Urban magic doctor

Chapter 1112 Joint Law Enforcement Team

As the man spoke, he took out a book with a colorful cover from behind and shook it at Chen Yang.


Chen Yang took a closer look and couldn't help but laugh. The impurity in the man's hand was the famous "Playboy".

But he took a look at the issue number and saw that it was already more than ten years ago.

When the man saw that Chen Yang was silent, he winked and asked, "Do you want it? Brother, please say something."

Chen Yang looked at the man and saw that he had a slippery appearance. He should be a slick merchant at the bottom of He Town. This kind of person should have a better understanding of the situation in He Town.

He threw a tael of silver over and said, "It's a good thing, but I don't want it anymore. Please answer me a few questions."

The man looked at the silver in his hand, his eyes lit up, and he bowed his hand to Chen Yang: "Uncle, you have asked the right person. In this Hezhen, even if someone's cockroach gave birth to a child, I, Luo Bing, would not know about it. Yes. If you want to know anything, just ask. I know everything and can tell you everything."

Chen Yang said: "I heard that He Ting of the He family wants to force He Sui, the most beautiful woman of the He family, to be a concubine. What is the current situation about this matter?"

Speaking of this matter, Luo Bing immediately became excited and said: "This matter is really strange. He Sui is the most beautiful woman in He Town, and He Ting is the most talented person in Taoyuan. The two of them are a perfect match together. But He Sui is from a bad background, so it would be great to be He Ting's concubine, but who knows that He Sui doesn't like He Ting and resists again and again."

"Originally, as He Sui, she was just a descendant of a servant of the He family. She had no choice at all. In the end, she could only become He Ting's concubine. But some time ago, the unappreciated second young master of the He family, He Wei, advanced In the Consecrated Light Realm, he didn't know where his tendons were connected in the wrong way, so he stood up to help He Sui, which made He Ting furious."

"He Ting had always looked down on He Wei. Seeing that He Wei dared to confront him, the two brothers had a big quarrel and almost started fighting. Then the old man of the He family came forward and calmed them down. The old man of the He family also praised He A few words from Wei, saying that he is a late bloomer and his future achievements will not be worse than those of He He Ting."

"It seems that He Wei had an unexpected encounter, which made him advance rapidly and gain the attention of the He family again. Because of this, Mr. He helped He Wei to speak up and asked He Ting to suspend the matter of taking He Sui as his concubine. In this way, all the time He Ting, the proud son of the He family, was of course not happy. In a rage, he killed two servants to vent his anger. This shows how much he hates his second brother He Wei."

After listening to Luo Bing's story, Chen Yang thought that when he asked He Wei to help, he did indeed break his promise.

Chen Yang threw another tael of silver to Luo Bing and asked, "Then, what's going on with the Hesui incident now?"

Luo Bing put away the money, smiled and said: "Now the He Mansion has set a date. After the Taoyuan Martial Arts Competition, He Ting will take He Sui as his concubine."

Upon hearing this, Chen Yang frowned and said doubtfully: "Strange, didn't you just say that with He Wei protecting He Sui, the matter of taking concubines was postponed? How come the date was suddenly set? .”

Luo Bing pinched his chin and muttered: "I also find this strange. Ordinarily He Wei has a strong attitude and shows good talent. The He family should not let He Ting take a concubine regardless of his attitude. However, I heard from people in the He Mansion that He Wei seemed to be in seclusion, so He Ting took this opportunity to forcefully take a concubine."

"Although He Wei has also risen, He Ting is the number one genius of the He family after all. Everyone in the He family will turn a blind eye and let He Ting take concubines. When the time comes, when He Wei comes out of seclusion, He Ting will Ting He and He Sui cooked the raw rice, and He Wei had nothing to do."

Luo Bing's words made sense, but Chen Yang always felt that things were a little weird.

At this moment, several men in smart clothes walked over, pointed at Luo Bing beside Chen Yang, and shouted: "Operating without a license, you are looking for death, kid."

"I didn't pay the stall fee, but I dare to sell things here."

"Catch it back!"

Several men came around fiercely. Luo Bing looked frightened. He took out the money he had and handed it to a leader, saying: "Brother He Wu, this is to honor you."

"You know the truth."

Brother He Wu weighed the money in his hand, snatched the "Playboy" from Luo Bing's hand, and shouted to the person behind him: "Let's go."

A group of men came and went in a hurry, and then left in a swaggering manner.

Looking at their backs, Chen Yang wondered: "Luo Bing, what do these guys do?"

Luo Bing glared at the backs of the group of people with disgust and said depressedly: "They are just a bunch of bastards who eat meat but don't spit out bones. They are the joint law enforcement team of Hezhen!"

"Joint Law Enforcement Team?"

Chen Yang laughed, he didn't expect Taoyuan to have such a thing.

Luo Bing explained: "The messy joint law enforcement of various departments is all caused by He Ting. These guys didn't get much done, but they got a lot of benefits."

After looking at the people coming and going, Luo Bing said to Chen Yang, "I won't tell you anymore. I have to continue to attract business. Those movies now have a huge impact on my picture album."

After saying that, Luo Bing slipped into the darkness of the alleyway, quickly took out a few copies of "Playboy", observed the passers-by, and determined the sales target.

Chen Yang stopped staying and turned to leave.

"After the Taoyuan Conference, He Ting will take a concubine. I must stop this. It's getting late now. I'll find a way to meet He Sui and Lao Wei tomorrow to understand the situation and then make plans."

Chen Yang thought about it, and after asking passers-by, he walked towards Fenglai Inn.

At the Taoyuan Conference, people from Hezhen, Huangzhen, Xuanzhen, Caozhen, and Zhouzhen gathered together in large numbers, and the He family's reception work was under great pressure.

For convenience, they arranged for people from the other four towns to live in different places.

The Xuan family, the Zhou family, and the He family were on good terms, so all the people from Xuan Town and Zhou Town were accommodated in the other courtyard of the He Mansion.

The Cao family originally had good relations with the Huang family, but because the Huang family helped Chen Yang last time, the Five Monsters of Taoyuan killed the Huang family again. Now the Huang family is also approaching the He family. This time, the people from Cao Town have also moved into the He family. Other courtyard.

In the past, He Zhen and Huang Zhen stayed together at Feng Lai Inn, but this time, only people from Huang Zhen lived here.

People from the Huang Mansion live on the third floor.

Other people with different surnames from Huangzhen live below the second floor.

At this moment, in the elegant room on the third floor, Qiu Renzhi was sitting at the top, and Huang Shuhao, Huang Jianlian, Fu Tingpeng and other six people were sitting around him.

"Master Qiu, we originally planned to go back and thank you after the Taoyuan Conference. But we didn't expect to meet you here. I must toast you with this glass of wine today!"

Huang Shuhao stood up and picked up the wine glass.

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