Urban magic doctor

Chapter 1571 Entering the Palace to Meet the Saint

Looking at the scraps of paper on the ground, Hou Xiang's eyes widened with anger.

She is the proud daughter of the royal capital. Regardless of her beauty, talent, or family background, she is one of a kind. She is a woman who is admired by countless men.

Now, there are actually people who dare to say that they are not worthy of him!

Where does this ant-like figure get his confidence?


Hou Xiang snorted coldly and said to Chen Yang: "You are humble in strength, but you are so arrogant and don't take others seriously. I am a kind person and won't care about you. But if you meet someone else, I'm afraid you won't be so good. Good luck."

"I've always had good luck."

Chen Yang smiled disdainfully, took Qian Susu's hand and said, "Mother, let's go."

Qian Susu nodded and walked out with Chen Yang without looking back.

Watching them leave, Hou Xiang gritted his teeth in anger: "How dare you talk to me like this? He is only in the middle stage of pill formation, but he actually wants to marry me. He is just a toad who wants to eat swan meat. It is a wishful thinking."

Hou Boyi said coldly: "This family really doesn't know how to praise me. I gave them spiritual stones, but they are still too little. They are really incompetent."

The two chatted for a while, and Hou Xiang gradually calmed down and asked, "By the way, father, how was your conversation with the Third Prince?"

"Haha, are you anxious to get married?"

Hou Boyi joked and said: "You and His Highness the Crown Prince have been childhood sweethearts since childhood. Now I don't need to mention it, the third prince will bring you together. After all, in the entire Great Xia, you are the only one who is worthy of His Highness the Crown Prince."

Hou Xiang thought of the graceful Crown Prince, with a sweet smile on his face.

Hou Boyi said: "However, there is still a huge gap between you and His Highness. If you want to maintain your position in His Highness's heart, you still need to work hard."

Hou Xiang nodded: "Yes, father."

Chen Yang and Qian Susu walked home. Although Qian Susu felt very uncomfortable, she still remained calm and comforted Chen Yang: "Yang'er, don't be sad. If you don't have an engagement, you can still marry a wife. They will Home is nothing special.”

Chen Yang glanced at his mother and said with a smile: "Mom, don't worry, I actually have more than a dozen wives, and all of them are a hundred times better than Hou Xiang."

Qian Susu laughed dumbly and said, "You just know how to brag. How can you get so many wives with more than a dozen wives?"

Chen Yang smiled and said: "They all came with me from Diwu Star, but they are missing now. When I find them in the future, I will let them serve you well."

"The mouth is quite sweet, and the mother is just waiting to enjoy it."

Qian Susu felt better after hearing what Chen Yang said.

However, she was still a little worried and said, "Yang'er, you really don't mind if you can't marry Hou Xiang?"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "I just said that a woman like her is not worthy of me."

Qian Susu said: "She is the most outstanding girl in the royal capital. She is outstanding in appearance, family background, and talent. How can she not be worthy of you?"

Chen Yang shook his head: "Her character is not good."

"That's right."

Qian Susu nodded in agreement.

Before they knew it, the two of them were almost home.

At this time, looking from a distance, I saw several carriages parked in front of my house, all of them were magnificent, spacious, luxurious and very grand.

And the one pulling the carriage is not an ordinary horse, nor a fire-feathered horse, but a takin beast.

The takin beast is a monster that is more powerful than the fire feather horse.

In the Daxia Dynasty, only the royal family would use takin beasts to pull carriages, which was a symbol of status.

"This is the frame of the palace."

Qian Susu's eyes lit up and her face showed joy.

After all, Chen Yang is the crown prince. If he can get the support of the royal family, Chen Yang's achievements will definitely be higher in the future.

Therefore, Qian Susu was very happy to see the royal frame.

After the two people walked over, a general in armor said respectfully: "The Royal Forest Army has been ordered to come to pick up Princess Yinyang and His Highness the Crown Prince, and go to the palace to meet the saint."

"Thank you, General."

Qian Susu thanked her and pulled Chen Yang onto the leading vehicle.

Zhou Ying, who was standing at the door of her house, watched the car drive away, her face full of joy, as if she had seen that the Yang Palace was about to rise.

In the car, Qian Susu said to Chen Yang: "Yang'er, when your father was alive, your emperor's grandfather liked him the most. As the saying goes, you love a house and a bird. Now that you have returned to the royal capital, your emperor's grandfather will definitely take care of you."

Chen Yang smiled and was noncommittal.

He didn't have a good impression of Grandpa Huang, whom he had never met.

Over the past twenty years, Prince Yang's Mansion has been in such a state of decline that no one has cared about it, including Grandpa Huang, who loves Prince Yang.

If he had really meant it, Prince Yang's Mansion would not have been defeated, and Qian Susu would not have nearly died.

Perhaps this is how the royal family is ruthless.

Chen Yang sighed secretly in his heart and stopped thinking about it. He just waited to meet Grandpa Huang and then adapt to the situation.

He changed the topic and said: "By the way, mother, you said last time that my father was buried in the imperial mausoleum, and today we can go and pay homage."

Although there is a memorial tablet at home, to visit the tomb and pay homage, you still have to go to the tomb.

King Keyang was buried in the imperial mausoleum, and the imperial mausoleum was located in the palace.

In the towering tower located in the center of the palace, the kings of the Great Xia Dynasty are buried.

This custom made Chen Yang feel very strange.

He heard from his mother that this was a rule set by the founding king of the Great Xia Dynasty. All the kings of the royal family were buried in high towers.

When King Yang died that year, he was only a prince and did not even have a crown prince. However, the emperor specially ordered that he be buried in a high tower.

It can be seen from this that the emperor's love for King Yang is deep.

The tall tower where the tomb of King Yang is located has a very simple name: Huangling Tower.

After a while, the carriage entered the palace and stopped in front of a main hall.

After Chen Yang and Qian Susu got off the car, they were led into the palace.

The palace is wide and tall, with carved railings and jade walls. Guards with swords stand on both sides, making it solemn and solemn.

In front of the palace, an old man sat on a dragon chair, with more than a dozen middle-aged people standing beside him.

That old man is none other than the current king of Daxia, Chen Ao.

Chen Ao not only controls the entire Daxia Dynasty and is the most powerful person in Daxia, he is also a super strong man in the Zifu realm.

In opposition to the Wuxing star, if you want to hold power, you must have strength as the foundation.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to suppress others, and other strong people will be able to rebel easily.

The middle-aged men standing next to Chen Ao were the princes of the Great Xia Dynasty.

The person behind him was one of the most powerful people in the Great Xia Dynasty, the Third Prince Chen Hongyi.

He is also a strong man in the Purple Mansion Realm, but his strength is much inferior to Chen Ao.


At this time, seeing Chen Yang and Qian Susu walking into the palace, Chen Ao's eyes lit up and he couldn't hide his excitement.

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