Urban magic doctor

Chapter 1629 The hatred of seizing his wife and killing his son

"court death!"

Seeing the fourth prince attacking the sixth prince, Chen Hongyi shouted loudly and struck the fourth prince with a palm.

His speed was as fast as thunder, and he was the last to arrive first. Before the Fourth Prince could hit the Sixth Prince, he was struck by his palm shadow.


A cloud of blood mist exploded, and the fourth prince flew backwards. His fat body fell into the Xiahe Palace, causing the entire wall to collapse and bricks and tiles falling down, burying him.

The Fourth Prince wanted to escape just now, but when Chen Hongyi intercepted him, he still had something to hold on to.

But this time, he used 70% of his strength.

He is in the Purple Mansion Realm, with 70% of his strength, enough to kill the Fourth Prince.

Chen Ao glanced at the Fourth Prince who was buried by bricks and tiles, a hint of unbearable flash appeared in his eyes, but then he returned to normal.

The other princes did not show any sadness.

Royal ruthlessness, that's probably it.


Seeing that the fourth prince was dead, the thirteenth prince Chen Chongzhi knelt down in front of Chen Ao and said in a deep voice: "Father, I know that I made an unforgivable mistake by joining the Western Fire Cult. However, I hope that before I die, Can you grant my one request?"

Chen Ao said: "Let me ask you first, why did you join the Western Fire Sect?"

Chen Zhongzhi gritted his teeth and said, "Because, the Western Fire Sect is willing to provide me with training resources so that I can have the opportunity to take revenge in the future."

Chen Ao asked doubtfully: "Revenge? What revenge?"

Chen Zhongzhi said: "The hatred for taking away your wife is the hatred for killing your son."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Especially the third prince, Chen Hongyi, had an even colder expression, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

Everyone understood the meaning of Chen Chongzhi's words. The hatred he meant for seizing his wife was referring to the fact that the girl with whom he was his childhood sweetheart was taken as a concubine by the Third Prince.

As for the revenge of killing a son, where do we start talking about it?

Chen Ao asked: "Chongzhi, you have never had a child, how could you have the revenge for killing your son?"

Chen Chongzhi glanced at Chen Hongyi, his eyes full of resentment, and said solemnly: "When Yu Min married this bastard, she was already pregnant with my child, but he beat her to the point of miscarriage."

Chen Ao's face turned cold, he looked at Chen Hongyi and said, "Is this the case?"

Chen Hongyi said seriously: "I would like to inform my father that Yu Min married me voluntarily. In addition, she was pregnant before marrying me. This kind of thing is scandalous to the royal family, so I did not publicize it to the outside world."

"As for Thirteenth Brother's claim that I beat him to miscarriage, there is absolutely no such thing. It was Yu Min who voluntarily took medicine to abort in order to be my concubine. I didn't know at the time that Yu Min was pregnant with Thirteenth Brother's child. Otherwise, I will never marry Yu Min."

"You bastard, you're talking nonsense."

Chen Chongzhi stared at Chen Hongyi with scarlet eyes and shouted sternly.


Chen Ao cursed angrily and groaned in anger.

Seeing his anger, more than a dozen princes present lowered their heads and did not dare to say a word.

Chen Hongyi glanced sideways at Chen Chongzhi from the corner of his eyes, full of murderous intent, wishing to kill Chen Chongzhi immediately.

After a moment of silence, Chen Ao ordered: "Chongzhi stays, and everyone else leaves."

Hearing this, everyone dispersed.

Chen Hongyi had a look of regret on his face, regretting that he had not taken action to kill Chen Zhongzhi when he flew up.

Now if Chen Chongzhi were to speak ill of himself in front of Chen Ao, even if Chen Ao would not kill him, it would definitely have a bad impact.

Seeing everyone leaving, Chen Yang was not in a hurry to leave and said to Chen Ao: "Grandpa Huang, I will stay too."

Chen Ao thought for a while and said, "Zhongzhi and I have something to say, you..."

Chen Chongzhi interrupted: "Father, let him stay."

Seeing this, Chen Ao looked at Chen Yang, nodded and said, "Okay, Yang'er can stay."

Chen Yang walked up to Chen Chongzhi, with an apologetic look on his face, and said seriously: "Uncle Thirteenth Emperor, I'm really sorry. I don't know about you. I just wanted to defraud the lurker of the Western Fire Sect."

Chen Chongzhi smiled and said to Chen Yang: "Yang'er, don't blame yourself. It was wrong for me to join the Western Fire Cult. Back then, your father and I were the best friends. It's a pity that he is gone. Otherwise, Seventh Brother would help me, Chen Hongyi That bastard would never dare to bully me."

Chen Ao said: "Okay, let's talk about it after entering the palace."

The three of them walked towards Xiahe Palace. Although it collapsed due to the impact of Chen Changping, most of the area was still intact.

Passing by the place where Chen Changping was buried, Chen Ao planned to order someone to dig out Chen Changping's body and take a look.

Chen Zhongzhi said: "Father, you don't need to read, the fourth brother has died a long time ago, and this person is pretending to be a member of the Western Fire Sect. It was he who first pretended to be the fourth brother and persuaded me to join the Western Fire Sect. "

Hearing this, Chen Ao sighed and stepped into a palace in Xiahe Palace.

After entering, Chen Ao said: "Chongzhi, tell me, what is the grudge between you and your third brother?"

Chen Zhongzhi said: "Father, Yu Min and I were childhood sweethearts and grew up together. Later we made a private decision and she became pregnant with my flesh and blood. But unexpectedly at a party, that bastard Chen Hongyi fell in love with Yu Min."

"So he used all kinds of dirty tricks to make Yu Min his concubine. After that, Yu Min was beaten until she had a miscarriage. She couldn't bear the humiliation. After writing me a farewell letter, she committed suicide."

Yu Min comes from the Yu family in the royal capital. Although the family is not a top wealthy family, it is still quite powerful.

Chen Ao had also heard about Min marrying Chen Hongyi and then committing suicide.

He felt strange at the beginning why Yu Min and Chen Chongzhi's childhood sweetheart did not marry Chen Chongzhi, but chose Chen Hongyi.

But he didn't expect that the truth would be like this.


Chen Ao sighed, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

Chen Zhongzhi said: "Father, it is my fault that I joined the Western Fire Sect. Even if you kill me, I will not complain at all. I deserve it. However, I have a request. I hope you will never pass on the throne to me." Third son."

Without waiting for Chen Ao to speak, Chen Chongzhi continued: "The third prince is extremely talented. The king of Daxia cannot trap him. He will have higher pursuits in the future. When the time comes, the position of king will inevitably fall to Chen Hongyi in the hands."

"Chen Hongyi is already very powerful. When the time comes for the Third Prince to give him the Zen position, he will be justified and powerful, and no one will be able to shake his status."

"However, he has evil intentions. If he is allowed to become the king of Daxia, Daxia may expand externally and become more powerful. But the internal peace and royal harmony will definitely be broken. Maybe Daxia may even be destroyed. On his hands."

Chen Ao knew his son very well.

He has no doubt that if Chen Hongyi is really allowed to control Daxia, the future situation may develop as Chen Chongzhi said.

But, what should I do?

Chen Ao looked solemn, lost in thought, and didn't speak for a long time.

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