Urban magic doctor

Chapter 1483 Improved elixir recipe

Liao Zhengsong's mouth twitched, his face full of doubts, and his mind couldn't turn around. Is the Fire Thorn related to the refining of the Yuan Zhen Pill?

Before he could react, Chen Yang pointed at the recipe and said: "The weights of Blood Ganoderma, Purple Golden Grass, and Youhua Fruit have all been reduced by 20%. In addition, in the middle of the refining process, fire thorns are added, and then the firepower is immediately increased. "There is no need to add Thousand Needle Dew. This thing cannot enhance the properties of the medicine and will also destabilize it. It can only make the refined elixir look better. Other than that..."

Chen Yang spoke cracklingly, and Liao Zhengsong was already filled with questions.

It wasn't that he couldn't remember what Chen Yang said, but the content of what Chen Yang said was completely different from what he usually learned.

It was as if Chen Yang suddenly told him, 1+1=5, how is this possible?

What's more, the method of alchemy is very complicated. Yuanzhen Dan is a basic elixir that has been summarized for thousands of years. It has become almost perfect. How can anyone modify this elixir?

The person wearing the mask in front of me is not bragging, right?

"How about it? Do you remember what I just said?"

Just when Liao Zhengsong was at a loss, Chen Yang had already finished speaking.

Liao Zhengsong smiled dryly, nodded and said, "Remember."

Chen Yang said: "As long as you refine Yuan Zhen Dan according to my method, the success rate can be increased by at least 30%. You should have no problem passing the assessment of the alchemy apprentice."

"Increase the success rate by 30%!"

Liao Zhengsong looked surprised and felt incredible. He felt more and more that Chen Yang was bragging.

Since the elixir was created by an alchemist, there are naturally people who can perfect the elixir.

Liao Zhengsong has also heard about the deeds of improving alchemy formulas, but even those well-known alchemists can increase the probability by half, which is already very scary.

A direct increase of 30%, how is this possible?

Liao Zhengsong frowned and said, "Sir, are you sure this pill will work?"

Chen Yang smiled and said: "I know you are doubting the recipe I modified, but don't you have three chances? Try it then and you will know whether it is true or false. Come on, I hope you can pass the assessment."

Feeling the sincerity in Chen Yang's words, Liao Zhengsong didn't care whether the prescription was true or false, at least the other party's blessings were well-intentioned.

He cupped his hands and said seriously: "Thank you, sir!"

"Liao Zhengsong, what are you muttering about? Are you scared and looking for comfort?"

"Hahaha, a poor boy actually wants to become an alchemist. It's just a dream."

"Liao Zhengsong, as long as you leave the Rune Guild, you should know what will happen without the protection of the guild."

At this time, the dozen or so wealthy young men were sarcastic and sarcastic towards Liao Zhengsong.

The person who finally threatened was Wei Hu who broke Liao Zhengsong's dantian.

Wei Hu was obviously the leader of this group of people, he looked like he was showing off his power and was very arrogant.

Liao Zheng gritted his teeth tightly and said in a deep voice: "Wei Hu, don't bully others too much."

Wei Hu said disdainfully: "I just bullied others too much. What's wrong?"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Your name is Wei Hu, right?"

Wei Hu glanced sideways at Chen Yang and sneered: "What? Masked Man, do you want to get to know me?"

"Nothing, I just want to wish you pass the test of alchemy apprentice."

Chen Yang cupped his hands, his consciousness moved, and he attacked Wei Hu.

Wei Hu was feeling proud, but before he could recover, he suddenly felt his consciousness was impacted by some kind of force, and his head felt dizzy, as if he was about to lose consciousness.

Just when he was about to faint, he recovered. His forehead was covered with large beads of sweat. He felt that his consciousness was disordered and he could not control it freely.

"What's going on? What happened to my consciousness?"

Wei Hu was shocked.

The most important thing in refining alchemy is spiritual consciousness. Without the power of spiritual consciousness, there is no point in refining elixir.

Wei Hu quickly tried to sense the power of his spiritual consciousness, but found that whenever he used the power of his spiritual consciousness, his head would be in severe pain.

"how so?"

Wei Hu panicked. How could he pass the examination of an alchemy apprentice in this situation?

Just when he was panicking, his consciousness suddenly recovered.

"Damn, you almost scared me to death. It seems I played too late with Chunyan last night and I'm a little tired today."

Wei Hu calmed down, breathed a long sigh of relief, and didn't think much about it.

He looked at Liao Zhengsong with a mocking look and sneered: "After the assessment, you, the loser, will show your true colors."


The other young people laughed and did not notice Wei Hu's strange behavior just now.

At this time, a middle-aged man in black robe walked over.

He had a bronze badge on his chest. When they saw the badge, Liao Zhengsong and others' eyes lit up and they saluted respectfully: "Hello, Master Yao."


Alchemist Yao nodded lightly, glanced at Liao Zhengsong and others, walked towards the alchemy room, and said: "The materials have been prepared. I hope that this time, you will all pass the assessment of the alchemy apprentices smoothly."

Wei Hu said loudly: "Master Yao, we will work hard."

Master Yao glanced at Wei Hu with admiration in his eyes. Among these young people, Wei Hu was the one he looked up to the most.

In this alchemy apprenticeship assessment, only Wei Hu was a sure winner.

Everyone followed Alchemist Yao into the alchemy room. Su Ping was concerned about the situation and hurriedly chased after them.

Chen Yang thought it was fine anyway, so he might as well go in and take a look.

In the alchemy room, a fire was drawn from the ground and a fire pit was opened. The fire was burning brightly at the moment.

The method of controlling fire is similar to that in Taoyuan Lingdi. It also uses the opening and closing of the mechanism and the distance between the alchemy furnace and the flame to control it.

After entering the room, everyone participating in the assessment put away their thoughts and concentrated on the assessment.

This kind of assessment happens every three months, and Alchemist Yao has long been accustomed to it.

Under his auspices, the assessment went very quickly.

The first three people failed to refine the Yuan Zhen Pill, and all of them looked downcast, with expressions of disappointment on their faces.

The fourth person, during the third refining time, finally succeeded in refining a batch of elixir. He jumped up and trembled with excitement.

Even being an alchemy apprentice is of great significance to them.

This person received a black iron badge from Alchemist Yao and pinned it on his chest, representing his identity as an alchemy apprentice.

Having this badge means that from now on, he will be a member of the Rune Union.

Looking at the badge, everyone looked envious.

Five more people were tested one after another, and only one of them passed.

Then, it was Wei Hu's turn.

Wei Hu was full of confidence, walked out of the crowd, and walked to the edge of the ground fire with his head held high.

Alchemist Yao looked at Wei Hu, nodded and said: "Wei Hu, you must succeed in refining it the first time, otherwise, your family will spend a lot of money on you to practice alchemy."

"Don't worry, Master Yao, it can definitely be done."

Wei Hu nodded confidently, looked at the blazing earth fire, put down the alchemy cauldron, and began to refine the elixir.

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