only wait until the people from the Nine Kingdoms returned to Piaomiao Terrace to see how other people were doing, and then based on their oral accounts, he could know the specific situation.

Gradually, more and more people returned to Piaomiao Terrace.

"Oh, what an unlucky thing. I encountered a group of sword birds, and those beasts robbed me of thirteen survival tokens."

"There are dozens of green swordbirds and one golden swordbird. It's good to be alive. How can we care about the survival token."

"Have you also encountered a flock of swordbirds? We have also encountered one. There is also a golden swordbird with about fifty green swordbirds."

"Ah! We also met, and plundered all our survival tokens."

"What's going on? Did everyone encounter those sword birds snatching survival tokens?"

Everyone was talking about it, and then they realized that 70% of the people had encountered a group of sword birds snatching survival tokens in the Demon Ridge Mountains.

This is a problem. How can a group of sword birds rob so many people at the same time?

Everyone looked at the place where the sword birds appeared at the same time, and then discovered that there was more than a group of sword birds.

Finally, everyone estimated that there were at least a thousand sword birds in total, snatching survival tokens in the Demon Ridge Mountains.

Everyone was stunned. There were at least a thousand sword birds, which was a bit scary.

If they act together, that's fine.

After coming back to their senses, everyone began to analyze what was going on.

"Thousands of swordbirds moving at the same time must be organized."

"It seems that someone is instigating these sword birds behind the scenes to snatch the survival tokens and create obstacles for us."

"Could this be Longwu Academy's assessment of us?"

"This kind of situation has never happened before. It is definitely not an assessment."

"Could it be that someone instructs these sword birds to snatch the survival token, and then that person is waiting to harvest the token?"

"How is this possible? Commanding a thousand sword birds, even a heaven-level demon tamer is not that capable. The sea of ​​consciousness will explode."

"Then tell me, what's going on with these sword birds?"

"The devil knows what's going on."

Everyone was talking about it, and they were all confused.

In the crowd of Daxia Dynasty, Du Jingxi swept across the crowd of Daxia Dynasty.

She discovered that although people from the Daxia Dynasty were also robbed, the proportion was obviously smaller than that of people from other countries.

A look of surprise flashed in her eyes, and she thought to herself: "It turns out that the Third Prince is not hiding in the cave, but has asked these sword birds to help him snatch the survival token."

At this moment, someone in the crowd of Ero Kingdom roared: "Asshole, those sword birds, why do they only snatch survival tokens from people from other countries, while some people in our country are killed by sword birds!?"

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