Urban magic doctor

Chapter 1092 Gravekeeper

After waiting at the school gate for a while, Tao Xiaotong arrived.

After Chen Yang told Tao Xiaotong what had happened, the two stayed in the hotel for one night and set out for Tingfang Town early the next morning.

Tingfang Town is located in the suburbs of Quyang, with a relatively remote location in a mountainous area.

After arriving at the market in Tingfang Town, Chen Yang wanted to continue to Beilin Village where the tomb was located, but there was no road and he could only get off the car and walk.

After having lunch at the market, Chen Yang and Tao Xiaotong walked towards the mountain.

Both of them are practitioners, so climbing the mountain is not tiring for them.

Soon, they arrived at Beilin Village.

Although it is relatively poor here, girls in floral sweaters are dancing with rubber bands on the roadside, and boys with dark faces are chasing big yellow dogs. This place has a pastoral and leisurely comfort.

The map given by Wei Ji marked the tomb behind a family named Yu. If he wanted to enter the tomb, Chen Yang had to first find the family named Yu.

Chen Yang stopped a middle-aged man carrying a pole and said with a smile: "Uncle, excuse me, I would like to ask if there is a family named Yu in Beilin Village?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man's expression changed slightly and he waved his hands quickly: "I don't know."

After saying that, he picked up the pole and left.

Chen Yang asked several people in succession, but as soon as he heard about the Yu family, people seemed to change their minds and left quickly without saying anything.

"It seems that this Yu family is a bit weird, and everyone in the village seems to be afraid of them."

Chen Yang thought for a moment, stopped a little boy who was chasing and fighting, took out a candy, and said: "Kid, my brother wants to ask you a question. If you answer the question, this candy will be yours."

The little boy's eyes were bright and he nodded: "Okay."

Chen Yang asked: "Is there a family named Yu in your Beilin Village?"

"Yes." The child nodded, stretched out his dirty hand and said, "Brother, give me candy."

Chen Yang put the candy in the child's palm, took out another bag of candy, and said with a smile: "Kid, if you can take your brother to Yu's house, this bag of candy will be yours."

Looking at the bag of candies, the little boy drooled, but he hesitated for a while before agreeing: "I can take you there, but don't tell me... Ouch! Mom, why are you here. "

Before the little boy finished speaking, a young woman in a floral shirt grabbed the little boy's ears and said angrily: "You don't want to live anymore, but you actually want to take them to find the tombkeeper. Don't you think you have a long life? Follow me quickly." I go home!"


Could it be that that tomb was not discovered by Wei Ji, but that someone had already been there to guard the tomb?

Hearing the young woman's words, Chen Yang felt doubtful.

Seeing the young woman pulling the little boy's ear and walking away, Chen Yang quickly followed and said: "This... big sister, I would like to ask, what is going on with the tomb keeper?"

"Did you come from outside?"

The young woman stopped, looked at Chen Yang, hesitated, and said: "I advise you, it is best not to inquire about the Yu family's affairs, and do not go to the Yu family. Several people went to the Yu family last month, and now they are still He didn’t come out of the Yu family. That family is very weird, and we in Beilin Village don’t even want to get close to the Yu family within a hundred meters.”

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's going on? Is it possible that the Yu family is haunted?"

"If you have any questions, go to the village chief."

The young woman shook her head and did not want to mention the Yu family's affairs, so she quickly took the child and left.

"Wait a minute, I'll give you this bag of candies."

Chen Yang called out, and when the young woman turned around, he put the candy into the young woman's hand.

The young woman was stunned for a moment, then pointed to the road ahead and said: "Turn right just ahead of the village chief's house. If you have any questions, go to the village chief and ask. But I remind you, never go to Yu's house."

"Got it, thank you."

Chen Yang thanked him, pulled Tao Xiaotong and walked towards the village committee.

The houses in the village committee are better built than other private houses, but they are also in disrepair and have tattered bricks and tiles.

There is a sign with black characters on a white background hanging at the door, which reads "Beilin Village".

Tao Xiaotong blinked, thinking of the strange expression of the young woman just now, she whispered to Chen Yang: "Brother, there won't be any ghosts in the Yu family, right?"

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