Urban magic doctor

Chapter 1516 Taming

Seeing that Chen Yang wanted to tame the Ice Claw Swift Wolf, Mo Shanwen and the people from Anyang Rune Guild all looked bitter.

The little hope I had just now was completely shattered.

If you want to tame a demonic beast that has been tamed by others, and the demon-taming runes are imprinted on the body and blood of the demonic beast, it will be extremely difficult.

"It seems that he is an amateur."

Behind Mo Shanwen, an array master who was quite involved in taming monsters shook his head and sighed.

Chen Yang didn't care about everyone's suspicions and said impatiently to Fan Lishan: "President Fan, don't waste time, quickly order the ice claw wolf to come to the stage."

"Since you want to be embarrassed, then I'll let you do it."

Fan Lishan sneered and patted the crampon Swift Wolf lying in front of him.

The Ice Claw Swift Wolf glanced at Chen Yang with disdain in his eyes. Although he was reluctant, he still obeyed Fan Lishan's order and walked slowly onto the stage.

The Ice Claw Swift Wolf yawned, flopped down on the stage, and took a nap.

Even breathing sounded, and cold air spewed out from its nostrils. This display of ignoring Chen Yang caused the whole audience to burst into laughter.

However, Chen Yang was not disturbed by external objects, and the power of his spiritual consciousness exploded, and his right hand drew a beautiful arc in the void.

However, there is no Qi condensation rune.

He is sensing and trying.

Apart from the Elephant Rabbit, this was his first time taming a demon.

His spiritual power far exceeds that of the Ice Claw Swift Wolf, and he possesses superb demon taming runes. He has all the conditions and profound knowledge, all he needs to do is practice.

Before that, he had to ensure that the runes could be condensed at once, and then directly crush Fan Lishan's previous demon-taming runes, and take the Ice Claw Swift Wolf as his own.

However, when everyone saw that he had not even condensed the demon taming runes, the audience exploded.

"What happened? Where is he?"

"You can't even condense the demon taming rune, but you dare to take action. It's really ridiculous."

"This person is simply a lunatic. Ice Claw Swift Wolf has already concluded a demon taming contract with President Fan, but he still wants to tame it. This is completely nonsense."

Fan Lishan's face was full of ridicule, he cupped his hands towards Mo Shanwen from a distance, then gave a thumbs up and said: "Brilliant, it really opened my eyes."

Mo Shanwen didn't respond. He and the people in the Rune Guild all looked livid.

Many of them even began to blame Chen Yang.

"What he did was really embarrassing to us."

"President Mo, you were deceived by him. He doesn't know how to tame monsters."

The corners of Mo Shanwen's mouth twitched and he said coldly: "Shut up, everyone, maybe... Master Chen has his own plan."

After saying this, even Mo Shanwen himself didn't have the confidence.

Qiu Wanli glanced at the stage, but he was already thinking about where he would go after Anyang Rune Guild was disbanded.

Just when everyone was despising Chen Yang, a wave of energy came from the stage.

The energy fluctuations are so strong that it makes people tremble.

Everyone looked towards the stage and saw Chen Yang's right hand moving in the air, his fingertips condensing lines to form complex patterns that no one could understand.

He continued, the lines became more and more complex, and the energy fluctuations became more and more intense.

Gathering runes, has it started?

Fan Lishan's expression changed, he frowned and said to himself: "This is the demon taming rune? It's too complicated. Why have I never seen it before? I can't understand the mystery at all."

At this time, the whole place was silent.

Although everyone believed that a monster that had been tamed could no longer be tamed by Chen Yang.

But everyone can see that Chen Yang is not without ability.

Especially the people from the Rune Guild were shocked when they saw the extremely complicated runes.

The mystery of the runes, let alone understanding, is still dazzling even if you look at it a few times.

The Ice Claw Swift Wolf, who was lying lazily on the stage, also opened his eyes at this moment, staring at Chen Yang warily, with deep fear in his eyes.

After half an hour, Chen Yang stopped.

A circular rune half a meter in diameter, with complex lines like a maze, was suspended in front of him, glowing with dazzling light.


Chen Yang shouted in a deep voice and pressed forward with his palms.

The runes followed his movements and advanced towards the Ice Claw Swift Wolf.


The Iceclaw Swift Wolf let out a low howl and took a few steps back involuntarily.

As a monster, it instinctively senses the terror of the runes and has a strong suppressive force on itself, making it irresistible.

next moment.

Energy is like ripples, released from the Ice Claw Swift Wolf and swinging in all directions.

Wisps of scattered lines of true energy drifted with the ripples, gradually faded and dissipated in the air.

Most people can't see it, but anyone who knows a little bit about monster taming can understand that the combination of those lines is exactly Fan Lishan's monster taming rune just now.

"What, the demon taming rune is broken!"

Suddenly, both Anyang and the people from the Heling Rune Guild were shocked. They stood up and looked at the stage in disbelief.

It is not impossible to rob other people's tamed monsters.

But those are all legends. They have heard about it, but no one has seen it with their own eyes.

Fan Lishan was stunned, his mouth opened wide and speechless.

His runes fell apart in front of Chen Yang


Before anyone had time to think, the Iceclaw Swift Wolf on the stage, which had lost its demon-taming rune, regained its fury and let out an excited and ferocious wolf howl.

The terrifying demonic energy filled the air, making everyone in the audience tremble with fear.

Monsters are always monsters. As soon as they regained their freedom, the Ice Claw Swift Wolf opened its mouth and bit the nearest Chen Yang without hesitation.


Mo Shanwen exclaimed and quickly took action.

But then, he realized that his worries were unnecessary.

"Get down here."

Chen Yang shouted loudly, pressed his hands forward, and the demon taming rune suspended in the void suddenly pressed on the head of the Ice Claw Swift Wolf.


The Iceclaw Swift Wolf let out a ferocious howl and tried its best to resist, but seemed to have no strength and fell to the stage with a thud.

Its eyes were full of unwillingness, and it tried to stand up many times, but was unable to do so.

The runes lingered around the body of the Iceclaw Swift Wolf, soaked into the fur, and gradually disappeared, blending into the Iceclaw Swift Wolf's bloodline.

Chen Yang's back was already wet with sweat. Carving the complicated demon-taming rune consumed a lot of his consciousness.

But at this moment, it's not time to relax yet.

He took out the soul stone, held it in his palm, replenished his spiritual power, and continued to tame the Ice Claw Swift Wolf.

This process is easier than seal carving runes.

After half an hour, the demon-taming runes were completely integrated into the blood and consciousness of the Ice Claw Swift Wolf, leaving an indelible mark.

The Ice Claw Swift Wolf stopped resisting, lowered its proud head, and rested its head on Chen Yang's feet, expressing its submission to him.

The strong energy fluctuations dissipated instantly.

There was silence in the whole place, eyes fell on Chen Yang, each expression became more exciting than the last.

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