Urban magic doctor

Chapter 1319 Yan'er reappears

Everyone looked at Chen Yang and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Chen Yang is dead and has turned into nothingness, not even a body. Nangong Yunmeng left a letter to him. Who will read it?

However, no one said anything and let Nangong Yunmeng do what he did.

She tore her sleeves, running her spiritual power through her fingertips, leaving written notes on her sleeves.

These words are invisible and can be seen as long as the spiritual power is activated.

After finishing writing, she handed her sleeve to Chrissie Chau: "Thank you."

After Chrissie Chau took it, she nodded and collected her sleeves solemnly.

Since it was a letter, she naturally wouldn't read it.

She respects Chen Yang and Nangong Yunmeng.

Seeing this, Chu Ningshan frowned and looked at Nangong Yunmeng. His fairy-like appearance immediately made her feel ashamed.

She thought to herself: "How could this proud woman fall in love with Chen Yang? She is simply blind."

At this time, she had forgotten that she had also fallen in love with Master Dongri and used various methods to win his favor.

"Let's go."

Seeing that Nangong Yunmeng finished explaining, Nangong Fengyin no longer stayed for a long time. With an order, his body rose into the sky and flew upward.

Everyone in Xiaoyao Pavilion followed suit.

Nangong Fengyin glanced at Nangong Yunmeng, who was flying beside him with a dull face but lonely eyes, and sighed: "Yunmeng, the small world has collapsed, and Chen Yang can't survive. What's the use of leaving him a message? "


Nangong Yunmeng seemed to be thinking about something. Hearing Nangong Feng's words, he was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Aunt Feng, I always feel that he will not die like this."

Nangong Fengyin said: "You should forget about him, otherwise it will definitely affect your will to practice. What's more, even if he is still alive, so what? You are not from the same planet at all."

Nangong Yunmeng said: "It's not like the lower star cannot reach the upper star. Maybe in the future, he will reach the Chongwu star?"

"Then he has to be alive."

Nangong Fengyin shook his head and said no more.

In her opinion, the small world collapsed and Chen Yang had not come out, so there was no possibility of survival.

As for Nangong Yunmeng, as time goes by, he will probably forget about Chen Yang.

After the people from Xiaoyao Pavilion left, Huang Zhengtao glanced at Dugu Haiye, cupped his hands and said, "We also say goodbye."

After speaking, he led the Taoyuan people away.

In the end, only Dugu Haiye and Chu Ningshan were left, and the atmosphere seemed a bit heavy.

Dugu Haiye glanced at Chu Ningshan and suddenly said: "Ningshan, I watched you grow up and know that you are kind-hearted and hate evil. You are not a real bad person."

"You and Li Yuhao colluded to attack Chen Yang. You were definitely bewitched by Li Yuhao and lost your mind for a moment."

"I believe you will regret it later and have the intention to repent."

"But I still have to report this matter to the head brother and let him make a decision."

"But don't worry, the head brother will definitely understand you, and I will also help you put in good words to persuade the head brother."

Although he had listened to Chen Yang's recording, Dugu Haiye still defended Chu Ningshan in his heart.

"Elder Dugu, I know I was wrong."

Chu Ningshan had a sad look on her face, looking pitiful and endearing.

Seeing this, Dugu Haiye became even more soft-hearted.

"It doesn't matter, Ning Shan, you still have a chance to change."

He sighed, turned around and looked above Chi You's tomb, and said, "Let's go."

As soon as the words were spoken, there was the sound of a sword piercing the air behind him.

Dugu Haiye's heart skipped a beat. Unprepared, he tried to escape, but it was already too late.


The blade passed through his back and pierced his heart.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, his eyes filled with resentment, and he suddenly struck back with his backhand.

However, Chu Ningshan behind him would not give him a chance to fight back.

Swish, brush, brush...

The blade stirred, instantly crushing Dugu Haiye's heart into pieces. His movements paused, and his whole body hung limply on Chu Ningshan's sword.


Chu Ningshan snorted coldly and kicked Dugu Haiye out. The latter fell to the ground on his back, his eyes widened, and his face was filled with horror and anger.

His eyes seemed to be asking why Chu Ningshan took action.

"Elder Dugu, don't blame me!"

"Master, he hates Tianmo Dao. If he knows that I am colluding with Li Yuhao, I will not be able to live an ordinary life, let alone become the future leader."

"So, you must die."

Chu Ningshan's eyes were indifferent. She walked over, lifted up Dugu Haiye's body, flew upwards in the air, and sneered: "You can still be of some use after you die, so you have used everything to its full potential."

Everyone had left, and the huge space seemed empty and dead.

At this moment, in a strange space, Chen Yang fell into a deep sleep.

This space is less than ten square meters. The floor is paved with bluestone slabs and is surrounded by dark, flat walls. It looks ordinary.

However, in the center of the space, a long bow was suspended.

The bow was about 1.5 meters tall. The arms were neither thick nor thin, and could be held in one hand.

The shape of the bow body is not gorgeous, it is completely black with dark red lines on it, like small rivers flowing through the bow body.

The two ends of the long bow are slightly upturned, and the top is sharp, like the tip of a spear.

The bowstring was fiery red and stretched straight, with flames lingering on it, giving it a very heavy feeling, as if it was impossible to pull the bowstring.

At this time, there was a faint black and red aura on the long bow, connected with Chen Yang, lingering between the long bow and Chen Yang's body.

Chen Yang had no reaction at all to everything outside.

Since falling into the whirlpool, he has fallen into a deep sleep.

Half a month has passed since I slept.

The black-red aura was getting thicker and thicker, covering Chen Yang's entire body, making him invisible.

Suddenly, the black and red aura suddenly pulled away and condensed next to the long bow.

Gradually, the black and red aura condensed into a human form, and gradually transformed, and finally completely transformed into a human being.

If Chen Yang wakes up, he will find out.

This human being was the only little girl he had seen in Jiantai Village who was not in a loop, Yan'er with pigtails.

Yan'er looked at Chen Yang, her eyes full of thinking.

After being silent for a long time, she walked to Chen Yang, knelt down, and poked Chen Yang's forehead. Seeing that the latter did not wake up, she murmured: "This person's strength is not as good as that monster Chi You back then." There are so many, they can’t even compare to one of other people’s fingers. But, why can he enter here and see me?”

"Moreover, I completely closed the space, and he can come in here. It's really weird. What's so special about him?"

"It's a pity that after so many years, I have only gathered a little bit of spiritual consciousness, and I have been sleeping here. I haven't had many contacts with people from the outside world. I understand too little and can't understand him at all."

"But...he gives me a very friendly feeling."

"It's like we are all born from heaven and earth and have the same qualities."

"Could it be that he is also a secret treasure of the Star Realm?"

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