Urban magic doctor

Chapter 1624 The battle is decided

"When things go to extremes, they must turn against each other!"

The situation is urgent. If Master Xie Ling completes the blood energy transformation, it will be difficult to deal with.

Chen Yang couldn't care so much. Although he knew that things would turn against each other and might kill Master Xie Ling, he still used this trick.

The surging sword energy went straight towards Master Xie Ling.

Because the power of the sword energy that must be reversed increases steadily and then explodes when it reaches its peak, when Chen Yang drew out his sword, the weak fluctuations of true energy were not taken seriously by Master Xie Ling, and he did not even bother to avoid it.

Seeing that the power of the sword energy was gradually increasing, Master Xie Ling wanted to dodge and resist, but it was already too late.


The sword energy bombarded Master Xie Ling's body, and the energy reached its limit and exploded.

He drew a parabola and fell towards the area outside Huoyun Observation where the battle was taking place.

After falling to the ground, he rushed out dozens of meters before stopping.

I saw him lying on the ground, covered in blood, motionless, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

"he died!?"

Wu Dayou couldn't help but frowned. If Master Xie Ling died, many matters related to the Western Fire Sect would not be interrogated.

As for other members of the congregation, they certainly don’t know as much as Xie Ling, the incense master.


Suddenly, Master Xie Ling let out a beast-like roar, stood up, then slowly turned around and looked in the direction of Chen Yang.

The clothes on Master Xie Ling's body were torn, and through the cracked chest, his broken ribs and deformed internal organs could be seen.

The skin and flesh on his face were also in tatters. Only one eyeball was still there, and the other eyeball had no pupil, leaving only the white of the eye, which was filled with red bloodshot eyes, which was very scary.

His true energy fluctuated so strongly that it actually broke through the limit of the fourth level of extraordinary and reached the fifth level of extraordinary.

"What's going on, so he's not dead?"

Wu Dayou and others were all shocked.

At this moment, Master Xie Ling could still stand up even though his internal organs were rotten. This was simply unreasonable.

Chen Yang looked at Master Xie Ling and said to Wu Dayou and others: "Master Xie Ling has been tricked by someone. He is dead now, and all that is still moving is his body. However, the moment he was about to die, all the The power of Qi and blood has been activated, and his current combat power has been greatly improved, and he still feels no pain."

Hearing this, Wu Dayou and others frowned.

Wu Dayou asked: "Inspector Chen, isn't this Master Xie Ling incapable of being killed?"

Chen Yang said: "Theoretically, this is true. Unless we beat him to pieces or wait twelve hours, the Yin Puppet's power will naturally dissipate."

Hearing this, Wu Dayou frowned and said: "Then these twelve hours, we must stop his attack, but now he has been promoted to the fifth level of extraordinary, and his realm is two levels higher than the highest realm among us. Even if we join forces, I'm afraid we won't be able to stop him."


Just as Wu Dayou was speaking, Master Xie Ling let out an angry roar, moved and flew towards Chen Yang.

One characteristic of the Yin Puppet Technique is that after the deceased is transformed into a Yin Puppet, the first target to attack is the person who killed him.

Moreover, Yin Puppet must take revenge before he attacks others.

Seeing the Yin Puppet attack, Chen Yang felt depressed for a while.

He originally killed Master Xie Ling in order to interrupt his blood energy transformation, but he didn't expect that the blood energy transformation was interrupted, but the Yin Puppet Technique was triggered again.

Fortunately, the Yin puppet is unconscious, so it is much easier to deal with than the living Xie Ling master.

"You quickly capture the Western Fire Cult members, and I will deal with the Yin Puppet."

Chen Yang gave some instructions to Wu Dayou and others, then moved and ran towards the distance.

Although Yin Puppet's realm has been upgraded to the fifth level of extraordinary, his speed has not increased. On the contrary, it has slowed down a little.

Chen Yang rushed into the dense forest and led the Yin Puppet away into the distance.

Seeing Chen Yang and Yin Puppet gradually disappearing into the distance, Wu Dayou and others wanted to help, but they didn't know what to do.

"Listen to Inspector Chen and resolve the battle quickly."

Wu Dayou could only choose to believe Chen Yang, shouted and rushed into the battlefield.

The other dozen or so transcendent realms also joined the battle.

The Wuchong County side, which was already at an advantage, had more than a dozen Transcendent Realm members join in, and its combat power was greatly increased. The Western Fire Sect members were beaten back steadily, and some people were killed and captured.

"Surrender, we surrender."

There were members of the Western Fire Sect who were besieged by several people. Seeing that they could not resist, they finally couldn't help shouting to surrender.

Once one person surrenders, the atmosphere of fear spreads, and people continue to surrender one after another.

The people of Wuchong County, under Wu Dayou's order, shouted in unison: "Surrender quickly, or we will kill them all."

Wu Dayou jumped into the air and shouted: "Your incense master Xie Ling Zhenren is dead. If you continue to resist stubbornly, it will be in vain. Surrender now, there is still a glimmer of hope, you can make your own decision."

Seeing that the situation was over, most of the remaining members of the Western Fire Cult dropped their weapons and surrendered.

"The Western Fire Sect will not be extinct. We will definitely make a comeback and let the black light descend on the earth and sweep across the Chongwu Star."

Some believers who had been brainwashed by the Western Fire Sect shouted loudly and rushed towards the Wuchong County coalition forces, but they were surrounded and killed.

After killing dozens of die-hards one after another, the battle finally calmed down.

Wu Dayou commanded the troops and tied up all the members of the Western Fire Sect.

The battle was over, but Wu Dayou and the people from other cities who came to support did not relax.

They looked towards the direction Chen Yang left just now, their eyes full of worry.

Is it possible for a cultivator at the peak of pill formation to deal with the extraordinary fifth-level Yin Puppet?

Just when they were worried, a loud bang came from the distance.

How far it is, no one can sense it.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful energy wave was transmitted.

Everyone looked surprised. They didn't see where the attack occurred, but they felt the energy fluctuations. How powerful was the attack?

Just when everyone was surprised, Chen Yang's figure flew from a distance and gradually approached.

As for behind him, there was no shadow puppet pursuing him.

Everyone was relieved to see that Chen Yang was fine.

Wu Dayou and others hurriedly came forward and asked with concern: "Inspector Chen, are you okay? Where is Yin Puppet?"

Chen Yang said: "I'm fine, I have killed the Yin Puppet."

After hearing his answer, everyone was secretly shocked.

Now, who dares to underestimate Chen Yang's combat power?

Wu Dayou finally understood why Chen Yang dared to go deep into the Fire Cloud Temple and personally act as a bait to trick Master Xie Ling into revealing his flaws even though he was only at the peak of the Dan Formation.

Because he has this strength.

Before, Wu Dayou respected Chen Yang because of his intelligence and formation attainments.

Now there is one more thing, which is Chen Yang's strength.

"People from the Western Fire Cult, are there any senior officials who are still alive? Ask them where the woman they abducted is?"

Chen Yang asked Wu Dayou.

This matter is what he cares about.

If those women could not be found, it would be in vain for him to kill Master Xie Ling and extinguish the Western Fire Sect.

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