Urban magic doctor

Chapter 112 Divine Needle

Neither Chen Yang nor Ye Yiqing expected that they would form such an awkward posture in order to avoid the speeding truck.

Ye Yiqing broke away from Chen Yang's arms and stood up quickly. Because of the close contact just now, her face was a little red, with an embarrassed look on her face. She wanted to blame Chen Yang, but she was embarrassed. After all, it was Chen Yang who saved her just now. she.

"Where's the big truck?"

Chen Yang didn't think much about it. He turned around and saw that the large truck failed to hit them, but hit the street lamp on the side of the road. The street lamp collapsed, crushing the cab, and the lamp head suddenly collapsed. It turned on and off, making a sizzling sound of electricity. White smoke was emitting from the head of the truck, causing serious damage.

"Asshole, driving like this is a waste of human life."

Ye Yiqing came back to her senses and was filled with anger towards the truck driver. She quickly ran towards the large truck, wanting to drag the heinous driver out of the cab and beat him up.

But at this moment, the large truck suddenly backed up. After dodging the blocking street lights, the truck drove onto the road and drove forward, trying to escape.

"hit and run!"

Ye Yiqing glared and hurriedly chased after him, shouting at the big truck: "Stop the car!"

Her voice sounded particularly loud on the empty street at night, but the truck in front seemed not to hear her and continued to speed forward.


Cursing secretly, Ye Yiqing sped up and ran, but how could she pass the truck quickly? She was so angry that she gritted her teeth and had to stop.

Chen Yang walked to Ye Yiqing's side, looked at the large truck that was getting away, and said thoughtfully: "He won't stop. He didn't drive here just now because he was drunk, nor was the car broken down. His purpose was, He just wants to kill us."

The truck rushed over very quickly, but Chen Yang still saw the driver in the driver's seat, a foreigner with blond hair and blue eyes.

This man was wearing a baseball cap and had an indifferent expression on his face. He didn't think there was anything wrong with killing two people with his car.

And there was cold murderous intent in his eyes. This kind of person can only have one identity.


The killer's target was obviously not Ye Yiqing, but Chen Yang. This made Chen Yang a little interested. He must find out who was behind the scenes.

And all those who want to kill him will pay a heavy price.

"What, you mean the truck drove over just now and it was murder?!"

After hearing what Chen Yang said, Ye Yiqing exclaimed and lost her voice. Thinking that the large truck had just accelerated and rushed over, even knocking off the railing, she immediately confirmed Chen Yang's statement.

"Quick, catch up."

Ye Yiqing shouted quickly, pretending to chase the big truck.

Chen Yang grabbed Ye Yiqing and frowned: "I mean beauty, can you catch up with him while running?"

"Don't you have a bicycle?"

Ye Yiqing pursed her lips and pointed at the bicycle behind the two of them. Her eyelids twitched, and she realized that the 28-bar had just slid across the ground. Under the violent friction, the entire frame had deformed, making it impossible to ride.

However, even if it can be ridden, can this broken car catch up with a truck?

"What should we do now?"

Seeing the big truck getting further and further away, Ye Yiqing frowned. Since the other party wanted to murder them, she was absolutely not willing to just watch the other party escape like this.

Chen Yang took out the silver needle and said with a smile: "Look at me."

Ye Yiqing looked confused, what can the silver needle do?

At this time, Chen Yang waved his hand and threw out a burst of silver needles.

The metallic light flashed away, and only a bang was heard. The right rear tire of the large truck in the distance burst, and the rear of the truck swung violently.

"You...you are too awesome!"

Ye Yiqing opened her eyes wide and couldn't believe what she saw. Chen Yang was still four hundred meters away from the truck. From such a long distance, a silver needle could hit the target directly. She was sure that he was not gone. Shit luck?

Surprised, Ye Yiqing ran towards the big truck excitedly, but as soon as she took two steps, she saw that the big truck was controlled by the driver. Even though the right rear wheel was flat, it was still moving forward without any speed at all. slow down.

Another silver needle shot over, this time hitting the left rear wheel of the large truck. After the tire burst, the truck swung violently and began to take an S-shaped route. Obviously after two tires burst, it was difficult for the driver to move the truck again. Take control.

Just then, whoosh, the silver needle shot out again.

This time, Chen Yang actually hit the tire when the left front wheel was exposed during the S-shaped movement of the truck.

There was a loud bang, a wheel burst, and the truck that was originally taking the S route completely lost control. With a bang, it rolled over and slid forward, making a crunching sound when it rubbed against the ground, which was very harsh in the silent night.

Ye Yiqing was already stunned, and only two words flashed in her mind, magic needle!

Before he could recover, Chen Yang quickly ran towards the overturned truck and said, "Stay here and don't move."

do not move? I am a chivalrous and righteous heroine. If you ask me to stay here and not move, you should stay still. Of course, this kind of thing should be left to me to solve.

Ye Yiqing glared at Chen Yang's back with dissatisfaction, used her speed to the extreme, and chased forward.

But she discovered that Chen Yang had already rushed to the side of the truck in the blink of an eye, but she had just started. The speed of the two was completely different.

Ye Yiqing ran forward and thought to herself: "What kind of monster is this guy? Is he capable of decathlon?"

At this time, Chen Yang had already rushed to the side of the truck, and happened to see a head sticking out of the upward door. He recognized the black hat as the driver's hat.

He moved, jumped onto the overturned truck, and without saying a word, stepped on the hat.

However, his foot missed the mark, and his hat fell lightly into the cab.

It turned out that the hat was held up by an iron rod and there was no one in the cab. This was just a deception.

However, seeing this scene, Chen Yang didn't show any surprise on his face. Instead, he raised his eyebrows, raised a teasing smile on his lips, and kicked him in the back.

At the same time, a figure jumped out of the overturned truck compartment and wanted to sneak attack Chen Yang.

In an instant, Chen Yang's seemingly random kick hit the attacker firmly. Without any precaution, the attacker flew out of the truck and rolled into the truck compartment.

This person is the killer who just drove into Chen Yang.

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