Urban magic doctor

Chapter 1406 Bringing the Formation Home

After hearing Chen Yang's suggestion, Du Yifei did not make a decision for the entire family. Instead, he looked at everyone and saw that no one spoke. Then he said to Chen Yang: "The Du family has lived here for generations and does not want to leave. I plan to repair the castle. Stay here."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Everyone has his own ambitions, and I won't force him."

After saying that, he took out some elixirs and spirit stones and handed them to Du Yifei, saying: "You didn't help the tyrants and let my people go. Just now you even wanted to help me block Nangong Feiji and the two, which shows that you are kind-hearted. These things , to repay you."

"My benefactor, how can we..."

Du Yifei still wanted to refuse, but Chen Yang had already stuffed something into his hand.

Then, Chen Yang took out another bank card, handed it to Du Yifei, and said, "Master Du, your castle was destroyed because of me. You can use the money to build the castle."

Du Yifei looked at the bank cards, elixirs and other items in his hand, feeling very grateful to Chen Yang and thanked him one after another.

"I won't disturb you all and take my leave."

Chen Yang bowed his hands to everyone in the Du family, turned around and left.

But just as he turned around, Du Cheng's voice came from behind: "Chen Yang, wait a minute."

Chen Yang looked back at Du Cheng, smiled, and asked, "Is something wrong?"

Among the Du family members, Chen Yang had the most favorable impression of Du Cheng.

Du Cheng opened his mouth, looking like he was hesitating to speak, gritted his teeth, and then said: "Chen Yang, I... want to go to Hua Jin Kingdom with you, and I want to follow you."

After seeing Chen Yang's strength, Du Cheng has now been completely conquered by Chen Yang.

His tone was firm, and it was obvious that he had already thought through this decision.

Hearing this, everyone in the Du family was stunned.

They all know that Du Cheng is a simple man and likes a quiet and reclusive life. Why did he suddenly leave Chen Yang?

Chen Yang glanced at Du Cheng and guessed what he was thinking right away. He just didn't want anyone to bully him again in the future.

"OK, alright."

Chen Yang nodded and agreed to Du Cheng's request.

"Thank you Chen...Mr. Chen."

Du Cheng bowed to Chen Yang happily. He wanted to call him by his first name, but he felt that it was not respectful enough and calling him master made Chen Yang look old-fashioned, so he called him Mr. Chen.

Chen Yang said: "Du Cheng, you follow me. I don't have time to give you guidance, but I can give you some cultivation resources. As for what state you can reach in the end, it depends on yourself."

"Okay, Mr. Chen, I won't let you down."

Du Cheng nodded heavily, his eyes full of determination, and in his words, he seemed to think that he was Chen Yang's subordinate.

Seeing that Du Cheng was leaving, everyone in the Du family showed reluctant expressions.

Seeing this, Chen Yang said: "You should have something to say to Du Cheng. He will stay here for now and come to Qingyun Villa in three days."

After saying that, Chen Yang flew away.

Looking at his retreating back, Du Yifei said to his son solemnly: "Chen Yang is unfathomable and extremely talented. I am afraid there is no rival on the earth. Maybe in the future, he may go to the Wuxing Star. You follow him, indeed It’s a good choice.”

After Chen Yang returned to Qingyun Villa, he told everyone what happened. Everyone expressed sympathy for the Du family's experience.

Three days later, Du Cheng arrived at Qingyun Villa, and everyone welcomed his arrival.

He apologized to Su Zining, but Su Zining did not blame her, but enlightened him, which made Du Cheng like the atmosphere of Qingyun Villa even more.

Chen Yang settled Du Cheng in Qianzhuang, and then returned to his room.

"I have to go to the Martial Star, but there is something wrong with the teleportation array, which is a bit troublesome. I have to study and fix it as soon as possible."

Chen Yang fell into deep thought. In the "Book of Immortals and Demons", the chapter on the star teleportation array has not yet been opened, so if he wants to repair the teleportation array, he can only rely on his own exploration.

But fortunately, the teleportation array only has broken runes and is not missing, but it does know what the runes look like.

But in order to repair it, you need to understand the runes.

Even if you don't understand the entire teleportation array rune, you still have to understand that small part and then repair it.

The distance between the teleportation arrays between the stars is unknown. How can this teleportation array be underestimated? Even if it is only a small section, it is not so easy to comprehend.

However, Chen Yang has confidence in himself.

What he was worried about was that he couldn't always stay at the bottom of the sea and observe the teleportation array.

After thinking about it, he suddenly had an idea and said: "Since I can't stay at the bottom of the sea all the time, let's move the teleportation array to Qingyun Villa and meditate on it whenever I have time."

The most common Feng Shui array on earth is to set up various Feng Shui bureaus to induce Feng Shui.

The real spiritual formation generates corresponding power from runes.

The power of the formation comes from the formation runes.

Wherever the runes are, there is the formation.

The star teleportation array is carved on the seabed plain. If you directly pry the surface, it will not work, because it will destroy the runes.

However, if the entire underwater plain is dug out, the runes will naturally not be damaged.

Thinking of this, Chen Yang immediately contacted Long Ting.

Now Long Ting was in charge of the Southern Army. After hearing Chen Yang's request, he also felt embarrassed.

To dig out a stone with a radius of tens of meters from the seabed requires very high technology and is by no means an ordinary task.

"I will pay for it, and I will also contribute. When the time comes, the country will only need to help me protect the integrity of the stone, and then quietly transport it to Qingyun Villa."

Chen Yang put forward the conditions, and Nanjun agreed after hearing that he would take action.

It was not that the Southern Army was afraid that the stones would not be dug out, but that he was worried that the stones would be dug out, but Chen Yang said that there were very precious records on them, and if they were damaged, there would be no way to explain them to Chen Yang.

With Chen Yang there, he wouldn't have to worry.

Seven days later, Chen Yang worked hard and finally brought the star teleportation array to Qingyun Villa. He dug a hole behind the villa and put the star teleportation array inside.

In order not to be photographed by satellites, he also arranged a cloud and fog array on the top of the mountain, so that the area is covered with clouds and fog all year round and blocks the view.

"It's better now. It's just a small part of the damage. No matter how complicated it is, I'll be able to recover after a few months of meditation."

Chen Yang looked at the star teleportation array that he had moved to Qingyun Villa with a satisfied smile on his face.

If the people who rush to Wuxing knew that he actually took possession of this kind of teleportation array between the stars, they would be extremely surprised.

You know, the teleportation arrays on Chongwu Star and other stars in the Tianwu Star Region are all in the hands of the authorities, and no one can get involved.

"Chen Yang, what is this?"

"Isn't this a big formation? There are so many runes on it, it must be very powerful."

At this time, everyone in Qingyun came to observe the star teleportation array.

Chen Yang had explained the formation knowledge to everyone before, so now that they saw the star teleportation formation, they had some guesses.

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